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Timeline: 1990-1999

January 1990 Scugog Township lost its only Provincial Court after suitable space in Port Perry could not be found. The Havelock to Toronto VIA Rail Line was one of several commuter routes axed by the federal Conservative government. Passengers took their last ride home from the city on Friday, Jan. 12. Port Perry lawyer Bryan Davies has been appointed to the Durham College Board of Governors. His three year term on the board began Jan. 1, 1990. Regional planners have estimated that Durham's population will double to 800,000 by the year 2021. Catholic elementary school teachers ended their one month work-to-rule campaign after ratifying a two-year collective agreement. Under the new agreement, teachers received a 6.1 per cent wage increase and fewer students per teacher. Scugog Township council passed a bylaw to appoint wardens of the Port Perry Snowmobile Club as assistant bylaw enforcement officers for the township. February 1990 Construction of an $8 million expansion to Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry was delayed six month, due to changes in provincial policy. The number of people in Durham Region with AIDS jumps significantly. After 35 years in business, Howard Hall closed his furniture and appliance business 'House of Howard'. A man and his three children were pulled from the water by snowmobilers after their car plunged through the ice. Plans by the Scugog Soccer Club to build a clubhouse was delayed when a government grant was turned down. Lorne Street resident, Eva Davidge, celebrated her 100th birthday on Feb. 10. A 1989 finance report states salaries for Durham Region's 32 councillors totalled $620,500. March 1990 Scugog Township may not be able to afford any new road construction projects this year because of budget constraints. Council usually spends about $400,000 on road construction work in the course of a year. Port Perry High School graduate (1960) Dr. Vladimir Hachinski is the first recipient of the Trillium Clinical Scientist Award. The award carries a $250,000 research grant. After 12 years administrator of Scugog Community Care, Elizabeth Fulford is leaving to become executive director of the Durham Region Community Care. A ratepayers group, Citizens Against Unjustified Taxes, told Scugog Township council that taxes should not be raised higher than the inflation rate. They also opposed a new township office and recreational facilities. The Port Perry MoJacks hockey club won the Central Ontario Junior C League Championships. Scugog Township roads and a section of Highway 7A suffered major damage in the worst flooding in 15 years. The Nestleton Community Hall committee turned down a request to use the basement of the hall as part of a proposed Catholic elementary school. The Ontario Fire Marshal recommended Scugog Twp. have one Fire Chief to oversee the operations of fire halls in Port Perry and Caesarea. April 1990 Property taxes for local government rose 7.9 per cent this year. In dollars that means an additional $8 in local taxes for each $1,000 of assessment on a residence. An April Fool's story on Scugog Township going bilingual had many people up in arms. Port Perry Star office staffers fielded call after call from angry township residents who hadn't read the entire story and didn't realize it was a joke. Work is expected to start this summer on a new $200,000 animal control centre. The centre will be located on township owned land on Regional Road 8. Intense residential development on the outskirts of Port Perry has been put on hold until 1994 or when a sewage treatment plant can be built to increase the capacity of the lagoon cell system. Ward 4 (Cartwright) residents crowded into the Scugog Township council chambers with a proposal for a new regulation size ice arena for Blackstock. The dump deal between Durham Region and Metro Toronto was scrapped. Durham MP Ross Stevenson spoke to about 60 Chamber of Commerce members about the Goods and Service Tax. Film star Bernadette Peters was in Port Perry filming a made-for-television movie. "The Last Best Year," which also stars Mary Tyler Moore. The Pearce Novice captured an OMHA championship. They were the only Port Perry team to accomplish this feat during the 1989-90 season. May 1990 About 40 per cent of the Port Perry Business Improvement Area (BIA) members opposed proposed change which would set minimum and maximum tax levels for members. The Ministry of Education earmarked $200,000 for the purchase of a site and $3 million for the construction of a new Catholic school in Scugog Township in 1993. "C'mon Geese," a video produced and directed by Bill Lishman won the prestigious Gold Apple Award at the U.S. Educational Film and Video Festival. The Blackstock Arena passed a structural inspection. The building has received certification for another three years. Scugog Township council received a report stating that building a multi-use recreational facility would cost between $6.5 and $7.5 million. The study concludes that construction and operating costs are within the township's ability. Dr. Tom Millar resigned as musical director of the Scugog Choral Society to devote more time to the Millar Lights, a children's theatrical group he founded with his wife Catherine. J.D. Rodway and Jennifer Blanchard were crowned King and Queen at the Port Perry High School 'At Home' . Greenbank residents served by the municipal water system are being asked to restrict their water use this summer in hopes of avoiding another water outage. Port Perry native Clair Cornish was a team member of the Memorial Cup winning Oshawa Generals. June 1990 The provincial agriculture ministry will be closing its two offices in Bowmanville and Uxbridge and moving to a new location in the Port Perry area. The 21st annual Canoe the Nonquon Race was a splashing success with over 70 canoes entered. Bill Brock and Doreen Kendall took forever to finish the race but raised over $3,000 for the museum. About 40 S.A. Cawker Public School students were sent home because of a large incidence of head lice. Robert Baird was the winner of the first ever Scugog Triathlon. The event featured canoeing, cycling and running. Mr. Baird finished with a time of 1:02:22. Council agreed to change the name of Ghost Road to Mississauga Lane after several residents from the area petitioned the council. Scugog Township council supported the BIA minimum-maximum bylaw which set limits for members to pay no more than 10 per cent and no less than one half of a per cent of the budget. Author W.H. Bill Graham received the Ontario Historical Society's Fred Landon Award for his book "Greenbank: Country Matters in 19th Century Ontario." After a three-year delay plans for a major expansion at Community Memorial Hospital are back on track. Health minister Elinor Caplan announced that $2.4 million in provincial money has been allocated for the expansion. July 1990 A guilty verdict was handed down in the Ghost Road murder trial. Gary Newman of Ajax was found guilty of second degree murder in the death of Alfred Meitner. Meitner's body was found in October of 1989, in a field along Ghost Road. Scugog's new Information Tourist Booth opened for business this month located at the waterfront ball diamond snack bar. A father and son were found safely adrift in their boat after it was reported they had not returned from a fishing trip on Lake Scugog. The pair spent the night in their boat after having motor problems. Scugog hired a part-time bylaw officer to take vigorous action and to prosecute those who discard garbage on township property and road allowances. The OV Pro Bass Port Perry Open attracted 150 two-man teams competing for $45,000 in cash and prizes. Peter Davidson of Port Perry, and his partner Hector Peach of Toronto took top honors. More than 300 Model-T Fords rolled into town, the largest tour in the history of the club which was celebrating their 34th annual tour. August 1990 The Mississauga's of Scugog First Nation issued a statement of support for the Oka Mohawks who are involved in a bitter land dispute. A Japanese film crew was in town to film Ghost Road and the Murray House as part of a television documentary on weird phenomenons. Bill Lishman was ordered by the Canadian Wildlife Services to give up his Canada Geese. Township council amended its littering bylaw to increase the minimum fine to $1,000 up from the previous $250. Lieutenant Governor Lincoln Alexander was on hand to open the 125th annual Blackstock Fair. September 1990 NDP Gord Mills pulled out the victory in the election squeaking by PC Kirk Kemp by an unofficial seven votes. Jason Pascoe, 17, of Scugog was the top Canadian competitor at the Young Riders Championships held in Bromont, Quebec. Arthur Edmonds of Port Perry celebrated his 100th birthday with family at the Port Perry Community Nursing Home. Two sites within Ward 4 of Scugog Township were selected as candidate sites for a long-term garbage dump. The Port Perry BIA made a proposal to generate more parking spaces in the downtown core by adding 30 spots behind Brocks Department Store, by levelling the land, and tearing down old fences. The school year began with 4,020 students enrolled in local public schools. October 1990 An information meeting, designed to explain site selections of two candidate landfill locations in Ward 4 was disrupted by over 700 angry ratepayers. For the first time ever, Scugog Township announced it was providing a limited curbside leaf collection pickup. Scugog Shores Museum held its annual Fall Harvest, complete with authentic circa 1812 uniforms, and demonstrations of muskets. Country Style Donuts of Port Perry, owned by Ken and Gary Carruthers, was named number one in the country out of 156 stores in 1990. The Port Perry shop is the second biggest in Canada averaging 42,000 customers each month. Firefighters from Scugog Hall 1 left for Seminole, Florida to test their extrication methods with the best in the world. Three members of the Scugog Fire Department were honored with service medals this month. Chief Jack Cook, for 31 years service. Charlie Lown Deputy Chief for 31 years service, and Bill Harrison, Captain, for 27 years of service. A vandalism spree in Port Perry totalled over $60,000 in damage to cars, driveway lamps, and a construction shed that was set on fire. Lang Cope, a local businessman developed a promotion to help consumers fight the new Goods & Service Tax. Local businesses distributed GST coupons to consumers and the coupons could be used against the GST for three months. A Toronto television show 'W5' was in Scugog Township to film the Ghost Road, and claimed to have solved the mystery. November 1990 The search for two missing teenage girls, Julie Stanton, and Elizabeth Bain moved into Scugog Township. About 80 volunteers searched ditches, brush, and wooded areas along township roads. Over 200 people attended a memorial service for entertainer Craig Russell, a nephew of Mayor Howard Hall. Scugog Township shelved the recreation centre plans for five years. It will be 1995 at least before the town is able to make any decision on whether to proceed with new recreation facilities like a swimming pool or second ice pad. The Port Perry Star commenced its 125th year of publication with a new logo incorporated into the masthead. The Durham Board of Education has placed three projects for Scugog Township in its five year capital forecast. Cartwright and Port Perry High Schools held their commencement exercises this month. Vicky Newsome, and Mike Toye were the valedictorians for the two schools. December 1990 Scugog Township became the focal point of an intensive search for the body of Elizabeth Bain. More than 100 searchers were out in the wooded areas, swamps and fields along the lake. A team of 18 divers worked in Lake Scugog and in numerous small ponds in the area. The suggestion of an open air ice rink on Lake Scugog was warmly greeted by members of Scugog Township council. The Toxic Taxi arrived in Scugog for the months of December and January to pick up household hazardous wastes. The Scugog Transfer Station opened, complete with three dumpsters for household waste, and one each for newspapers, cardboard and scrap metal. Gail Sheridan was named interim curator for the Scugog Shores Museum effective Jan. 2 following the resignation of Mary Lynn Williamson.

January 1991 A mild spell has delayed the official opening of the Open Air Ice Palace skating rink on Lake Scugog. Charlie Green, a Durham Region Police sergeant, reported that more than 1,300 vehicles were stopped in Port Perry by the RIDE unit during the December sweep and no charges were laid for impaired driving. Two Scugog Township men were rescued by firefighters after their snowmobile went into open water on Lake Scugog. The Scugog Township roads department will be putting less sand and salt on local roads this winter in an effort to save money. The Open Air Ice Palace opened with more than 4,200 people lacing up to skate on one of the largest outdoor skating rinks in the province. Plans to open a training centre in the township for heavy equipment operators was greeted warmly by Scugog Township council. Two area women started a yellow ribbon campaign in Scugog Township in support of the Canadian troops stationed in the Persian Gulf. The 9-1-1 emergency response system is scheduled to start operations in May. To Prepare for the system, many roads in Scugog Township will have to be re-named. February 1991 Durham's Secondary School teachers voted 85 per cent in favor of a new contract offer from the Board of Education. The contract calls for a 7.6 per cent increase in wages the first year. Automotive parts maker Johnson Controls announced it will be closing the doors of its Port Perry plant throwing 280 employees out of work. The plant is scheduled to cease operations by April 15, 1991. A Township man was charged for storing over 5,000 old tires on a Scugog Island farm. Firefighters from the Caesarea Hall purchased special equipment and an inflatable craft to be used in ice rescues on Lake Scugog. After a lengthy debate, public school board trustees voted 9-8 against installing condom machines in Durham Region high schools. Cartwright High School selected Jill VanCamp as Heart Queen. First princess was Kirsten Johansen. Local Scout leaders were angered after several flags and banners were stolen during the night as the Scouts held their winter camp-out in Palmer Park. The Province announced it will be opening a new Agriculture office in Port Perry this December. The office will amalgamate offices currently in Bowmanville and Uxbridge. Durham Region paid out almost $878,000 in remuneration and expense to its chairman, councillors and special committee appointees in 1990. Regional Chairman Gary Herrema raked in the most - $117,653.88. Scugog Township Fire Department responded to 197 calls during 1990. Hall #1, Port Perry reported 139 emergencies and Hall #2 responded to 58 calls. March 1991 Scugog could save more than $18,000 per year in hydro costs by converting 618 mercury vapor lamps to high pressure sodium lamps, at an estimated cost of $169,796. Five Scout flags, reported stolen during a weekend campout in Palmer Park were found in a ditch. Two Port Perry men escaped from a truck before it plunged through the ice on Lake Scugog. Thin ice has caused a number of vehicles to go through this winter. The search for two missing girls, Elizabeth Bain and Julie Stanton has resumed in Scugog Township after taking several weeks off during the winter months. The Port Perry Midget A team won a berth in the all-Ontario finals after defeating Midland. Also on their way to the all-Ontario finals this year is the Midget B squad and the Bantam B team. Township council backs request to have the speed limit reduced through the hamlet of Epsom. An Ontario Court judge issued an order to prohibit any further storage of used tires in a barn on Conc. 10, Scugog Island. Animal control officer Ann Barrett and her assistants are thrilled with the new Control Centre which opened on Regional Rd. 8 near the Scugog Township Works Department. The new building, which cost $200,000 was built jointly by Uxbridge and Scugog Townships. Hospital administrator David Brown has requested the township contribute $50,000 toward the hospital's expansion project. The matter was referred to budget discussions. Two Scugog men were ordered to apologize to 42 people whose property they vandalized during a crime spree last fall. Over $42,000 worth of damage was created over a four week period by the teenagers, which included setting a vehicle on fire, smashing car windows, spray painting cars, and breaking windows at a local restaurant and home. April 1991 Bell Canada announced that due to rapid growth in the current 416 area code region, they are running out of space. A new area code (905) for the region (except Metro Toronto) will be installed in 1993. Police were on the look-out for a man who offered a young boy a chocolate bar and tried to lure the eight-year-old into his truck near Yelverton. An application by the wife of Ward 4 councillor Glenn Malcolm to re-zone six building lots in North Nestleton was denied by Scugog Township council. Scugog Township council approved its 1991 budget that calls for a spending increase of 4.5 per cent over last year. The budget will mean a tax increase of about $18 on a residential property with an assessed value of $3,500. Durham Board of Education approved its 1991 budget of $338,310,000, an increase of 6.9 per cent over last year. The foundation wall along the front of the old log cabin at Scugog Shores Museum caved in, leaving a large hole around the front door. Seventeen Scugog area volunteers were honored for their community service work by the Ministry of Citizenship. Recipients were Kathleen Margaret McBride, Marjorie Pearce, Alice Agnes Spence, Claudette Brock, Bill Brock, Yvonne Christie, Roy Grierson, Grace Hastings, Dorothea Koch, Clara Martyn, Heather Boyd, Scott Boyd, Lloyd Huntington, Bruce Huntington, Lawrence Malcolm, Helen Redman, and Joan Scott. Escaped prisoner David Clifford Maltby, 44, serving a nine-year sentence in Warkworth Prison walked into the Port Perry Star office and gave a 20 minute interview to Star reporter Julia Dempsey, while police scoured the area looking for the fugitive. Scugog council has agreed to pay for a noise level study at the Mother Jackson's plant on Simcoe St. following many complaints from area residents about the noise and vibrations coming from the plant. Water levels in and around Lake Scugog reached one of the highest levels in recent memory. The government pier was covered with about six inches of water and half of Birdseye Park was submerged as the waters continued to rise. Two Scarborough residents escaped unharmed from their sea plane when it attempted to land on Lake Scugog. The wing-tip caught the water and the sudden impact spun the plane around causing it to sink in about 11 feet of water. Harold McLaughlin of Blackstock was presented the bus driver of the year award" at the 15th annual Durham District Educator's Breakfast. Durham Region has agreed to reduce the speed limit from 80 to 60 km per hours through the hamlet of Epsom. May 1991 A year after the disappearance of Elizabeth Bain, family and friends continue the relentless search to try and find out what happened to her. Since last November the search has centered around Scugog Township. Nicole Montpetit, a Grade 10 French Immersion student at Port Perry High School won top provincial honors in the French language public speaking competition held in Toronto recently. Durham MP Ross Stevenson announced that depositors with Standard Trust can expect to get money put in their accounts within the next six weeks. Calling it a "fat-free budget" Durham Region passed their budget unanimously. Welfare figures recorded a slight decrease in cases from March to April this year for the first time in 20 months. By a vote of 6-1, Scugog council approved a bylaw that clears the way for construction of a 38-unit apartment building for senior citizens on land behind the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Scugog council was told repairing serious problems to Scugog Arena roof could cost upwards of $75,000. The roof has been leaking since spring despite temporary repairs. Port Perry Fair Board asked township council for a 20 year extension to their lease. Council made no decision. Doug Day and Chester Pedzikowski, veteran firefighters with Scugog Hall No. 2, were honored on their retirement with a dinner and plaque presentation. Clifford William Maltby, the fugitive who gave an exclusive interview to Julia Dempsey in her office at The Port Perry Star, and hid out in a swampy area of Scugog Township for two days, was sentenced to four more months behind bars for being unlawfully at large. Almost a year after it opened to the public, the popular Chalk Lake water spring was officially dedicated by Durham officials including: Mayor Howard Hall, Mayor Gerri Lynn O'Connor and Regional Chairman Gary Herrema. Community Memorial Hospital was granted a three-year accreditation, which officials say is a positive reflection on every department. Greg Manns and Paul Manns of the 1st Scugog troop were named Scout and Cub of the year at the troop's end of year banquet. Township council passed a resolution Monday to pay a reward of $1,000 to anyone providing information leading to conviction of anyone dumping illegally or damaging or vandalizing township property. Sarah Morris and Scott Gales were picked 1991 At-Home Queen and King. June 1991 Laurentian Bank (formerly Standard Trust) re-opened for business in Port Perry with former manager Will Davidson and many of the original staff members still with the firm. The Dynamic Duo - Bill Brock and Doreen Kendall raised close to $7,500 for the museum in Canoe the Nonquon. The Royal Bank opened their bright, new "seniors banking centre". Henry and Joyce Janssen officially retired from Port Perry Printing after operating the business for 16 years. Their son Tony has taken over the printing company. Durham Board of Education trustees gave the green light to a pilot project to test a modified (year-round) school system. Three Oshawa men narrowly escaped injury when their airplane got caught in a down draft, and flipped upside down on Lake Scugog. Greenbank residents were informed they would have to wait for a new source of well water and were asked by the region to restrict their lawn watering during the summer. Philp Pontiac-Buick management and staff celebrated 15 years of business in Port Perry. Gordon Elson, was fined $500 for storing used tires on property he leases on Scugog Island. The Scugog Citizen, a new publication started by former Port Perry Star employees John McClelland, Valerie Ellis and Kathy Olliffe begins to publish. Scott Anderson joins The Port Perry Star as News Editor. Dave Gouldberg was elected president of the Kinsmen Club of Port Perry for 1991-92. Paul Arculus and John Addison retired from teaching at Port Perry High School. More than 2,000 motorcycles passed through Scugog Township taking part in the annual Ride for Sight. They were led by the OPP Golden Helmets. July 1991 The Port Perry Snowmobile Club organized an underwater search in Lake Scugog for Elizabeth Bain and Julie Stanton who disappeared in separate incidents more than one year ago. Four Oshawa residents were injured after their boat flipped on Lake Scugog. Estimated damage to the boat was $20,000. Scugog Township council is looking into ways to make Highway 7A safer in the wake of two serious accidents, including one fatality. Ken Arthur Hudson was captured in Las Vegas after a two-year search. He was involved in a car accident at Victoria Corners that killed four-year-old Kevin Best of Beaverton. Festival Days was a huge success with events ranging from arm wrestling, mutt shows, Blue Grass Bands, Bath-Tub races and much more. Local teens were prepared to protest as township council was looking at ways to control skateboarders. Lisa McClure 8, and sister Laura 6, of Scugog qualified for the Sunburst International Beauty Pageant in Atlanta, Georgia. August 1991 More than 30 trucks joined in a convoy along Highway 12 protesting high fuel costs in Canada. Ken McColm stopped in Port Perry over the Civic Holiday weekend to visit with his cousin Dave Mann. Mr. McColm, who lost his sight three years ago to diabetes decided to walk from Newfoundland to British Columbia to raise money and awareness. Several attempted abductions in the Caesarea area were reported to police. Well known resident Marg Wilbur, a local volunteer and NDP supporter was killed in a tragic lawn mower accident at her home. Local merchants are up in arms over a bylaw which prohibits or regulates signs and other advertising devices in Scugog. Caesarea's 59th annual Regatta was a success. T.J. Musso had a dream come true when the Ninja Turtles visited him on his sixth birthday. T.J. who is suffering from cancer met the Ninja Turtles through the Starlight Wish Foundation. Dave Robinson of Port Perry was elected as a National President of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs. September 1991 More than 4,000 youths returned to Scugog Township area schools. A robbery attempt at Port Perry IGA was foiled when night shift workers surprised the thieves. Four Scugog Township residents Steve Savage, Jeff Smith, Dave Smith and Scott Burns were honored by Durham Regional Police for their efforts in saving two men who had fallen through the ice on Lake Scugog. Two Scugog police officers, Lorne Annis and James Hunter, received their Canadian Police Exemplary Service Bars for 20 years service. Scugog Fire Department Hall 1 hosted Durham Region's first extrication competition in Port Perry. Scugog's Hall 2 took top honors. The Scugog Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 35th anniversary and 14 of 19 past presidents showed up for the occasion. Residents enjoyed a Scottish Tattoo Festival in downtown Port Perry. The event was organized by Bill Barr. More than 100 residents packed the council chambers to show their disapproval towards a proposed high density housing area on Union Avenue. October 1991 The expansion of Community Memorial Hospital is slated to get underway by Feb. 1992. A controversial sign bylaw prohibiting or regulating the use of signs was defeated twice in court by local merchants. Scugog Township posted a $1,000 reward to anyone with information on illegal dumpers. Operation Scugog reported its cupboards are the barest they have ever been. Durham Board of Education approved plans for a $25 million education centre/secondary school combined project. Harvey Graham was acclaimed to the area councillor seat, as were Joyce Kelly and Bobbie Drew to the school trustee seats. The consulting firm of Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates told Scugog Council that there is a need for affordable housing in the township. Canadian comedy legend David Broadfoot was the feature entertainer at the Scugog Library fundraising gala. Operation Scugog reported the best food drive ever. The bank's cupboards were overflowing after the latest drive thanks to residents of Scugog Township. George and Georgina Marcott of Manchester won $250,000 on Oct. 23 playing Lotto 649's encore. Fire destroyed a Blackstock home on Oct. 23 owned by Mark and Lynda Shaw. Dr. Helen Bathie won the Chiropractor of the Year Award at the national convention. Rick Klock of Port Perry won the gold at the Canadian Arm Wrestling championships in Quebec. November 1991 Scugog council endorsed a plan to provide a grant of $25,000 for Community Memorial Hospital's expansion plans from reserve funds. The ground was broken for the much anticipated soccer clubhouse. The 40' by 20' structure will cost about $68,000. Port Perry High School held its annual Commencement Exercises. Ian Cobham performed the Valedictorian duties. The election results were tallied and Howard Hall was returned as mayor of Scugog Township. Mayor Hall defeated Glenn Malcolm by 99 votes. Other results were as follows: regional councillor Yvonne Christie; Ward 1 Ken Carruthers; Ward 2 Marilyn Pearce; Ward 3 Ken Gadsden and Ward 4 David Dietlein. Voter turnout in the Scugog Township municipal election was high with 45.08 per cent of eligible voters casting a ballot. This is up from the average of 33 per cent that usually vote. Rick Klock of Port Perry won a silver medal at the World Arm Wrestling Championships held in Israel. Catherine Millar and Margaret Couperthwaite of Greenbank were honored at the YMCA Women of Distinction Awards. Mrs. Millar was honored in the arts division and Mrs. Couperthwaite in the community service category. Cartwright High School held its annual Commencement Exercises. Jennifer Fletcher was the Valedictorian. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the official opening of the Water Park Condominiums on Water Street. A direct mailing campaign on abortion distributed by the Port Perry Baptist Church was greeted with mixed emotions in Scugog. December 1991 The Provincial Government announced Ontario merchants would be allowed to open their stores on Sundays during the month of December. Three local schools, S.A. Cawker, R.H. Cornish and Prince Albert Public Schools have been designated as potential sites to try year round schooling. Sam Cawker, a life-long resident of Scugog Twp. reminisced of yester-years at a Scugog Historical Society meeting. Gary Herrema was returned as Regional Chairman in an uncontested vote. Scugog Township council is considering energy efficient street lights. The Township of Scugog was awarded a $30,333 capital grant by the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation to be used for the construction of three new baseball diamonds. An early evening fire at the Casteels chicken barn on Concession 11, Scugog Island resulted in up to $500,000 in damage. A missing part for the pump house has delayed the completion of a water project in Greenbank. Water rates will be hiked by 3.3 per cent in Scugog Township in 1992. A command post was set up as police are still searching for the armed robbers of the Knob Hill food terminal in Oshawa.

January 1992 More than 36,000 vehicles were stopped during Durham Regional Police's holiday RIDE program. Fifty were charged with exceeding the .08 legal blood alcohol limit. Operation Scugog's Christmas food drive fed 165 families in the township. The new site of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is a 6,400 foot building on Vanedward Drive in Port Perry. Due to mild weather and thin ice on Lake Scugog, two half-ton trucks plunged through the ice just off the boat launch. Scugog Township Council was told a major grocery chain plans to open on the former Zoecon property. The Port Perry Open Air Ice Palace opened for another season. The Port Perry MoJacks defeated Lakefield 6-2 to clinch the Central Junior C league championship. Despite high winds, freezing rain and snow Scugog escaped from any serious damage after a strong storm swept through the township. Gilles Pouliot, Minister of Transportation, was in Scugog to meet with Mayor Howard Hall to discuss traffic concerns on Highway 7A. Precious Bunny, a two-year-old pacing colt, owned by Peter Heffering of Port Perry was chosen as horse of the year at the O'Brien Awards. Ken Carruthers was elected as the new president of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce. February 1992 Heather Knopp, 18, of Port Perry, left for Paris, France where she will spend two months furthering her modeling career. During a hearing into a proposed grocery store for the Zoecon property, A&P Groceries Limited announced it also had plans to open a store in the area. Police began investigating a rash of break-ins on ice huts on Lake Scugog. Mervin Denure of Port Perry was honoured by the Transportation Safety Association for his 35 years of safe driving as a bus driver. Police Chief David Edwards announced he would be resigning from his post with Durham Regional Police. Township of Scugog Mayor Howard Hall said it is time for a full-time fire chief to look over the operation of the township's two halls. More than 150 area farmers participated in a mass demonstration at Parliament Hill against GATT. Bowlers raised more than $17,000 for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of North Durham at the annual Bowl For Millions fundraiser. Northern Exposure, a choir comprised of students from R.H. Cornish Public School and Port Perry High School successfully auditioned for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." March 1992 Ice hampered police divers efforts in Lake Scugog as they were acting on a tip from fishermen who claimed to have seen a limb floating in the lake. A brawl at a teen dance at the Masonic Hall prompted the township to review the booking procedure for dances. A late night fire caused $60,000 damage to a home on Stevenson's Point Road on Scugog Island. Scugog Township announced it would not purchase additional areas of the municipality from Ontario Hydro. Valerie Cranmer, an official with Durham Region Non-Profit Housing, said the Township of Scugog is in need of affordable housing. It was announced the Blackstock Post Office would be closed by mid-June and the mail service would be shifted to a retail outlet. The Township of Scugog passed a bylaw to regulate smoking in public places. A&P officials received a cool reception from council as they presented plans for their proposed shopping centre for Port Perry. Jim Grieve, who has managed Port Perry IGA for 20 years, took over as owner of the local grocery store. Local lawyer Bryan Davies placed first in a prestigious road race in Louisiana. Scugog Fire Department Hall #1's annual report stated the firefighters responded to 198 emergencies in 1991, up 59 from 1990. The Lake Scugog Open Air Ice Palace concluded a successful season attracting close to 30,000 people during the season. Ice fishing is a popular sport in Scugog. A record 807 ice huts were counted on Lake Scugog this winter. A public meeting was held concerning the closure of the Blackstock Post Office. April 1992 Four Scugog Township residents received awards for their volunteerism from the Ministry of Citizenship and the Ministry of Culture and Communications. Receiving the awards were Betty Porter, Information Scugog; Kent Farndale, Scugog Memorial Public Library; Patricia Boyd and Arthur Richardson, Scugog Shores Museum Village. Durham Regional Police's Marine Unit purchased a new boat to replace the antiquated one it has used to patrol Lake Scugog. The new boat is a 25-foot Baha with a 7.4 litre Volvo engine. Ward 2 Councillor Marilyn Pearce was re-elected to the position of president of the Durham East Liberal Party. Both the Borelians theatre group and the Scugog Choral Society fared well at the Association of Community Theatre - Central Ontario awards. Bunty Webb won for best performance of a female; Ed Daigle won for best director; John H. Foote received the adjudicator's award; and Tom Millar picked up the award for best musical director for his work on Hello Dolly. About a dozen Canadian flags stolen from local businesses and homes were recovered by Durham Regional Police. Two local couples, Marg and Randy Scott and Leona and Dave Sandison, asked for council's permission to open a year round country market at the abandoned Johnson Controls plant. The request angered local downtown merchants who felt the market would take away from their sales. About 20 Scugog Township gentlemen were shaven for the Scugog Shores Museum Village's 125-Day Beard and Handlebar Moustache Growing Contest. Grace Hastings, Tom Millar, Catherine Millar and Kent Farndale each received a 1992 Lescarbot award for their contribution to community cultural activities. June 1992 Local author Bill Lishman signed copies of his latest book Father Goose and Goslings at the Scugog Memorial Public Library. All proceeds from the sales went to the library. David Talbot, 19, chosen to be a Page in the House of Commons for approximately one year. About 30 gravestones were vandalized at Pine Grove Cemetery in Prince Albert. Pine Grove has been vandalized on numerous occasions over the years, but the number of gravesites affected during this latest spree is the largest in history. A total of 17 sites in Durham Region, including five in the Township of Scugog, were designated as potential landfill sites by the Interim Waste Authority. Scugog Memorial Public Library honoured Kent Farndale for her volunteer work over the past 10 years. Mrs. Farndale was instrumental in setting up art exhibits at the library. July 1992 The Kinsmen Beach in Palmer Park was posted as being unsafe for swimming and bathing. Neil Hunter, Guy Latreille and Allan Bertrand were introduced as new hospital board members at the Community Memorial Hospital's annual meeting. A green ribbon campaign was initiated in Scugog Township. Scugog residents concerned about the proposed landfill sites wore green ribbons to show their disapproval with the site selection process. Despite early opposition from downtown merchants, the Port Perry Country Market opened in the former Zoecon building. Seagrave United Church honored retiring organist Joan Lee. She was presented with a silver plate in appreciation for her 17 years of service. The East Central Agricultural Employment Services office relocated on Water Street after operating above Brock's Department Store for 18 years. August 1992 Local ambulance officers protested planned cutbacks in the streets of Port Perry citing safety concerns if the cuts were made. Scugog Arena parking lot gets a $75,000 facelift. Tourist booth sees huge rise in activity this year as more than 2,500 have visited the booth between May 15 and July 16. Gerry's Distributors placed in receivership as its bank looks for a buyer, making the future uncertain for its employees. Members of Scugog Fire Department's Hall #1 were preparing for an upcoming extrication competition in New York State. Ice Palace organizers appealed to the public to return the docks stolen over the Victoria Day weekend. Regional Chairman Gary Herrema says Kirkland Lake is still interested in accepting the Greater Toronto Area's garbage. Developers for a proposed shopping mall on Highway 7A say a number of tenants are committed, but council calls for market survey. Tires illegally stored on Scugog Island were expected to be shipped to New York State by mid-September, the farm's owner said. Scugog Council grants bridge financing of $19,750 to the Port Perry Senior Citizens to allow construction to begin on an addition to the Latcham Centre. September 1992 Two Oshawa youths are found after being missing for seven hours while riding their ATV in Scugog. Lieutenant Matt Stephenson, a firefighter from Hall #2 in Caesarea, was named Fireman of the Year at the hall. An 81-year-old Scugog Island man missing since August 29 is found dead just one kilometer from his Pine Point home. Ken Gadsden, Ward 3 Councillor and chairman of the township's Canada 125 committee, launches a Scugog's flag design contest. Thousands of tires, stored in a barn on Scugog Island, are removed by the landowner and shipped to New York State. According to figures, 4,197 students were enrolled in the nine area schools this year, up by 177 from last year. About 20 members of the Ridges Area Ratepayers Association attended a council meeting to listen to a proposal to re-zone land on the Oak Ridges Moraine for an 18-hole golf course. Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry is selected as one of the "Great Canadian Hospitals" in a special report in Chatelaine Magazine. Trustees from the Durham Board of Education decide not to challenge the Ontario government's proposal to introduce Junior Kindergarten. Don Steele, an 18-year veteran of the Scugog Fire Department, is named the new fire chief for the two halls. It is a part-time position. More than 50 Port Perry residents attend a public meeting to protest the development of a retirement home at the corner of Queen and Ottawa Streets. The Rotary Club of Port Perry awarded Kent Farndale the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow award and Frank Tielemans, Rotarian of the Year. October 1992 Harmony Island Estate, on 7 Mile Island Island, a home for youths held its official opening on Oct. 2. This estate serves as a retreat for both young offenders and youths under the care of the Children's Aid Society. Citizens for Decency, a Scugog parents group, is expressing concern over the Durham Board of Education's use of the sex education video "Growing Up," which they say encourages promiscuity, homosexuality and incest. Construction of a $40,000 natural waterfront park in Port Perry was scheduled to begin this fall after the township received a cheque for $13,333 from the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation. Port Perry resident Judy Nickerson wins $137,684.20 in a recent Lotto 649 draw. The grand prize for that draw was more than $17 million. Local historian Paul Arculus attempts to establish a committee that would be responsible for preserving historically significant buildings in the township. Scugog Chamber of Commerce president Ken Carruthers says the chamber is in good shape after paying off a $35,000 debt earlier this year. Jack Cook and Ray Gould, two long-time members of the Scugog Fire Department retire after 35 and 33 years of service respectively. The $5.2 million expansion of Community Memorial Hospital clears another hurdle as the working drawings are delivered to the Ministry of Health. Officials are optimistic that construction will begin in the spring. November 1992 The community was saddened by the death of popular educator S.A. Cawker. He was in his 88th year. Durham Regional Councillors approve the construction of a hazardous waste depot for the transfer station in Port Perry. The depot will handle various household wastes. Former Ward 4 Councillor Glenn Malcolm throws his hat into the ring to seek nomination as the Liberal Party's candidate in the riding of Durham. The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry criticizes the new welcoming signs erected in Port Perry, calling them a waste of money. A licensing fee structure for street vendors is being considered by the township to regulate roadside vendors. Scugog's official flag, designed by local artist Paul Livingston, was unveiled during the township's Peter Perry celebrations. The IWA announced that all five sites considered for a long-term landfill site in Scugog were no longer being considered. Scugog's Parks and Recreation Committee unveiled a $40,000 waterfront park project north of the library, which will include bicycle and walking paths, as well as a number of natural attractions. A total of 6,947 visitors passed through the tourist information booth this summer. This figure is up from last year's number of 4,700. More than 25 residents in the Balsam Street area attended a public meeting to oppose a proposed 40-unit housing development slated for the southwest corner of Balsam and Old Simcoe Road. December 1992 A victim of the poor economic times, Scugog Shores Museum Village is forced to reduce its staff by eliminating the interim curator. More than 100 Blackstock area residents signed a petition requesting that the Durham Board of Education supply Cartwright High School with a double portable classroom to be used as a lunch room. Don Crosier of Prince Albert is re-elected president of the Scugog Progressive Conservation Party. The Township of Scugog has declared Merle Heintzman's granite fieldstone farm house in Blackstock a historical site. Farmers were forced to plow under their corn crops follwoing a poor season ruined the crops. An estimated 60 centimeters of snow fell on Scugog and surrounding areas on Dec. 10 and 11 bringing the township to a virtual standstill. More than 800 people, including 400 police officers, attend the funeral of Port Perry native Vicki Wilson. The Durham Police Constable died while behind the wheel of a police cruiser. Community Memorial Hospital's Prescription for a Healthy Community capital equipment fund received almost $27,000 in the first two weeks of the fundraising campaign. More than 350 weapons are turned over to Durham Regional Police during the nation-wide gun amnesty.. Nonquon Travel, a 21-year-old travel business in Port Perry, is forced to close its doors after the wholesale portion of the company runs into troubles.

January 1993 Alex Shepherd, a 46-year-old accountant from Seagrave announced he would be running for the empty Liberals seat in the federal election. Durham School Board Trustee Bobbie Drew claimed the implementation of junior kindergarten would prove costly and result in cuts to service. New gun regulations introduced in January were met with mixed reaction. Mild weather and heavy rains caused the banks and rivers in the township to flood. A number of roads were shut down as a result. After years of debate, the township council decided to make the Queen and Water Street intersection a four-way stop. A hi-tech company expected to move into the Johnson Controls building had their proposal put back on the table as a second company put in a bid on the property. Township council rejects bid by the fair board to have their lease extended. Local restaurant owners Emiel and Cathy Kroonenberg were robbed in Miami, but luckily escaped unharmed. February 1993 The Scugog Agricultural Society learned the Port Perry Fairgrounds needed its hydro upgraded. Although $5,000 was budgeted for it, the cost was to be significantly more. The Ministry of Natural Resources announced the ice fishing season on Lake Scugog would be shortened come this winter fishing season. Hundreds put on their bowling shoes to raise money for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of North Durham in the annual Bowl For Millions. Community Nursing Home won a Long-Term Care Achievement Award from the Ontario Nursing Home Association. Ten Scugog Township residents received commemorative medals for making significant contributions to their community. Those honored were Dr. Tom Millar, J. Peter Hvidsten, Joyce Kelly, Gary Roncetti, Jean VanCamp, Grace Hastings, Mary June Smith, Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, Kent Farndale and Merrill VanCamp. Two Valentine's Day babies were born in Port Perry. Tara Christine Dowson and Jared Nathaniel Duivesteyn were both born Feb. 14 at Community Memorial Hospital. The Royal Canadian Legion pledged $35,000 to the hospital expansion. March 1993 Dave Robinson, of Seagrave, announced he would be running for the Durham Riding's Liberal nomination. Arlie Davey and Al Pike, after hearing screams coming from Lake Scugog, rescued two men from Scarboro who had fallen through the ice. Developers were becoming frustrated as they awaited a sewage capacity study for the Vanedward Development project. Bill Goddard, of Port Perry, won a Gemini Award for film editing. The Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation received a grant of $352,640 for construction of a community hall. Local vocal group Jazzmerize was invited to perform at Musicfest Canada. Council gave its blessing to a controversial heavy equipment training school, slated to be built in the Marsh Hill area. Scugog Township Council heard plans for a 60-unit seniors retirement development for the east end of Casimir Street. More than 100 ice huts were left on Lake Scugog after the March 15 deadline. More than 250 charges were laid on the lake over the winter. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Township of Scugog began discussions on the construction of a fishing pier along the causeway. Bruton's IDA joined the Big V chain of drug stores. April 1993 Plans to locate a hi-tech company in the old Johnson Controls building in Port Perry fell through. Full-time workers at Central Seven voted in favor of forming a union. Merrill VanCamp was honored by the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture for 20 years service. Bob Douglas and Ed Mason, members of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419 were honored with Canada Medals. Prince Albert Public School expanded to include Grade 7 students for the first time. Bill Sandiford, a Grade 12 student at Port Perry High School, won five awards at the Durham Regional Science Fair. This advanced him to the Canada-wide event in Quebec. Local swimmer Marsha Clouthier, 15, won three silver medals at the Eight Nations International Swim Meet held in Germany. Local theatre groups won several awards from the Association of Community Theatres Central Ontario. The Borelians won three THEAs on the evening. A fundraiser was set up to save the Head Church on Scugog Island which was slowly deteriorating. A heavy machinery training school, slated for the Marsh Hill area, was given the nod by Durham Regional Council's Planning Committee. The Port Perry Rotary Park construction was officially underway. May 1993 Scugog was set to introduce a new bylaw concerning illegal burning. Provincial government cutbacks forced the Durham Board of Education to stall passing of budget. Township officials said Ontario government's plans to cut transfer payments would cost Scugog $90,000. Two Port Perry men brought a pair of youths safely to shore after hearing their cries for help on Lake Scugog. A major development on the former Brook's Farm, north of Port Perry received sewer allocation for 185 units. Jean Chretien spoke in Whitby and was met by political hopefuls Glenn Malcolm and Alex Shepherd. Regional Chairman Gary Herrema said nothing would be sacred as the Region re-opened its budget Ground breaking ceremony at Community Memorial Hospital marked the beginning of a $5.2 million expansion project. Blackstock could be included in a Bell Canada scheme to increase its calling area, says a Bell Telelphone representative. More than 100 residents from Scugog and Uxbridge attended a meeting in Greenbank to fight an engineering school slated for Marsh Hill. Lake Scugog Historical Society received a government grant for the Head Church restoration project. June 1993 Despite threats from Regional Chairman Herrema, blue box pickup will not be cancelled according to works committee vice-chairman Yvonne Christie. Scugog council allocated 470 sewage units for area development. The Scugog Chamber of Commerce Tourist Information Booth opened its doors for a fourth season. General Motors announced plans for a third shift at the truck plant, creating 650 jobs. The Operating Engineers of Ontario pulled the plug on plans to build a training facility in the township. Chalk Lake residents were upset that a local ski resort was granted permission to cut trees by Durham Region. Two Scugog garbage transfer stations were targeted as part of the region's cost-cutting measures. Durham MP Ross Stevenson said he was very excited about the choice of Kim Campbell as Progressive Conservative leader. Council approved plans for new 8,000 square foot Big V Drug Store on Queen Street, on the former site of Beare Motors and Dennis Anderson Chev.-Olds. Community Memorial Hospital received three awards of excellence for its fundraising campaigns. Area beaches received a clean bill of health from the Public Health Inspector. Police were concerned about the safety of boaters after channel markers were moved on Lake Scugog. July 1993 Bell Canada's plans for an area code change (905) in Oct. was proceeding. Tanner Matthew Cook was born on Canada Day (July 1) at Community Memorial Hospital. Palmer Park was named the site of an Aquarama fundraising event, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Port Perry. Dr. Steve Snider, a Port Perry veterinarian was awarded the Purina Pro Plan Veterinarian Appreciation Award. R.H. Cornish Public School took top prize in the Habitat 2000 contest for its wildlife habitat. Despite hot weather, there were no plans for water restrictions. Scugog councillors were at odds over placement of a four-way stop at Water and Queen Streets. The first draft of a new burning bylaw was rejected by council. Scugog council approved plans for renovations to some buildings at the Port Perry Fairgrounds. The executive director of the Scugog and District Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Centre said reports of financial mis-management at the centre is old news. Movie stars Walter Matthau and Harry Morgan were in Scugog to film "Incident in a Small Town." Scugog council set a deadline of July 30 for its union representatives to respond to a social contract plan. Kinsmen Beach was ruled unsafe for swimming by the health department. The Big Brothers/Big Sisters of North Durham Association was to remain open thanks to a community outpouring of donations. After more than 18 months of planning, the Greenbank Lions Club was officially formed. August 1993 A police stand off, north of Port Perry, ended peacefully after a man wanted on a warrant surrendered. Compton Cable TV announced a $2 million improvement project which included upgrading of the trunk lines and a new broadcasting format. Work is underway on the $5.2 million expansion at Community Memorial Hospital. Scugog's unionized workers rejected the township's Social Contract offer opting instead for failsafe legislation. Two local men shared in a Lotto 6/49 prize of $113,572.10. It was split 12 ways with members of a Scarborough Fire Department. A series of concerts featuring some of Canada's top folk musicians was being organized by the Greenbank Folk Music Society. Scugog council was looking for ways to slash $100,000 from its budget due to the Social Contract legislation. More than 30 people attended a rally at Scugog Employment Services in support of the service. Port Perry resident Kelly Menzies won Miss Teen Toronto title. The Scugog and District Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Centre closed its doors citing a dwindling clientele. Rabies cases were on the rise in Durham Region. Durham Regional Police noted a large drop in the crime across the region. Township employees were forced to take eight unpaid days off as a result of the Social Contract. September 1993 More than 4,200 area children were enrolled in Scugog Township schools. Almost all area schools saw increases in enrollment. Amanda Stairs, an 18-year-old model from Port Perry, won the regional Ford Supermodel Contest in Toronto. She will compete in the national contest in Whistler, B.C. in January. Kim Campbell, Canada's first female Prime Minister, spoke to area farmers and small business owners during a visit to Utica Farm Equipment. Scugog Employment Services was granted a six-month reprieve after receiving $18.000 of short term funding. Bernie Chandler was awarded the Paul Harris Fellow Award by the Port Perry Rotary Club. The newly-formed Greenbank Folk Music Society hosted its first concert featuring the music of Mose Scarlett.. A 22-foot wire sculpture of a nude pregnant woman designed by local sculptor Bill Lishman raised some eyebrows at the Ministry of Revenue building in Oshawa during Durham ArtFest. Eva Davidge, 103, Port Perry's oldest resident passed away on Sept. 24. A section of downtown Port Perry was cordoned off for close to four hours on Sept. 29 after an explosive device was found beside a van in the vicinity of Water and North Streets. A grand re-opening ceremony was held at the Head Church at Scugog Shores Museum Village following an extensive restoration project during the summer. Eight candidates sought election in the federal riding of Durham, including incumbent Ross Stevenson (PC), Ian Smyth (Reform), Alex Shepherd (Liberal), Lucy Rybka Becker (NDP), Harry Pope (National), Durk Bruinsma (Christian Heritage Party), Judy Hurvid (Green Party), and Michael Larmand (Natural Law Party). Alex Shepherd was victorious in Durham Riding and his party, the Liberals, won a majority under Jean Chretien. A lunch room was constructed at Cartwright High School. During the school's 68-year history, students have had to eat their lunch in classrooms. Scugog council voted in favor of adding an additional ward to the township and eliminating the Area Councillor position. The changes will come into effect during the November 1994 election. November 1993 Between $4,000 to $5,000 damage was done to a Water Street building by vandals on Halloween night. Youths broke three panes of glass, damaged signs and other portions of the building which houses the Waterfront Cafe, Dimitri's Fine Foods, and an arcade. Port Perry High School students hosted a Halloween carnival called Spookarama for public school students. Nick Rensink, a 26-year-old Port Perry man, was hospitalized after being gored by an elephant at the Metro Zoo, where he is employed. Port Perry High School held its Commencement exercises with Melissa Rudy giving the Valedictory Address. Scugog Chamber of Commerce president Bill Dowson announced that the chamber needs more directors to sit on its board, citing the chamber may disband if there is not interest for the positions. Nancy Desjardine was promoted to Inspector at Durham Regional Police's 26 Division. She is the first woman to head up the northern division which patrols Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock Townships. The Port Perry High School Cadet Corps celebrated its 95th anniversary. For the first time in more than two decades, it rained on the Port Perry Santa Claus Parade. The Ministry of Natural Resources officially announced that Lake Scugog will be closed to anglers until Jan. 1. It also announced that the ice fishing season will close two weeks earlier and huts must be off the ice by Feb. 28. December 1993 Scugog Township finance committee chairman Yvonne Christie announced more than $2,248,112 in taxes is outstanding of $18,671,784 tax levey. The Millar Lights, under the direction of Tom Millar, presented the musical stage version of The Wizard of Oz at Town Hall 1873. The Scugog Fire Department began interviewing recruits for the department. More than 70 applications were received. Scugog Township Council announced it will be getting tough on motorists who park illegally during the winter months thereby impeding snow removal. Ted Morrison, principal of PPHS for eight years, is transferred to Oshawa and is replaced by former vice-principal Sandra Riches. Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board officials announced that a second Catholic elementary school will be built in Scugog Township. More than 200 people attended a blood donor clinic at the Masonic Hall, donating 194 units of blood. Scugog trustee Bobbie Drew was elected as the board's new finance and transportation committee chairman. Joyce Kelly was named chairman Employee Relations. Scugog firefighters were kept busy on Christmas Day responding to four calls. The most serious was at Utica Farm Equipment. Damage was estimated at $50,000 to the attic and workshop.

January 1994 Fears that the Scugog Chamber of Commerce was going to disband were put to rest. Reports surfaced that the police station in Port Perry was slated to be closed. Officials downplayed the report. A significant increase in the thefts of snowmobiles was reported as 13 sleds were stolen in six weeks. Scugog's first Snow Flake Festival took place as huge crowds gathered to watch the dog sled races and view the Ice Sculptures in the park. Cold weather left Scugog Island residents without power for more than 24 hours when temperatures dipping towards -40 C . February 1994 Alissa Smith was elected president of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce. She took over from Bill Dowson. Paul Christie was voted president of the Port Perry Fair Board. Neil Hunter presented the Agricultural Service Diploma for 35 years service. Residents saw their heating bills soar as much as 30 per cent as the temperature dropped. A good natured roast was held in honor of Durham Region Chairman Gary Herrema. Theatre groups banded together to upgrade Town Hall 1873. Repairs were estimated at $56,000. Alf Huggins was presented the Medal of Merit by the National Council of Scouts of Canada for his years of service to the organization. March 1994 Doctors at Medical Associates announced they would be closing their offices for the week of March Break. Scugog roads were deteriorating and it was learned more than $50 million was needed to repair the damage. The Durham Board of Education announced it was cutting five trustees from its board, including one in Scugog Township. Three new ball diamonds behind Scugog Centre were completed and would be ready for the start of the ball. An arena hall topped the list of Scugog's million dollar wish list. The township was in jeopardy of losing its annual Canoe the Nonquon and Triathlon. Taxpayers got a break as local council passed a budget at below its zero per cent increase target. Firefighters took delivery of a new pumper. The $230,000 vehicle was delivered to Hall 1 in Port Perry. Katie VanCamp, 12, of Port Perry was one of a handful of pupils to be chosen to study at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. April 1994 Durham Regional Police announced they would be hitting the streets on bicycles this year. All-day every-other-day kindergarten was approved by the Durham board of Education. A body pulled from Lake Scugog was that of a Markham man missing since October. Foul play was ruled out. Officials at Community Memorial Hospital preserved a piece of the present by sealing a time capsule to be opened in the year 2044. Response to a new housing development in Port Perry was phenomenal. Canterbury Homes turned the first piece of sod for its new development. Firefighters were kept busy the last weekend of April. More than 45 firefighters spent more than 200 hours fighting fires. A Port Perry law firm Harris, Fletcher Tesluk Associates lost a battle in Supreme Court of Canada to set up shop in a vacant building. A rash of thefts reported in Scugog were downplayed by police, who said the time of year played a large part in the increase. Community Memorial Hospital became one of the first hospitals in Ontario to introduce (L.D.R.P. rooms (Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Post Partum) rooms to its obstetrical unit. Dowson's Valumart marked its 45th anniversary in Scugog Township. May 1994 Scugog Township residents were told to expect a 1.8 per cent increase in their taxes due to an increase in the Durham Board of Education budget. Scugog would see $500,000 in regional works project to be completed within the year. The Mississaugas of First Nation Chief Gary Edgar denied rumors that the new facility being built on the reserve was a casino. Sixty residents took part in the first "Walk It, Talk It, Stock It" walk-a-thon to raise money for Operation Scugog's Food Bank. Traffic signals for the Port Perry Plaza were given the green light for construction. The length of a lease was standing in the way of an agreement between the Port Perry Fairgrounds and township council. The first Kinsmen Club of Port Perry "Raise the Flag Day" was held in Palmer Park. A Mac's Milk employee was held at knifepoint during a 2 a.m. hold up. The First Nation on Scugog Island said it is willing to work with the community to make its proposed gaming facility feasible. Rotary Club of Port Perry was the first to commit money to the expansion plans at Scugog Arena. Dan Robert was appointed the new curator for Scugog Shores Museum. Scugog council said it was concerned about its inability to act regarding the proposed gaming facility on Scugog Island. June 1994 Local hospital officials were disappointed with a report suggesting sweeping changes to Durham Hospitals, including a recommendation that the local hospital's major focus would be ambulatory and outpatient care. MPP Gord Mills was ejected from the legislature after refusing to retract comments he made regarding the gaming facility on Scugog Island. . Automotive supplier Port Perry Metal Processing announced it would be setting up shop in the vacant Johnson Controls building. More than 100 people, natives, government officials and residents attended the official opening of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations Community Centre. Citing weak community support councillors began having second thoughts concerning an addition to Scugog Arena. Ken Jackson, of Mother Jackson Open Kitchens, was honored in a ceremony to mark his retirement. Scugog residents packed a public meeting to voice their concerns on the future of Community Memorial Hospital. Greenbank residents were urged to conserve water due to dry weather. The new emergency ward at the hospital was opened. July 1994 Two men, brandishing a knife broke into a Lakeview Drive home and confronted the owner of home inside. Police later arrested four Scugog youths who were consequently charged with more than 80 offenses. Christopher Joseph Goris was the first child to be delivered in the Community Memorial Hospital's New Life Centre. Jean Jeffrey, retired from writing the Epsom and area news for the Port Perry Star after 40 years of dedication. Vandals destroyed memorial plots at Pine Grove Cemetery, including one 114-year-old stone. Results of an engineering study stated Port Perry could grow to 10,000 people in two year's time. Kinsmen Beach in Palmer Park was declared unsafe for swimming. More than 300 people applied for jobs at Port Perry Metal Processing as the new business began its hiring process. August 1994 A longstanding dispute over a controversial building in Port Perry ended when the Harris Fletcher Tesluk Associates building was demolished. The old horse barn at the fairgrounds in Port Perry was torn down after the fair board decided it was too dilapidated to repair. Police warned local merchants to be on the lookout for counterfeit bills as several have turned up in Port Perry. An amnesty campaign by the Durham Regional Police force saw 60 guns turned in its first two months. The municipal boat launch in Port Perry received an $85,000 facelift. Canterbury Common, the 248 home adult lifestyle community, which includes a nine hole golf course, was officially opened on Aug. 13, 1994. Port Perry native George Burnett was named coach of the NHL's Edmonton Oilers. Whoopi Goldberg and Kathleen Turner were in Seagrave shooting a movie to be released later this year. September 1994 A sign, erected by the Port Perry Fair Board during the Port Perry Fair, angered and surprised local councillors. The 4' by 8' sign stated "This Fairground Is In Danger. Many councillors do not want to renew our lease. The township faced a huge and unexpected expenditure when it was revealed one of the fire department's pumper trucks was declared unfit for use. An OMB hearing was averted when neighbors and the Royal Canadian Legion branch settled a dispute over a proposed senior's apartment building. Peter Parker and Bob Haynes were awarded police citations. The two Caesarea men were honored for saving the life of 18-month-old Suzy Hall after the toddler fell into Lake Scugog and was floating face down. As the new school year began 4,275 area children returned to the classroom. Police collected 167 guns during an amnesty program. Organizers were on cloud nine after Port Perry's Terry Fox Run raised more than $14,000. October 1994 A contract dispute between the partners of Canterbury Commons housing development stalled work on the new development. The township purchased the works of Nestleton artist Burt Hoskin at a recent auction. The works will adorn local facilities. Additional parking spaces were created at Port Perry High School to help with traffic congestion in the area. A Scugog township mom took on McDonald's over a commercial she found irresponsible. Scugog councillors rejected plans by the Royal Bank to erect a neon sign on the bank's building. The entire township was in shock after a bungled bank robbery at the Bank of Montreal left three officers Warren Ellis, Paul Mooy and Mark McConkey, along with bank manager Alan Knight and real estate agent Debra-Ann Taylor with gunshot wounds. An elderly Port Perry couple Marjorie and Harry Pearce were held hostage by the suspects after the robbery. Two Kingston-area brothers Mitchell (Micky) and Angus McArthur were charged in connection with the 7:30 p.m. shootings at the Port Perry Plaza after an exhaustive manhunt throughout the township led to the suspects in Kingston. Kent Farndale and Gwenyth Thompson authored a new book Stitches In Time, a look at the history of hospitals in Scugog Township. Local artist Karen Richardson unveiled a new painting, a collection of doorways in Scugog Township. Lance Brown, a CTV sports announcer, was the Master of Ceremonies for the Community Memorial Hospital's Grand Masquerade Gala. Durham Region was granted $25 million for a cancer centre. November 1994 The victims of the October shootings at the Bank of Montreal were all released from hospital and were recovering fairly well from the ordeal. First Nation chief Gary Edgar slammed a survey on the gaming facility by MP Alex Shepherd, calling it "ill-conceived and defamatory." The suspects in the October 25 shootings in Port Perry were denied bail and remanded into custody. In a surprise move council approved township-wide garbage collection as of January 1. Councillors approved a site plan for the new community hall to be located next to Scugog Arena. The Re/Max building, on the corner of Water and Queen Streets, underwent complete renovation. The building, which was erected following a fire in 1884, was home to the St. Charles Hotel for many years. Todd Smart and Lori Buscher acted as co-valedictorians for Port Perry High School's graduating class. Elections were held and the new council elected was Mayor Howard Hall, Regional Councillor Yvonne Christie, Ward 1 councillor Doug Moffatt, Ward 2 councillor Marilyn Pearce, Ward 3 councillor Ken Gadsden, acclaimed, Ward 4 councillor Joyce Kelly, Ward 5 councillor Karen Puckrin, Durham Board school trustee Bobbie Drew and Separate School trustee Kathy LeFort. Overwhelming negative response killed a plan to extend municipal garbage pick up to the entire township. Local residents Jeffrey Blair and Kate Mairs were nominated as Junior Citizens of the Year. Residents were left in the dark for about two hours as an unexpected power outage hit. The problem was traced back to a lighting arrester on Simcoe Street. December 1994 Thomson Newspapers announced the shutdown of the 123 year old Oshawa Times effective Dec. 4, 1994 Central Seven Assoc. signed their first-ever collective agreement after more than a dozen meetings with staff. Scugog councillors and Mayor Hall took their oaths of office at the inaugural meeting held on Dec. 5. Scugog trustee Bobbie Drew was elected head of the budget committee for the Durham Region Board of Education. This is her third term on the board. More than 100 supporters of Debra-Ann Taylor, who was shot in the Bank of Montreal robbery in October, came out to a fund raising luncheon in her honor. The luncheon was organized by the Port Perry Lions Club and friends of Ms. Taylor. Compton Cable TV has announced major changes are about to take place, after investing more than $2 million in state of the art fibre optics.

January 1995 Preliminary site work on Scugog Township's new community hall got underway with digging for the footings. The Supreme Court of Canada made way for a large supermarket by approving the sale of a site known as the Conway property in Port Perry. A new pumper truck valued at $164,000 arrived at the local fire hall to replace one considered unfit and was removed from the road last year. A group of local hairstylists petitioned council, stating they were experiencing a great loss of business due to those who cut hair out of their homes. Brenda Casteels was installed as president of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce for 1995. A group of parents in Port Perry were pushing the provincial government for a safer crosswalk for their children on Hwy. 7A. Audrey Geer retired from Brock's Department Store where she had been employed for the past 38 years. Janet Vernon was presented the Agriculture Service Diploma at the annual meeting of the Port Perry Agricultural Society. February 1995 Despite temperatures registering -40o Celsius, ice sculptor Ross Navarro began work on his ice creations in Palmer Park for the Snow Flake Festival. Canada Post announced three stamps would be issued in celebration of chiropractic medicine and its founder, Daniel David Palmer. Three men were hospitalized with hypothermia after their snowmobiles went through the ice. High winds, causing drifting snow and poor visibility caused the cancellation of the Kinsmen sled dog races on Lake Scugog. Regional Councillor Yvonne Christie, who was recovering at home from a stroke she suffered in January, died in her sleep in hospital. She was serving her third term in that seat at the time of her death. Glen Wanamaker, who served as secretary/treasurer of Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery for 21 years, retired. March 1995 Scugog Fire Chief Don Steele resigned from his position with no reason for his departure. Former Scugog councillor Harvey Graham was elected president of the Ontario Cattleman's Assocation at its annual meeting held in Toronto. The Port Perry BIA elected its new executive for a three year term, with Sharon MacKinnon getting the nod as president. A crew of Durham Regional workers were caught on videotape littering the road and ditch with food wrappers and coffee cups during their lunch break. Shorelines along Scugog Island were heavily damaged by shifting ice. Trees were uprooted and shorelines pushed up five feet high along the east side of the lake. A local woman narrowly escaped inury when a shot was fired through the back window of her car in what police have said was an attempted robbery and murder. Marilyn Pearce assumed the Regional Council seat held by the late Yvonne Christie. A tie between Councillors Pearce and Ken Gadsden was broken by pulling the winning name out of a box. April 1995 Medical Associates announced their clinic would be closed for two days in April to live up to the obligations of the Social Contract, commonly known as "Rae Days." Mayor Howard Hall turned the sod to officially begin construction of the new community hall at the Scugog Arena. Durham MP Alex Shepherd was among 49 Liberals who abstained from a vote held on the controversial gun legislation. More than 100 angry residents who live in the vicinity of Hwy. 7A and Simcoe St. protested to council plans for a fast food restaurant on the busy corner. The Agriculture Employment Services office in Port Perry received notice they were faced with a 35% cut in funding and would eventually be phased out. Irwin and Alissa Smith unveiled plans to open a winery on their Scugog Township farm. Five candidates threw their hat into the ring for the vacated Ward 2 seat. They were Ken Carruthers, Jeff Brown, Elgin Knopp, Jim Grosvenor and Ruth Mark. May 1995 Richard Miller was appointed as chief of the Scugog Fire Department beating out four candidates for the position. Council turned down an application for commercial zoning for a fast food restaurant at the corner of Hwy. 7A and Simcoe St. Postmaster Bob Walker of Port Perry was awarded the prestigious Silver Postmark Award by Canada Post at a dinner in Toronto. Port Perry was named "Town of the Year" by Welcome Wagon. Community Memorial Hospital officially opened the new Stephen B. Roman Wing as hundreds gathered on the lawn. Premier Bob Rae was among the guests present for the occasion. Six months after losing his Ward 1 seat in an election, Ken Carruthers returned to council by a 13 ballot margin over his opponents in a by-election for Ward 2. June 1995 Five teachers at Port Perry High School lost their jobs due to a decision by the Board of Education which declared 40 positions in the region redundant this year. The bust of Daniel David Palmer was returned to Palmer Park following a complete restoration of the monument. Five old headstones, dating back to 1869, were damaged by vandals at Pine Grove Cemetery. Former school board trustee Joyce Kelly was honored by the students of Cartwright High School for her years of service. Firefighters from across Ontario competed in the Port Perry extrication competition sponsored by the local fire department. Jean Hunter was the recipient of the Greenbank Lions Club first community volunteer award. Jeanne and Dr. Matthew B. Dymond celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary at St. John's Presbyterian Church. Durham MP Alex Shepherd voted against his government's controversial gun legislation bill. Judy Soomre was credited with saving the lives of four people when she rushed into a house to warn them of a fire. Jerry Taylor appointed chairman of Community Memorial Hospital Board, taking over from Kent Farndale who stepped down after a three-year term. July 1995 Local actor Bunty Webb was awarded the Les and Zona Parkes Award for her contribution to the life and promotion of the Borelians community theatre. Local World War II veterans were honored at a special ceremony at the kick-off of Canada Day festivities in Palmer Park. More than $1,000 was collected in boat launching fees during the first week-end of the pilot project. Former Port Perry resident Marnie Luke, who co-produced a documentary, won top honors in a TV Ontario film contest. Scugog was battered by a vicious summer storm which felled trees and power lines and left many homes without hydro for hours. Residents along a portion of Ash Street were evacuated from their homes after work crews, constructing a roadway into Victorian Village, punctured a gas main. Vandals broke into Immaculate Conception Church in Port Perry causing extensive damage. A statue, candle stands and flower vases were broken. Members from Loyal Orange Lodges from across Ontario gathered in Port Perry for their annual Orange Heritage Parade. August 1995 A Port Perry woman discovered more than $7,000 of goods were purchased with her VISA card number and officials with CIBC were checking into the fraud. Dick Assman, who was made an overnight sensation by TV host David Letterman, attended the Janetville Jamboree and Kotya Peekin' in Port Perry to sign autographs. Mabel Cawker celebrated her 90th birthday. She has been a Port Perry Star correspondent for 18 years. Police arrested and charged a man who dug up and removed the skeletal remains of a woman buried more than 100 years ago in a Sunderland cemetery. Gary Hill won honors as Canadian Auctioneer champion at the World Championship Auctioneering competition held in Toronto. September 1995 Stonemoor Day Care Centre has leased the old library building on Queen St. for day care services at a cost of $400 per month. Betty and Rolly Fox, parents of the late Terry Fox, visited Port Perry to help local organizers promote the Terry Fox Run. The 200 year old skeletal remains of a man, including a skull and jaw bone, were found in Caesarea by a man digging a septic bed on his property. The Terry Fox run was an astounding success, 390 participated and helped raise more than $21,000 for cancer research. Chiropractors from both Canada and the United States celebrated the 100th annniversary of the founding of their profession in Palmer Park. Ken Dowson, owner of Dowson's Valu-Mart announced the family business had been sold. A new supermarket, "Your Independent Grocer" owned by National Grocers and Loblaws is expected to open on the old Conway property by Thanksgiving 1996. October 1995 A development proposal by Bill and Paula Lishman near Nestleton ran into objections from residents opposed the establishment of an aerodrome on the property. Star publisher J. Peter Hvidsten announced Don MacLeod has been taken in as a partner and general manager of the Port Perry Star. Northwood Exotic Animal Ranch acquired a 1,200 pound polar bear for the ranch. Downtown Port Perry was blocked off to traffic for the filming of "Father Goose," a film about Bill Lishman and his geese. Paula Lishman was named recipient of the International Competitiveness Award at the Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards held in Vancouver, B.C. Scugog Council and the Port Perry Agricultural Society agreed to a lease of the fairground property after more than a year of disagreements over the terms of the lease. The new 10,000 sq. ft. Scugog Centre Community Hall, located at the Scugog Arena was officially opened. A number of Port Perry area residents travelled to Montreal to take part in a "Crusade for Canada" prior to the Quebec referendum vote. November 1995 Scugog Township honored 80 members of the community for their achievements as volunteers or as members of championship teams. Jennifer Fowler, Jodi Hunter and Erin Nesbitt are heading to South America as part of the Youth Challenge International group for 10 weeks to perform development work. After 20 days in preliminary trial, Mitchell and Angus McArthur, the two brothers charged with the bank robbery and shootings at the Bank of Montreal last year, were sent to trial. Stephen Jarman, a Port Perry High School student was chosen as valedictorian at the school's annual commencement exercises. Cartwright High School's valedictorian was Dana Lee. Longtime resident and supporter of many area projects, Ken F. Jackson, died after a short illness. He was the founder and owner of Flamingo Pastries and Mother Jackson's Open Kitchens before selling his interests in 1994.

January 1996 Scugog Council issued a stiff warning to snowmobilers to clean up their act and abide by bylaws and alcohol regulations. A six inch watermain burst on Bigelow St. forcing nearby residents to go without water for a total of eight hours, and flooding some basements. The Durham Board of Education announced plans to axe Junior Kindergarten beginning in the fall. Dwindling provincial grants forced the move, as the board saw $12 million cut from it usual level of funding. Local police expressed dismay with the provincial government's cutting of police protection. Scugog council claimed an MTO survey of Hwy. 7A was a joke and said that the MTO ignored the council's requests and concerns. February 1996 A&P confirmed plans to open a new Food Basics store in the Port Perry Plaza, in the store that had been occupied by Dowson's Valu-Mart. Joyce Kelly retired as secretary of the Blackstock Fair after 30 years service to the community in the position. Port Perry Medical Associates were chosen to test a new antibiotic eye drop medication. Port Perry's Community Memorial Hospital was hit with a $145,000 budget reduction by the government. Residents of Port Perry's Community Nursing Home took off to the Caribbean for a fabulous cruise after three years of planning and fundraising. March 1996 Bunty Webb, a well-known actor who lives on Scugog Island, appeared in a Campbell's soup commercial with NHL stars Wendel Clark and Tie Domi. Jokers peaked the public's curiosity by placing a phony ad for a strip joint in a vacant store window at the Port Perry Plaza. Port Perry High School group Jazzmerize, the concert choir and the group "Time Square" all travelled to Toronto to take part in the national Music Fest. A large development proposed by Bill and Paula Lishman in Nestleton was halted due to soaring costs and bureaucratic "cholesterol." Don Forder retired from the insurance business. April 1996 Durham Region public school board trustees were informed of a big cut in expenditures. Motorcycle club, Para-Dice Riders lost a court battle to stop police road side checks during their visits to the area. The bikers wanted the searches declared unconstitutional. Proposals were made by the District Health Council for Port Perry Hospital and the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital to form a "health care network. Prince Albert residents became wary of a plan to construct 639 homes over the next 20 to 15 years. Community Memorial Hospital received surprise funds from the government, allowing the emergency ward to remain open 24 hours a day. Mike's Food Basics opened in the Port Perry Plaza and caused quite a stir when it was painted bright green. Township officials reported that the agreement allowing the paint job was their "mistake." The Port Perry Juveniles captured the All Ontario Championship after defeating Sutton. May 1996 The Durham Board of Education presented its budget, which slashed more than $15 million dollars from operations, and raised taxes 2.74 per cent for '96. Scugog councillors reported that they were not contacted concerning construction plans for the new Great Blue Heron Casino. Michael Norman, who lives in the south end of the township, won an international backgammon competition in Las Vegas. Port Perry High School students Tristan Smith, Ryan Edgar, Christy Holtby and Robin Adderly won the Durham Think Bowl Contest. Construction on the Great Blue Heron Entertainment Centre began. Ashley Grncarovski was named Miss TO Marjorette after winning first place in an international competition in Pennsylvania. June 1996 The 28th annual running of the Canoe the Nonquon resulted in less participation despite beautiful weather, causing organizers to consider revamping next year's event. Dr. Tom Millar left Medical Associates in Port Perry to set up his own private practice in his Sunderland home, due to government cutbacks. Reports from the MTO indicated that the section of Hwy. 7A between R.H. Cornish and Immaculate Conception School, which parents have long been lobbying crossing lights for, does not meet needs for the crossing lights. Bert Stulen retired from Lake Scugog Lumber after 30 years as credit manager. July 1996 Hundreds of bikers flocked to Port Perry to attend a giant party in honor of the retirement of Satan's Choice founder, Bernie Guindon. Police were out in force, stopping bikers wherever they went in and around town. Bruce Kellett took over as the new owner of the Port Perry Flea Market. The Highlands of Durham Games came to Port Perry and Uxbridge, attracting large crowds and huge public support. Many attended festivities in Port, and enjoyed the heavy-weight games in Uxbridge's Elgin Park. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch in Port Perry held a parade to celebrate the local club's 50th anniversary. Martyn Wannamaker was honored for his part in the rescue of a plane crash victim at a Cadet camp in Banff. Port Perry High School's Youth Internship Program organized a Canada Day Parade. Movie makers took over the Blackstock farm of Ria and Peter Hoogeveen for use in the shooting of the film "The Fairy Godmother," starring Martin Short, Kathleen Turner and Mara Wilson. The Midget Angels Fastball Club captured gold at the regional playdowns. August 1996 Caesarea held its 64th Regatta with new events such as a Mutt Show and the Grandpa and Grandma contest. Ruby Harrison became $10,000 richer on a Daily Keno lottery ticket. A storm casting more than five inches of rain fell upon the area causing extensive damage to some roadways. Community Memorial Hospital in Port and Uxbridge Cottage Hospital officially announced a merger between the two corporations due to funding concerns effective April 1 of the new year. September 1996 'Fly Away Home,' the film based on Bill Lishman and his adventures, premiered and received rave reviews. Patricia Green of Greenbank, won an Emmy for best make-up and special effects for her work on the TV movie, 'Kissinger and Nixon.' The Durham Board of Education won the prestigious Carl Bertelsmann Foundation Award as "the best school board in the world." Dave Mercer realized a life long dream as he landed a 60 second fishing feature on the new VR television station. The Greenbank Church hosted celebrations in honor of its 100th anniversary. October 1996 A deal for crossing lights on 7A was finally struck for the area between R.H. Cornish and Immaculate Conception School as the government promised to fund one third of the costs, with parents and the township kicking in equal amounts. General Motors was paralyzed by a strike for three weeks due to a battle between the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) and the company over contracting out disputes. The Odd Fellows in Port Perry celebrated their 125th anniversary. November 1996 Pilot Steve Nierlich of Sunderland, won the 'Top Gun Award' at the William Tell Air-to-Air Combat Competition in Florida. Two African Lion cubs, born at the Northwood Exotic Animal Ranch, were featured on the CTV program 'Road Crew.' Joanne Cochrane, of Nestleton, was nominated for an Annual Woman of Distinction Award by the YWCA. Brock's Clothing Store celebrated its 115th anniversary with Bill, Claudette and daughter Marina celebrating the occasion. The Chamber of Commerce put forth a proposal for the use of Hwy. 7A in the annual Santa Claus Parade, but was denied access to the King's highway by the MTO and the police. Canadian boxing legend George Chuvalo travelled to Port Perry to talk to high school students about drug abuse. Some local gas stations were forced to shut their pumps down due to the high cost of safety and environmental upgrades required by the government. The Provincial government informed those parents involved in fundraising for the 7A crossing lights of a higher estimate ranging from $30,000 to $60,000. Reid's Independent Grocer opened on the east side of town across from the Port Perry Plaza. Port Perry Minor Hockey changed the name of all teams to the 'Predators,' and adopted a rampaging dinosaur as their mascot. Predators clothing was soon on sale at Scugog Arena. December 1996 Local liquor and beer stores were open on Sunday for the first time ever. Sales started slow, but soon picked up. A tentative agreement was reached in the dispute between Ontario doctors and the provincial government, but not before some local doctors shut their offices for a day to protest government actions toward their profession. Durham Region announced a $2 dumping fee at local garbage transfer stations. The move angered some residents, who saw it as a user fee for a service they already pay for. Suspected arson claimed the grandstand at the Blackstock Fairgrounds as the long standing structure was burned to the ground in a spectacular blaze, causing $80,000 damage.

January 1997 Port Perry Hospital posted warnings about a violent strain of cold and flu virus spreading throughout the area. Reg Philip retired from teaching after 34 years in the profession. It was announced that the popular Ice Palace on Lake Scugog would not open due to continuing vandalism at the site. Ken and Carol Irvine resigned from operating their XL gas station after Sunoco took it over. Police laid more than 150 charges in an effort to clean up a spree of criminal activity in the township. Rumors circulated that both Uxbridge and Port Perry police stations could be closed and replaced by storefront offices. The long awaited opening of the Great Blue Heron Charitable Casino took place on Friday, Jan. 31 at 6 p.m. February 1997 The 1997 National Sled Dog Championship races, sponsored by the local Kinsmen Club, were held at Trillium Trails near Raglan. Community Memorial and Uxbridge Cottage Hospitals announced that Guy Kirvan would take over the position of CEO of the hospitals on April 1. The CIBC received a call announcing there was a bomb in the bank. It turned out to be a hoax. Long time volunteer Ruby Dusty received the Agricultural Services Award for her work with the Port Perry Fair. Members of the local Honeydale Women's Institute celebrated the 100th anniversary of the institute this month. Ward 1 residents rejected the townships bid to initiate township-wide garbage pickup, calling it an extravagance they don't need. A special showing of Bill Lishman's "Fly Away Home" was held to raise money to send a group of PPHS students to a music festival in Banff, Alberta. The merger of Port Perry and Uxbridge Hospitals was passed unanimously by members of the Port Perry Hospital Board. Craig Taylor took over the position of President of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce after Brenda McIntosh handed in her resignation. Durham Region council rejected a $2 dumping fee at regional transfer stations by a vote of 20-9. March 1997 Durham public school trustees approved reintroduction of the Junior Kindergarten program in Scugog schools in the fall. Defense lawyer Cindy Wasser claimed her client, Mitchiel McArthur, had been "framed by police" on charges stemming from the Oct. 20, 1994 bank robbery in Port Perry. Long-time Port Perry Star correspondent for the Nestleton area, Mabel Cawker, passed away after an extended illness. She was in her 92nd year. Diane Martin, chairperson for the "Light The Way To Safety" campaign announced they had raised just over $12,000 for traffic lights. Village Beretta, owned by Glenn VanCamp of Port Perry brought his career earnings to more than $300,000 with a win at Meadowlands in New Jersey. David Brown, CEO at Community Memorial Hospital for the past 23 years, announced he would be retiring at the end of the month. Durham Board of Education trustee Bobbie Drew says the board is looking at a 0.33 per cent increase in the education budget. Community Nursing Home administrator Edna Goss was chosen as 'Administrator of the Year' by a national association of professionals. Police reported two counterfeit $100 bills turned up in deposits made at the Bank of Montreal. April 1997 Port Perry and Uxbridge hospitals merged their boards and services on April 1, under the leadership of new CEO Guy Kirvan. Norm Phillips of Northwood Exotic Animal Ranch captured a 550 lb. Siberian tiger which escaped and was running loose for three days just south of Barrie. Durham Region's health department began laying charges against merchants selling cigarettes to minors. More than 100 friends and colleagues 'roasted' Community Memorial Hospital's retired CEO, David Brown, at a special retirement dinner. Port Perry Bank of Montreal robber Mitchiel 'Micky' McArthur was found guilty, but his younger brother Angus walked away a free man. It was announced that proceeds from a fundraiser at the 125th PPHS reunion will be used toward construction of a new $500,000 library for the school. Scugog business woman Betty Penny was named chair of the Durham Region Economic Development Advisory Committee. Port Perry and Uxbridge hospitals had their names changed to North Durham Health Services as part of the amalgamation of the facilities. After having a career in the classroom for more than 30 years, Nancy McMillan announced she would be retiring the end of the school year. May 1997 The organizing committee for the Caesarea Regatta announced the 67 year old community summer event would not be held this summer. Local dentist Dr. Jack Cottrell was inducted as president of the Ontario Dental Association at a ceremony in Toronto. An 86-year old Port Perry woman lost almost $11,000 in a telemarketing fraud called the Canadian Celebration Give-A-Way Contest. A $250,000 study of Lake Scugog and its tributaries was undertaken. Employees at Mother Jackson's Open Kitchen voted overwhelmingly (86-58) to reject a union in the plant. Over 900 former students and teachers showed up at Port Perry High School for the school's 25th reunion. Due to government grants to the township being slashed, Scugog Council put a number of projects on hold. Port Perry Ambulance Service owner Bob DeShane announced the service will become part of a large American-owned company. June 1997 Liberal Alex Shepherd was returned to office in Durham Riding. Port Perry High School technology class students won first place in the 'starter-motor class' at the second annual Great Electric Car contest. A number of local residents had their heads shaved clean by Rick McCoshen at Trader Sam's Restaurant and raised more than $6,000 for the Trevor Szewarda fund. Norma Robinson was honored by Postmaster Bob Walker and staff as she retired from the Port Perry Post Office. She had been sorting mail at the local office for 21 years. Clive Roane is retiring at the end of the school year from teaching at R.H. Cornish Public School after a career which spanned 30 years. A 53-year old Port Perry woman died in a tragic early morning fire in her second-floor apartment on Water St. The Port Perry Knights of Columbus were awarded the Best Council Award and Trillium Award at the groups annual convention. Ken Shaw and Lance Brown of CTV were the guest golfers at the Tartan Celebrity Golf Classic held at Thunderbird Golf Club. After more than three years in the planning, the Rodman log cabin, built about 1840 will be moved to Scugog Shores Museum and renovated. July 1997 More than 800 pigs perished in a Scugog Island barn fire, estimated to have caused a loss of more than $500,000. Gord Lewis called it quits after 35 years of repairing cars and pumping gas for the residents of Port Perry and area. Scugog council issued an ultimatum to the developers of West Shore Village to complete outstanding issues on the site. Judge Walter Borosa presided over a Canadian citizenship ceremony in Palmer Park as part of the Canada Day celebrations in which 26 new Canadians took the oath. Frank Fielding was honored as Scugog's 1997 Citzen of the Year. Anne Barrett, animal control officer for Scugog and Uxbridge Townships for the past 30 years retired on June 30. Members of the Para-Dice Riders motorcycle club where stopped at roadblocks near Caesarea as they arrived to attend a Canada Day bash. The family of the late Thom Dorn dedicated a bench in Palmer Park to the memory of their father and husband. Festival Days actitivies took place in downtown Port Perry and Palmer Park. Five local youths who admitted to smashing mailboxes with baseball bats, replaced the damaged boxes and apologize to the victims. Rennie Goose was elected Chief of the Scugog Island First Nations council over incumbent Gary Edgar. After less than a year in town, the Sunoco gas station in Port Perry closed its doors and moved out of town. The Manchester Coffee Time restaurant was robbed at knifepoint. A fur coat valued at $4,800 was stolen off the rack at Lishman's in Port Perry. A provincial proposal to allow the sale of liquor on Sundays this summer met with no objections from Scugog Council. August 1997 Durham Police arrested three people who they said stole at least $4,000 worth of merchandise in the area the past month. Bill Lishman and Joe Duff took delivery of a flock of 18 Sandhill Cranes which arrived from Maryland in a C-130 Hercules transport plane. Annabell Harrison retired from The Port Perry Star after spending almost 34 years working for the newspaper. A four-year-old boy watching a ball game at Seagrave escaped with 23 stitches after he was bitten near his eye by a dog. Vandals struck at the new Dairy Queen location in Port Perry, spray painting the building and signs. More than $8,000 was raised by 50 riders at the Rotary Club's annual Aquarama fundraiser for Easter Seals. Water quality problems at Birdseye Pool forced the closure of the township's only public swimming pool until the problem can be solved. Pilot/photographer Joe Duff sustained minor injuries when his ultralight airplane crashed into a field while flying with a flock of Sand Hill cranes. The Rodman cabin, built about 1834, was moved to Scugog Shores Museum. Councillor Doug Moffatt announced he will challenge Mayor Howard Hall for the township's top job come the election in November. For the second time in less than two months, Coffee Time Donuts in Manchester was robbed at knifepoint. September 1997 West Shore Village, an adult retirement living complex came to a virtual standstill due to several setbacks and financial restructuring. Vandals targeted Pine Grove Cemetery in Prince Albert for the second time in three weeks, damaging a number of headstones. Debra Lasky found herself in a dilemma after neighbors complained about her parking a school bus in her driveway. The township prohibits busses being parked in residential areas. Durham Regional Police Detective Sergeant Chuck Mercier was promoted to Inspector and commander of 26 Division Teachers at Scugog's high schools hit the pavement to voice their concerns with proposed changes to the education system by the Harris government. Greenbank area farmer Keith Phoenix luckily escaped injury when a 70 foot silo mysteriously split and came crashing down. The Scugog Chamber of Commerce has established a page on the internet in hopes of increasing tourism. Thirteen-year-old Nathan Cook of Port Perry qualified for the 1998 Wold Junior Golfer Championships in Florida next summer. Local farmer Les Smith marked the 60th year of showing cattle at the Ontario County Holstein Show in Port Perry. A violent windstorm left a path of destruction across the township, damaging property. Port Perry Cubs and Scouts celebrated their 75th anniversary over the weekend. October 1997 Mayor Howard Hall and Durham Regional Police 26 Division inspector Chuck Mercier were on hand to welcome Durham's new 'top cop', Chief Kevin McAlpine at a ceremony at police headquarters. Debbie and Jim McKnight held the official opening of the new Dairy Queen restaurant. A benefit auction for Donna McIntyre and her family of Scugog Island raised more than $10,500 for the family which will be placed in a trust fund. Long-serving Deputy Fire Chief Bill Harrison officially retired after spending almost 35 years on the local fire department. Glenn and Kelly Evans held the official opening of the new location of their Port Perry Auto Glass business, at the west end of Port Perry on Hwy. 7A. The public was asked to help in locating Jamie Furnandiz who dropped her son off at a local daycare centre and then disappeared. Rita Rickard, a third year graphic art student, was the recipient of this year's Kent Farndale Art Bursary. Public and separate school teachers throughout Scugog Township and across Ontario, walked off the job to protest the Harris governments Bill 160. Students joined protesting teachers by rallying at Durham-East MPP John O'Tooles office in Bowmanville. November 1997 Port Perry High School commencement, scheduled for November 7, was put on hold due to the strike by Ontario teachers. Debbie McGarry and Heather Haliburton-Smith were co-winners of the Rotarian of the Year award. Doug Moffatt was a surprise winner over incumbent Howard Hall for the position of mayor of Scugog Township. Ken Gadsden won the Regional Councillors seat. Victorian Village resident Dianne Bunn launched a $6 million class action suit against Scugog Township and Ribcor Holdings, builders of the subdivision. The two-week strike by teachers ended when they returned to their classrooms on Nov. 10. Cindy Lister was welcomed as the new manager of the Community Memorial Hospital Foundation. Howard Hall withdrew his name for the position of Chairman of Durham Region. Despite a national postal strike, mail in Scugog Township kept moving. The local workers belong to a different union than the striking posties. More than 100 friends and colleagues of Deputy Fire Chief Bill Harrison gathered to bid him farewell, after serving for 35 years on the local fire department. December 1997 Mitchiel "Micky" McArthur was back in court in an effort to have him declared a dangerous offender for the Oct. 20, 1994 robbery and shooting at the Bank of Montreal in Port Perry. Durham Bd. of Eduction announced applications for rebate cheques, due to the teacher's strike, will be available to parents soon. Mayor Doug Moffatt and his council was sworn in at a special inauguration ceremony held at Town Hall 1873 on Dec. 1. Pauline Pavlik, a local resident and educator for more than 30 years was guest of honor at a retirement tea at Prince Albert Public School. Wayne and Pam Wanamaker took over the Seagrave General Store, which was owned by Wayne's grandparents more than 20 years ago.

January 1998 The Victory Christian Centre on Alma St. was destroyed by an afternoon fire. Poor weather conditions delayed opening of the Open Air Ice Palace skating rink on Lake Scugog. The Durham Board of Education is replaced by the Durham District School Board which has fewer trustees and less responsibility than the old board. Peter Bowerman took over duties as manager of the CIBC in Port Perry. Bob Howsam had his hearing restored after an accident left him deaf 15 years ago. 'Icehenge', a magnificent recreation of the famous 'Stonehenge' in Great Britain was raised by Bill Lishman and friends at the lakefront. Unfortunately the ice could not hold the massive 40 ton structure, and it collapsed under its own weight, amid speculation of sabotage. North Durham Health Services (Port Perry and Uxbridge hospitals) received $215,400 from the province, to help with restructuring. Scugog Township was faced with $120,000 in capital costs for equipment and repairs at the arena. Firefighters and police recover the bodies of two men, Christopher Raines of View Lake and Shane Cobb of Woodville, from Lake Scugog. The two men drown in separate snowmobiling accidents. Two more men lost their lives Jan. 20 after their snowmobiles went through the ice just yards from the first two fatalities. This makes four deaths in less than a week, and police are urging people to stay off the ice. February 1998 David and Helen Chow closed the doors of their popular restaurant on Feb. 16, 1998, after serving the community for 25 years. Scugog fire chief Richard Miller submitted a bill for almost $15,000 to the township to cover the costs incurred by his department from rescue services provided during last months snowmobile accident. Kinsmen Sled Dog Races, held at Trillium Valley were a huge success, although organizers say they lost money this year. Scugog Island First Nations representatives ask council to support them in their bid for VLTs (video lottery terminals) and higher limits at the Blue Heron Casino. Settlement House Shops owned by Daphne and Tom Mitchell, was named the Easter Canada Retailer of the Year by the Canadian Gift and Tableware Assoc. Don MacLeod, of the Port Perry Star, is elected president of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce. Police nab more than $200,000 worth of drugs during the search of a Utica area home. More than 200 angry residents picketed the Durham Bd. of Education offices demanding trustees review a controversial sex education program for developmentally delayed students. Removal of ice huts from the lake proved to be difficult, with several taking the plunge, due to thin ice by the Feb. 28 deadline. March 1998 Port Perry becomes the hub for all police activity with Durham Regional Police administrative staff moving from Sunderland to Port Perry. Central Seven Association for Community Living came out in support of the Durham Board of Education sex education program for developmentally delayed adolescents. Construction is underway along North Street to enlarge the sewer line and install new sidewalks. The Family Action Council has called on the Rev. Ken Campbell to speak on its behalf condemning the Board of Education's sex program. A judge reserved decision on a $6 million class action lawsuit against Ribcor Developers and Scugog Township by Diane Bunn who claims some homes in Victorian Village were built with inferior materials and poor workmanship. John Guenther, a grade eight student at Scugog Christian School, was selected to be a Page in the legislature at Queen's Park. Durham Board of Education's sex education program survived a motion to be revised by a single vote. April 1998 Council was opposed to a request from Rattleglen subdivision developers to build homes on 30 to 40 foot lots and townhouses with 20 foot frontages. Joe and Clara Dowson retired from Canada Post after 18 years of delivering the rural route mail in Scugog Township. Bill Lishman and Joe Duff of Operation Migration arrived back in Port Perry from Virginia with six Sandhill Cranes they are teaching to migrate. Salvage yard owner Peter Rabin of Saintfield claims he is being discrimated against by council, in their efforts to get the property cleaned up. A portable classroom at Greenbank Public School was replaced after several children became ill. A toxic fungus in the portable was the cause of the illness. Scugog councillor met with GTA moderator Allan Tonks to tell him why they do not want to become part of the GTSB (Greater Toronto Services Board). Twenty year teaching veteran Marlene Pike became the new principal for R.H. Cornish School, replacing Rick DeJong who was transferred to Uxbridge. Hundreds of kids took part in the 10th annual Giant Easter Egg Hunt on Queen St., sponsored by the Nutty Chocolatier and the Port Perry Star. Durham Health Services CEO Guy Kirvan says there is a shortage of qualified personnel to fill nursing positions in Port Perry and Uxbridge. Scugog council voted strongly against a proposal for an off-track betting facility at Trader Sam's tavern. Blackstock residents ask police for more patrols of village due to problems with teenagers, including vandalism, noise and damage. May 1998 George Burnett, coach of the OHA Guelph Storm headed off to Portland, Oregon with his team to compete for the Memorial Cup. Council was cool to endorsing the concept of a second pad at Scugog Arena, making it clear not a penny of tax dollars would be available for the facility. Local businessman James Burghgraef, 42, owner of Port Perry Auto Supply, was killed when his car was hit head-on by a vehicle which crossed into his lane. Scugog council refused permission for the Chamber of Commerce to operate a midway in Palmer Park during Festival Days in July. Mike Cochrane and Donna Kaye began construction of an indoor swimming pool and health centre on Old Simcoe St. The CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) relocated its office from Bowmanville to Vanedward Drive in Port Perry. The class-action lawsuit sought by Victorian Village resident Diane Bunn was given the green light by Justice J.H. Jenkins. Durham Board of Education informed 13 teacher from Port Perry High School that their jobs may be cut due to the province's sweeping changes to the education system. After caring for children for more than 15 years, Mary Bricknell of Port Perry was forced to shut down her daycare for having too many children in her home. Police take a "zero-tolerance" stand on troublemakers in Blackstock in an effort to end loitering and vandalism in the hamlet. Gavin Stanley of Port Perry High School was named as one of two student representative on the Durham District Board of Education. The Nutty Chocolatier moved the manufacturing branch of its business to Port Perry from Peterborough. Firefighters from three fire departments fought in vain, but could not save Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church from a spectacular early morning fire. The $2 million fire started about 3:30 a.m. Sunday, May 31st, completely destroying the church and adjoining hall. June 1998 Developers of the troubled West Shore Village project asked Scugog council to approve additional units at the adults assisted living centre. Susan Waite closed the doors of Suzy's Travel Ltd. citing changes in the travel industry making it difficult to operate a small agency. Port Perry Bank of Montreal robber Mitchiel McArthur was in court as the Crown attempts to have him declared a dangerous offender. Port Perry High School received the go-ahead for a $3 million expansion which includes a new library, music room and science labs. All funds to be provided by the Durham Board of Education. The Ontario Fire Marshal said the cause of the fire which destroyed the Immaculate Conception Church may never be determined. General Motors in Oshawa closed resulting in 4450 workers being laid off, due to a strike at a parts plant in the U.S.A. About 130 members of the Ontario Nursing Association walked out on strike after negotiations broke down.. Family and friends gathered in Palmer Park to dedicate a bench to the late Jim Burghgraef, who was killed in a tragic car accident. A violent summer thunder and lightning storm passed through the area, ripping roofs off buildings and downing trees and hydro lines. July 1998 Durham Region set its 1998 budget with an overall increase of 15 per cent, adding $140 in taxes to the average home. After 22 years as administrator of Community Nursing Home in Port Perry, Edna Goss retired. Kim Mitchell becomes the new administrator. Durham Region council voted in favour of a salary increase for councillors which will add about $40,000 to its $200,000 budget. Mayor Moffatt voted against the increase. Hundreds of cattle buyers from around the world attended the huge dispersal sale of Hanover Hills Holsteins. The farm was purchased in 1973 by Peter Heffering, who is called a 'living legend' in the Holstein business. Dr. Merrilee Brown is the lastest physician to begin practice at Medical Associates in Port Perry. Pat O'Hearn, a longtime owner of a Victorian Village home, along with other homeowners, said they want nothing to do with the lawsuit launched by Diane Bunn. Myles O'Riordan became the new president of the Rotary Club of Port Perry. The Durham District School Board announced there would be no layoffs of teachers, as they passed their $435 million budget. Ray Robson of North Durham Health Services says the strike by Victorian Order of Nurses is having a definite impact on the hospitals in Port Perry and Uxbridge. Lakeridge Health Corporation moved closer to reality when hospitals in Bowmanville, Uxbridge, Port Perry and Oshawa all agreed on the merger. Actor and comedian Martin Short was in Port Perry to visit his father-in-law Dr. Robert Dolman and to make an appearance at the Tartan Celebrity Golf Tournament. Workers returned to the job after a strike which paralyzed the General Motors for seven weeks ended. A Pow-Wow was hosted by the Mississaugas of Scugog Island at the band's community centre on the Island. More than $1 million in stolen construction equipment was recovered by police in a massive raid which took in 13 location in Scugog Twp. and Durham Region. The third annual Highlands of Durham Games got underway with a Tattoo of marching bands in Port Perry and continued over to Uxbridge with heavy games and dancing competitions. August 1998 Jerry's Truck Service in Manchester was hit by thieves who stole $50,000 in tools and equipment. Lakeridge Health Corporation was officially launched following the amalgamation of five hospitals in the Region of Durham. Striking registered nurses in Durham Region apply for arbitration to bring and end to their eight-week labour disruption. Jennifer Copithorn, 24, a former student of both Port Perry and Blackstock schools, was attacked and fatally stabbed by a man in Bowmanville, outside the trust company office where she worked. Marvin Ungerman opened his state-of-the-art chicken broiler farm just west of Port Perry. The operation opened in two new barns housing more than 45,000 chicks. The Kinsmen Beach at the lakefront in Port Perry is posted as unsafe for swimming by the Durham Regional Health Unit. Port Perry Star movie critic and columnist John Foote was appointed Director of Film and Television Production at the Trebas Institute, Toronto. The Port Perry Rotary Club's Aquarama event, held at the lakefront, raised $12,000 for Easter Seals. Former Scugog Mayor Howard Hall was found not guilty by Provincial Court Judge D. Halikowski, of two charges which stemmed from an accident last November. Brian Lemon is named the first ever CEO of the newly formed Lakeridge Health Corporation, which incorporates five Durham hospitals. Julie Goodwin, owner of SwimKids, raised $3000 for the Scugog Soccer Club, by swimming 10 kilometers. September 1998 Sixty-five high school teachers in Port Perry joined their colleagues from across the Region of Durham on picket lines as they continued their strike against the Board of Education. Road Watch, a program organized to bring about improved driving habits on the roads of Scugog, was officially launched in Palmer Park. Council modifies new Official Plan to allow a maximum of 20 units per hectare of land, rather than 30 units. Darrell Fox, brother of the late Terry Fox spoke to the students at Cartwright High School about brother's tale of courage and determination. The Provincial Government tabled back-to-work legislation to end the high school teachers' strike Susan Neale was introduced as the new curator at Scugog Shores Museum Village. Joan Graham is the recipient of the Heritage Community Recognition Award for her efforts to keep Scugog Twp. green. October 1998 Several Scugog Township residents were among those charged in connection with a construction equipment theft ring involving more than $3 million in stolen property. Scugog is considering an anti-loitering bylaw to deal with young people causing trouble and disturbances in the township. The arrival of tax bills in Scugog resulted in a barrage of phone calls to the township, as some property owners were faced with massive increases. Durham School Board and teachers come to an agreement on how to make up for the 15 days of classes lost to the strike at the beginning of the school year. Music teacher John Beirness of Cartwright High School won the Bruce Mather Award for his dedication to students and teaching. A summer of above-average temperatures resulted in the 1998 growing season being the hottest ever recorded in the area. Katherine Crosier, formerly of Utica, celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends at the Versa-Care Centre in Uxbridge. The Ministry of Environment is investigating possible illegal dumping of construction material and barrels at a farm on the McKee Rd. near Blackstock. Construction at the West Shore Village project on Simcoe St. came to a stop after Stoneport Construction, the general contractor, pulled his men off the job. The project has been plagued with delays since it began three years ago. A man charged with the armed robbery of a Manchester donut shop was found not guilty on all nine charges. James Wells says he just wants to get on with his life now and plans to move to B.C. Work began on a new sanitary sewer project which closed down parts of Water and Scugog Streets for more than a month. Council waived a loan payment of $10,000 from the Town Hall 1873 committee for this year. The committee was short funds due to $28,000 in unexpected expenditures during the year. November 1998 Liens amounting to $700,000 were filed by four companies against the troubled West Shore Village project. Scugog Township has only a $50,000 line of credit and Mayor Doug Moffatt said that amount wouldn't be enough to clean up the mess that's there. A pair of thieves made off with a small amount of cash after robbing a local gas station at knifepoint. Inspector Chuck Mercier of Durham Regional Police, 26 Division was the guest speaker at a Scugog Chamber of Commerce business meeting. Guy Kirvan, the former CEO for Port Perry and Uxbridge Hospitals, was named to the new health mangement team of Lakeridge Health Corporation. Mr. Kirvan was appointed Director of Operations Port Perry/Uxbridge. Durham MP Alex Shepherd says he supports a report condemning proposed bank mergers. Provincial Grade 3 testing results show Durham students have made strides in mathematics, but rank the lowest overall in the Greater Toronto Area. Port Perry High School students began gathering clothing, blankets and cash to send to the vitictims of Hurricane Mitch in Nicaragua. Greenbank resident Brian Jones who was chosen as Durham's Educator of the Year earlier this year, was named one of the Toronto Sun's 1998 Teacher's of the Year. Mr. Jones teaches kindergarten at Meadowcrest Public School. Peter Talbot, the former head of the history department at Port Perry High School, retired after teaching for 31 years. Stonemoor Day Care Centre celebrated its 10th anniversary in Port Perry. Port Perry Lions Club donated $500 to the Greenbank Lions Club to be put towards their purchase of a parcel of land for parking and expansion. Utica's oldest and most beloved citizens, Mrs. Katherine Crosier, passed away at Versa Care Nursing Home in Uxbridge at 100 years of age. Plans for a new library and music room at Port Perry High School were put on hold by the Board of Education. Chuck Dewhirst, Port Perry Rotary Club's charter president , was honoured by being named recipient of the Paul Harris Medal, Rotary's highest honour. Members of the Port Perry Curling Club celebrated the 40th Anniversary of their building. Roger Moase is the 1998-99 president. December 1998 Results of provincial-wide Grade 3 testing in reading, writing and math shows Durham students results behind many of their provincial peers. By a vote of 6-5, Durham Dist. School Board trustees voted down a proposed $2.5 million library, music and science facility for Port Perry High School. Jason Towns and Vince Criscione won the $25,000 jackpot with an instant scratch and win ticket bought in Port Perry. Noel Perry is credited with saving the life of Dean Manks, the quadriplegic son of John Manks, after his van caught on fire. Mr. Perry pulled the burning van over, jumped in and lifted Dean out of his wheelchair and moved him away from the $70,000 truck as it was being consumed by fire. Chief Richard Miller informed council that hes' concerned that the Caesarea fire station is a dozen firefighters short. Bunny Rowland received Girl Guides' highest honour, the Gold Merit Award for her longtime service. In the 50 years of guiding in Port Perry, this is only the second time it has been awarded. Students are feeling the effects of ongoing contract negotiations between high school teachers and the Board of Education as most extra-curricular activies (sports and music) have been suspended. Mitchiel 'Micky' McArthur is given 24 years in jail for robbery of Port Perry Bank of Montreal and shooting of three police officers and two civilians. Police and victims of the shooting were shocked by the decision. Durham MP Alex Shepherd and Durham Regional Police Chief Kevin McAlpine joined the growing number of voices condemning the 14 1/2 year sentence of Mitchiel 'Micky' McArthur. Mr. Shepherd sent a written request to the Attorney-General requesting an appeal of the case. A 44-year-old man was killed, and two other people -- a police officer and a 17-year-old boy -- were left wounded after gunfire broke out during an attempted arrest near Sunderland on Dec. 28.

January 1999 Residents began receiving GO bus service between Port Perry and Toronto on Saturday, January 2, 1999. Neil Bacon Auctions opened a large new sales barn just west of Utica. Heavy snowfall prompted numerous complaints regarding irresponsible snowmobilers from area residents. Durham Regional Police announced plans to construct a modern, new headquarters for 26 Division near Port Perry. Lake Scugog was named as the site for watersports events for the Ontario Summer Games in August 1999. Sgt. Ken Hudson, the first Durham Police officer to patrol the streets in Port Perry, retired after a 30 year career in policing. He was honored by the area residents at an open house in Nestleton. February 1999 A high-speed crash between two snowmobiles on Lake Scugog took the life of Brian Breen, 27, and severely injured Adam Bothwell, 24, of Bowmanville. Plans were unveiled for a $1.6 million restoration and naturalization of the Lake Scugog shoreline starting this summer. Extensive renovations are planned for one of the town's most historical buildings, Town Hall 1873. Cost of the improvements is estimated at close to $1 million. Taylor Ford of Port Perry was awarded a contract to supply 25 new Ford Crown Victorias for Durham Regional Police cruisers. The fate of the 50 year-old Scout/Kinsmen Hall is questionable, with $30,000 in upgrades needed. Local historian Paul Arculus launched his new book, The Merchants Of Old Port Perry, to packed house at a special book signing at Town Hall 1873. A Mississauga man was seriously injured when his hang-glider crashed 300 feet to the ice on Lake Scugog. Council gave approval for Phase Two of Honey Heights residential development, owned by Richard and Karin Rondeau. JoAnne Cerovich was elected as president of the Tourist Association of Durham Region. March 1999 Durham Regional council voted in favour of taking over operation of ambulance service in the region, at a cost of $10 million annually. Anglers on Lake Scugog are reporting one of the best ice fishing seasons in recent years with both more and larger fish being caught. Local historian Paul Arculus launched his new book, The Merchants of Old Port Perry, at a book-signing party held at Town Hall 1873 on March 11. Kawartha Fisheries Associaton began building spawning beds out of rocks in several locations around Lake Scugog for walleye. Durham Region gives initial approval to Scugog's Official Plan, limiting growth over the next 22 years at 6,000 people. Council decided against purchasing the Old Port Marketing building on Durham Rd. #8 for a new municipal office, stating the $2.5 million cost to buy and renovate the building was just too much. Council decides to post the busy Perry and Queen St. intersection as a four-way stop and to designate a loading zone just around the corner on Perry St. for trucks loading and unloading for area stores. April 1999 Council to ask the Trent Severn Waterway officials to consider dredging on the south side of the pier at the pier, to make it easier for boats to manoeuvre during weigh-ins from fishing tournaments held at on the lake. Three officers involved in the shooting death of Tony Romagnuolo and wounding of hi son Rocco, were charged by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU). A charge of second degree murder was laid against Const. Randy Martin, while Constables Al Robins and Michael Hoskin received lesser charges. Thieves broke into Port Perry High School and made off with eight guitars from the music room, where students taking lessons had left their instruments. Councillor David Dietlein suggested closing down Scugog Arena during the summer months, and hiring part-time staff, to save money for taxpayers. A nine-year-old boy narrowly escaped death after being rescued from the frigid waters of a marsh near the Beaver Meadow. Rescuers were led to the swampy area by the reflection in his dog's eyes, which had refused to leave the young lad who was submerged in water and was unable to speak due to hypothermia. Nestleton resident Colin Kemp along with three other township residents, launched an appeal against Scugog's Official Plan to the OMB, citing the plan was a waste of taxpayers' money. An airplane crashed near Valentia, taking the lives of student pilot Marsha Pope, 21, of Brooklin and flight instructor Daniel Friedman. Council committed $6,000 for repairs to the old Scout Hall. Although the hall needs extensive renovations, the money is earmarked for new windows and doors. May 1999 After years of promoting that David Daniel Palmer, founder of Chiropractic, was born in Port Perry, a Toronto area chiropractor uncovered proof that he was born in Pickering. Palmer did live and go to school in Port Perry as a young man. The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry's charter president, Larry Kendall, was honoured with a life membership in the Kinsmen Club of Canada. Work is scheduled to begin on a new 12,000 sq. ft. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church next month. The former church was destroyed by fire in May 1998. Durham Region Police Inspector Chuck Mercier of 26 Division received the RCMPs highest honour, the Commissioner's Accommodation" for his work in developing a management course and manual. Police officers from 26 Division seized almost $6.5 million in marijuana plants from a home a Scugog Twp. home after being asked to assist a woman in removing her belonging from the home. A search of the residence revealed a large hydroponic growing operation and 2,884 marijuana plants. June 1999 Scugog Twp. councillors receive their first pay hike in eight years. The three phase hike provides 3.7 percent in Jan. 1999; 2.5 percent in Jan 2000 and 2.5 percent in Jan. 2001. Scugog approved yet another four-way stop sign, this time in Cadmus. Earlier this year, they placed four-way stops at Queen and Water St., and at Queen and Perry St. Durham MPP John O'Toole cruised to an easy victory in the provincial election, defeating Liberal Garry Minnie and NDP Jim Morrison. The family of Tony Romagnuolo, killed in police in a struggle near his Sunderland home last year, launched a $40 million lawsuit against the police. A 12-year old Port Perry boy was arrested after he allegedly threatened fellow students with a knife, putting the knife to one student' throat. Six homes and a marina were among the places hit by over the weekend, as thieves went on a crime spree throughout Scugog. A sod turning at the site for the new Immaculate Conception Catholic Church took place on June 27. The new church project is estimated to cost about $2.2 million. York and Durham Regional Police welcomed the arrival of the shared helicopter, which will be used to patrol the two regions over the next six months on a trial basis. Scugog Council throws their moral support behind plans to build a skateboard park in Port Perry. Plans to build a new police station in North Durham were halted, with plans for selecting the stie to start over again this year. Dorothy Imperial retired from her postion as administrator of Scugog Community Care after almost 20 years. Ann Wanninkoff, one of Scugog's most energetic volunteers, was honoured by being named the Port Perry Star 'Citizen Of The Year.' July 1999 Despite the objections of some residents, council decided to go ahead with township-wide garbage pickup. Glenn, Donna and Bill VanCamp, of VanCamp Contracting sold their excavating business to Brian Acton of Uxbridge. Durham public high school teachers turned down a contract offer that was recommended by their own board. Members of the Quebec chapter of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club roared into town to take part in a party held by the Para-Dice Riders of Caesarea. After 30 years in the restaurant business in Port Perry, Emiel and Kathy Kroonenburg sold their business and retired. King's Bay housing project, located near Seagrave along the Nonquon River, officially opened its sales office for the 107 home community. Scugog Shores Museum held their 30th anniversary Garden Party at the museum. Greetings came from Prime Minster Jean Chretien. David Doerfler, 35, was sentenced to to two years after being found guilty on charges of criminal negligences in causing death and injury in an accident. Maple Leaf goalie Glenn Healy was the guest of honour at the fifth annual Tartan Classic Golf Tournament. August 1999 Dave Mann, a 26-year veteran of Durham Regional Police, won the Eastern Canadian Waterski championship, qualifying him for the Canadian Championships in BC later this year. The Kinsmen Beach in Port Perry was posted unsafe for swimming. Two antique tables, and four ceremonial swords were among the items stolen from the Purple Hill Orange Hall on the Shirley Road. Police stepped up their patrols in an effort to combat the increase in vandalism and mischief in Port Perry. The 145 year old Bowmanville Canadian Statesman was sold to Metroland Printing and Publishing. The paper had been in the James family for the past 121 years. Despite good crops for area farmers this year, low market prices have many area farmers concerned. Kelly Miller Circus raised their large 'big top' tent at the fairgrounds for two packed shows. A film crew from National Geographic, along with local firefighters, re-enacted the search for little Ethan Beattie, 9, who was found stuck in swampy water earlier this year. The Great Blue Heron Casino announced it would close down its bingo operations to make room for slot machines early in the new year. Due to the success of GO Transit, the line announced it would add an extra bus to its schedule for local commuters. The Rotary Club's annual Aquarama raised more than $15,000 for Easter Seals this year, bringing their total to more than $50,000 in the past seven years. Plans for a new 67,000 sq. foot shopping centre with IGA as the main tenant were unveiled for the Flea Market property on 7A Hwy. After failing in its first attempt, a second try to find a location and build a new police station for north Durham's 26 Division, was launched. The search for a site for a skateboard park, for area teens, continues, as well as fund raising for the park. Construction on an expansion at Port Perry High School, including a modernized library and new classrooms, is on schedule and should be completed by February 2000. Members of the Scugog Firefighters qualified to compete in an international extrication competition in Florida later this year. September 1999 The growing problem of heavy trucks on Queen St., in the vicinity of Old Simcoe Rd. spurred council to ask for a report from Roads Superintendent Ron MacDonald. A citizen's group came before the Parks and Recreation committee with a plan for a new indoor pool complex. The group was formed following the closure of Birdseye Pool earlier this year. The search for a new clerk for the township is underway, after council decided to split clerk-administrator Earl Cuddie's job due to the heavy work load. Customized Transportation Ltd., located south of Port Perry, announced it would be shutting down its operation by Thanksgiving. Durham Regional Police, with the aid of the Air-1 police helicopter, racked up over $500,000 in drug seizures in one day. Dr. Trevor Stryde arrived in Port Perry to become the local hospital's second surgeon. Dr. Bill Cohoon has been the lone surgeon at the hospital for the past three decades. In a wild weekend spree, vandals struck schools in both Port Perry and Blackstock, the fairgrounds and other area buildings. Thea Demmers, a bilingual graduate of Port Perry High School, left for France to study at the L'University de Strasbourg. Mark Jeffries, the new principal at Port Perry High School, is settling in. He transferred to Port Perry from Ajax High School. Residents of Prince Albert express concern over a plan to develop 21 new homes on the south side of King St., east of Sunnybrae Golf Course. The restored original works of cartoonist Jimmy Frise, a former resident of Scugog Island, were unveiled at Scugog Shores Museum. At the launch of his new book, Port Perry Star publisher presented copies of Out Of The Ashes, to Scugog's mayor Doug Moffat, and former mayors Lawrence Malcolm, Jerry Taylor and Howard Hall. More than $22,000 was raised at the annual Terry Fox Run as an estimated 465 people ran, walked, jogged or biked the 10 km course. Retired St. Ken Hudson and St. Carl Fitzgerald received long service medals (30 years) at the annual Police Awards Night ceremonies. The Great Blue Heron will undergo a name change, and will feature 450 slot machines, a large section of gaming tables and will be open 24 hours a day when renovations are completed. Port Perry lawyer George Smith celebrated 25 years of practicing law in the community. Mr. Smith specializes in real estate law. October 1999 Five original Jimmy Frise cartoons were unveiled at Scugog Shores Museum, following their restoration. The Operation Migration team of Bill Lishman and Joe Duff announce they would begin a five-year project with the endangered Whooping Crane next spring. Scugog council passed a bylaw that officially recognizes apartments in single family dwellings. After three years of planning, Mariposa council gave the controversial King's Bay development the green light. Constable Dave Mounsteven, of Scugog, an officer in the canine unit, was named Police Officer of the Year by the Lions Club of Oshawa. The Durham District School Board charged that secondary school teachers are conducting an illegal strike, for refusing to participate in extracurricular programs. Epsom Public School was one of 25 school from across the province to win the "Making A Difference For Students" award. The decision on the site of a new Durham Regional Police station for the north, was delayed once again. A violent storm raged through Scugog, causing widespread damage. High winds and torrential rains caused a considerable amount of damage in the township. Nine Scugog teens received the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Plans for a new 40,000 sq. ft. Canadian Tire store, along with a food retailer, franchise restaurants a bank and a drug store on property south of Port Perry were unveiled by Stockworth MBG. Scugog Township decides to undergo a $25,000 market study to find out how additional retail space can be absorbed by the community. Crime statistics for northern Durham declined by nine percent in the second quarter of the year. Durham MPP John O'Toole and agriculture minister Ernie Hardeman were guests at the annual Farmer's Night held by the Blackstock Lions Club. November 1999 Stockworth MBG, which announced plans for a new shopping centre south of Port Perry, petitioned the OMB for a standing in an appeal hearing later this month. Scugog Shores Museum lost more than $60,000 worth of treasured historical items, after thieves broke into their storage area and made off with the valuable items. Aubrey Oppers was named the Rotarian of the Year by the Port Perry Rotary Club. He also received the prestigious Paul Harris award for his work with the club. Parents are warned to brace themselves for more cuts to special education services in Durham schools next year. Three Scugog women, Pam Vivian, Angela Connolly and Annie Young participated in the New York Marathon. Durham District School Board voted to borrow $160 million to finance building and renovations of schools across the region. Ecological Outlook, has been chosen as the company to manage the ambitious $1.8 million Scugog shoreline project. The Scugog Chamber of Commerce announced Festival Days would move from Queen St. to the fairgrounds next year. A backhoe and trucks moved in to remove Birdseye Pool, closed earlier this year. The pool had served area residents for the past 60 years. The OMB rejected an attempt by Stockworth MGB to get a standing at a hearing slated for later this month. Commissioner John Boxoma suggested it was attempt to put the "cart before the horse." Justice Mabel VanCamp, of the Supreme Court of Ontario, was guest speaker at a dedication ceremony for a new garden named in her honor. Local entrepreneur Betty Penny, has expanded her accounting firm into the U.S.A. A 15-year old Port Perry teen received a number of injuries following a swarming attack near the high school. Mike Stanfield of Cadmus, was awarded The Ontario Medal For firefighters Bravery, for his life-saving heroics. Scugog Township council approved the relocation of Port Perry IGA from its downtown location to a new shopping centre proposed for the west end of the community. Guy Kirvan, the Chief Operating Officer for Port Perry and Uxbridge hospitals, announced his retirement effective January 1, 2000. Durham council approved a plan to build a new police station on a Hwy. #12 property, just south of Reg. Rd. 8. The Port Perry Star was victim of a break-in, with thieves making off with more than $10,000 worth of computers and camera equipment. Durham Regional Police Service called for an independent audit of the way the police force is run, citing the morale on the force is at an "all time low." The official launch of the 2000 Summer Games, of which Port Perry will play host to the water events, took place in Oshawa. December 1999 Yvonne de Wit, is new new administrative assistant hired by Scugog Township. She began her duties on Dec. 1, 1999. Durham Police arrested nine people, including at least two Port Perry residents, in connection with one of the region's largest crack cocaine rings. Charles White, head of Port Perry High School music department, was honoured by being named the Teacher of the Year by the Toronto Sun newspaper. It was announced the Port Perry office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will be shut down early next year. Police recovered more than $100,000 in stolen automobiles and parts at a Manchester auto body shop. Fire Chief Richard Miller suggested to council that he would like a full-time day staff for the local fire department. As the six month trial period for the police helicopter comes to an end, extension of the service was put on the police "wish list." Scugog Township school trustee Bobbie Drew was one of the few members of the Durham District School Board to have a near perfect attendance to meetings. Scugog Township announced a $50,000 budget deficit for 1999, mainly due to a deficit of the roads department. Scugog Shores Museum Village received an $8,000 grant from the provincial government. Four local women, Emilie Gassien, Georgia Brock, Marlene Moore and Jeanne Culp returned from the experience of a lifetime, a trip to Kenya, Africa. Concern about too many fishing tournaments on Lake Scugog have prompted the township to ask the MNR to monitor the situation.


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