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Timeline: 1940-1949

January 1940 Port Perry 1940 Council: Reeve - W.M. Letcher. Councillors- H.R. Archer, Grant Gerrow, R.M. Holtby, J.E. Jackson. Reach Twp. Reeve John S. McDonald. The big ice house belonging to Lake Scugog Lumber was moved off the Michell Tourist Grounds in preparation for further development of the land. Local citizens being canvassed for the War Work Fund. Port Perry donates more than $2000 to the cause. A.W.S. Greer, Lawyer, opens office in Blong Blk. Donald Beer is opening an insurance office in the Blong Blk. February 1940 The 40 piece Royal Regimental Band of Oshawa headlines the Royal Ice Carnival at the Port Perry Arena. White Kitchen Restaurant. 40c meals. Henshaw Transport. The Port Perry Star presents the latest news from the War in a large article on the front page every week. The Red and White Store is operated by F.W. Brock & Son. Lions Club hold banquet to celebrate the occasion of their 2nd Charter Night Anniversary, with Lion Jim Kerr presiding. March 1940 Miss Catherine Allison, daughter of Mrs. S.E. Allison, has presented the Soldiers Memorial Library with 80 volumes of current literature. Miss Allison is Supt. of General Hospital., Winnona, Minnesota. Meeting is held at the Public Library to see if there is enough interest in forming a Port Perry Yacht Club. Port Perry Lions hockey team wins the Eastern Ontario Juvenile against Campbellford. April 1940 Port Perry Bottling Works announces deposits on bottles of Coca Cola will be reduced from 3¢ per bottle to 2¢ per bottle. Port Perry Business Men's Association hold annual meeting. Officers re-elected by acclamation - Pres., Harry Peel, 1st Vice-Pres. Art Jemison, 2nd Vice-Pres. Grant Gerrow, Sec.-Treas. Percy Densham. The Lake Scugog Fish and Game Association formed. E. (Eddie) Michell chairman, Arthur Brock, 1st vice-pres. Regent Theatre in Oshawa advertising "Gone With The Wind" playing. Reserved seats $1.00 Port Perry Yacht Club forms with plans to build a small club house at the lakefront. May 1940 Fire fighters were called to the home of Fred A. Kent Estate where a grass fire was running wild threatening their home. Wing Com. Geo. R. Howsam, formerly of Port Perry, has been appointed Senior Staff Officer No. 4 Training Command, Regina. Port Perry Farm Bureau organized to promote better farming and farming conditions. E.G. Michell and Sam N. Griffen given exclusive use of the name "Birdseye Centre Cabin Park" by the Toronto Star for their tourist park on the lakefront. Cabins are being constructed and the swimming pool is now ready. C.N.R. applies to abandon the Port Perry to Whitby railway line. Mr. Dennis McKinzey has been appointed Ford Dealer, Manchester. June 1940 Fifty-fourth Anniversary of the United Church. Re-built pipe organ and chimes presented by S. Jeffrey and Frank Courtice. Milton Goode opens the Port Perry Cheese Factory on June 10. Conscription called for all able-bodied men up to 45 for home defense, except those in vital industry. Ontario County Council adopts equalized assessment for its municipalities. The Chiropractors of Ontario held a picnic at Palmer Memorial Park with almost 100 attending. July 1940 The Port Perry Lions Club held its first Power Boat Regatta at the lakefront. Formation of a volunteer Home Guard for Port Perry, Cartwright, Scugog and Reach with headquarters at the Armouries in the Post Office. J.E. Jackson, O.C. More than 100 sign up first week. Geo. Brewer of Toronto hauls in 23 lb. Muskie. Open air church services at Palmer Memorial Park, Sunday evenings. Inspector of Schools R.A. Hutchison expresses high praise for the operation and efficiency of Port Perry Public School. August 1940 National Registration for Canadians. Everyone over 16 years of age must register by Aug. 21. Local registration at Town Hall or the Armouries. John W. Crozier, former Port Perry Solicitor, passes in Guelph. "Bill" Hayes, 12 yr. old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes, Port Perry, with parents in Ottawa has chance meeting with the Earl of Athlone and Princess Alice and Princess Juliana and their party. September 1940 Registration of guns at the clerk's office. To date more than 300 shotguns and rifles have been registered. Manoeuvres for the Civil Guard take place on Scugog Island with the Guard defending against invading forces along west side of the Island. Principal McClellan reports attendance at Port Perry High School increased from 113 last year to 141 this year. October 1940 The I.O.D.E. approaches council offering assistance in cleaning up a number of unsightly areas around town. A decision by the Board of Transport Commission, in regards to abandonment of the Port Perry to Whitby railway line was deferred. December 1940 F.E. Reesor Lumber and Coal is joined by son F. Gordon Reesor. Local firemen enjoy their annual banquet at Cricklewood Lodge. Milton Goode is building an addition to his Port Perry Creamery and Cheese Factory.

January 1941 Port Perry Council 1941 (acclaimed) - Reeve W. M. Letcher (9th consecutive year) Councillor - R.M. Holtby, H.R. Archer, J.E. Jackson, Grant Gerrow. Reach Twp. Reeve Robert Swanick; Scugog Island Reeve Russell Hood; Cartwright Twp. Reeve Creighton Devitt. Reach Twp votes on a two year term for council. Less than one tenth of those eligible, voted 106 against and 43 for a two year term. Local women busy preparing shipments of hand knit socks, scarves, helmets, sweaters and mitts to send to the soldiers overseas. Ross McLean repairs radios from his shop at the back of the Sebert House. The Agriculture Society elected W.F. Thompson president; Fred Christie 1st vice-pres.; Sam Farmer 2nd vice-pres., and R.D. Woon Secretary/Treasurer. Dr. Beverely Smallman appointed to do war work at the Dept. of Agriculture in research of the storage of grain. February 1941 Mr. Ronald A. Peel elected chairman and Mr. Andy M. Lawrence vice chairman of the Port Perry Board of Education. Dentists in Port Perry - Dr. H.H. Armstrong; Dr. W.A. Sangster and Dr. J.B. Lundy. Lawyers - Arthur W.W. Greer; Russell D. Humphreys. Full house at the Town Hall for an Amateur Night in aid of the War Savings Certificates Campaign. March 1941 Port Perry goes over the top of $10,000 objective in War Certificate purchases. After losing almost $30,000 from 1936 to 1939 on the Port Perry to Whitby Railway, the Board of Transport Commissioners gave Canadian National Railways permission to abandon the line. "Cricklewood", a house of home-like service to the traveling public, operated by Mrs. McClintock, has been closed. White Kitchen Restaurant operated by Walter Cook. April 1941 Despite efforts by E.G. Michell to have the Whitby to Port Perry rail line kept open, officials announce it will be abandoned June 30, 1941. The town's oldest twins, Johnny and Geordie Raymes reached their 90th year. They have been residents of Port Perry since 1858. May 1941 Council sets the mill rate for 1941 at 47 mills on the dollar, up one mill from last year. Argue's Grocery store celebrates it's first anniversary in town. Port Perry Dairy and Spruce Lawn Dairy announce milk prices will increase to 10¢ a quart. The regular weekly meeting of the Junior War Workers was held at the Public Library. Dr. G.I. Christie was guest speaker at a banquet for Mr. and Mrs. Innes in Brooklin put on by the farmers of Ontario County. E.G. Michell announces the opening of Birdseye Swimming Pool May 24th. Season tickets for $1.50. Reeve W.M. Letcher proclaims June 2-23 for the Port Perry Victory Loan Campaign June 1941 Victory Loan Parade held in Port Perry with music at the bandstand by the Regimental Band and a bonfire at the lakefront. Loan objective for Reach, Port Perry and Scugog is $115,000. The United Church as the Centre of Scugog Island was totally destroyed by fire. It was moved to the present site from the Fred Jackson farm in 1868. Retaining wall in front of bowling green badly damaged after the heaviest rainfall in recent years causing extreme flooding. Port Perry business people close their stores in respect, during the funeral for Mrs. W.L. Parrish. July 1941 Community open air services being held on Sundays throughout July and August. Sam Farmer writes "Good-bye 'Nip and Tuck", as the railway is abandoned and the tracks torn up. Thousands watch as Harold Archer wins first place in three races at the Victoria Yacht Club Regatta. Port Perry train station will remain as an express and freight depot with Mr. Tobin, Jr. in charge. August 1941 Call for men is urgent. Recruiting campaign opened in Port Perry under direction of Lt. Col. R.B. Smith. Bell Telephone is laying submerged cable for extended long distance service, starting at the bowling green. Port Perry Business Men's Assoc. forward over $533. to the British War Victims. Fund. September 1941 A street fair and dance held in Blackstock raised $438 for War Work and War Victims. Port Perry Public School opens with 172 students, the largest attendance in some years. Henshaw Transport becomes Sweetman Transport, Stewart Sweetman, owner. November 1941 Prince Albert Church celebrates 75th anniversary. Reeve Letcher and Star publisher Sam Farmer attend a military demonstration in Toronto. The Port Perry Farm Bureau holds its opening meeting at the high school. More than 600 attend banquet for Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Holtby, staged by the Holstein-Friesian Assoc., in Lindsay, on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. December 1941 Dr. C.P. Peterson has taken a position with Christie Street Hospital. Mina Dobson was the Valedictorian at the Port Perry High School commencement. The United States, Canada and Great Britain declare war against Japan. No municipal election in Port Perry this year, as residents did not oppose the proposal for a two year term. Port Perry United Church Young People's Society bid good-bye to treasurer Bruce Beare as he joins the R.C.A.F.

January 1942 Population of Port Perry is 1,235. Number of local citizens in the armed forces, 22 overseas, 34 serving in Canada. Fred Christie, Jr. elected president of Port Perry, Reach, Scugog Agricultural Society. Armour McMillan, 1st, vice-pres.; Sam Farmer 2nd vice-president. Sugar rationing begins. Penalties for infractions of the law are two years imprisonment and fines up to $5,000. February 1942 County Council raises their per diem allowance from $5.00 to $6.00. Reesor Fuel and Lumber moved from lakefront to store two doors west of hotel on Queen St. New Victory Bond Campaign gets underway. Quota for Port Perry, Reach and Scugog set at $120,000. Victory Loan Ice Carnival held at the arena was a spectacular event, with notable skating artists and members of the Toronto Maple Leafs led by their captain Syl Apps. March 1942 Port Perry area residents go over the top on the Victory Loan purchases, reaching $120,650. Canada pledges $959 million to Victory Loan. William and Dawson Kaufman sell poolroom business to Mr. Grant Jeffrey. Council decided to return the captured German guns from World War I to the Dept. of Defence to be used as scrap metal. Gordon Reesor escaped a terrible death, when a wood pile fell against him and pushed him over a running circular saw, inflicting wounds to his arms and chest. April 1942 Gigantic salvage collection to be held for materials for war use, rubber, metal, tin cans, rags and bones. Geo. F. Manning, chairman of Salvage Committee. At the annual meeting of the Business Men's Association, Mr. A.L. McDermott was elected president. 1st vice-pres. Vic P. Stouffer; 2nd vice-pres., Mr. Harry Peel; Sec. Percy Densham; Treas. Andy M. Lawrence. Port Perry and district vote overwhelmingly in favor of conscription. Port Perry says yes 488 and no 25. Canadian overall vote is 62 per cent favorable. May 1942 Dr. M.B. Dymond joins Dr. G.M. Rennie, taking over the practice of Dr. Peterson effective May 1. Port Perry Yacht Club elects new officers. Commodore George Emmerson, Vice Comm. Beverley Kent, Sec./Treas. Dorothy Balfour, Board of Trustees Gordon Carnegie, Ruth Carnegie, George Channell. Geo. F. Manning, clerk-treasurer of Port Perry accepts position of auditor for Workmen's Compensation Board. Training plane crashes in Lake Scugog. Pilot saved by Donald and Dave Collins who rowed out to the plane. June 1942 Constable Geo. Holmes, a policeman with the Toronto Police Department for 37 years, resigns and moves to Port Perry. Port Perry area Agricultural Society changes date of Fall Fair from Sept. 29, 30 to Sept. 9th. Les Smith elected president of the Port Perry Farm Bureau. July 1942 The district joins in plans for Farm Labour Pool. Reach Council cancels its July meetings due to war conditions and scarcity of labour in the harvest fields. Mr. H.G. Hutcheson appointed clerk-treasurer of Port Perry temporarily, until a permanent appointment is made. Brock's Red and White introduces self serve check out system. August 1942 Tea and Coffee rationing begins by coupon - one ounce of tea or four ounces of coffee per person, per week. Business Men's Assoc. holds a successful sports day with horse racing attracting 2500 people. For the first time in its 11 year history there was no boat races, track and field or baseball games, as most of the young men are overseas. Percy Densham sells his restaurant (The Devon) business to Mr. W.S. Taylor of Toronto. It will be known as "The Eating House." Opening of High School delayed for two weeks so students can help with the harvesting of crops. A young American pilot was killed instantly when his plane crashed while flying over Lake Scugog. September 1942 Fair Board donates half of net proceeds of the Fall Fair to war efforts. Salvage efforts continue each week. Rural Mail drivers collected 1150 lbs. of scrap rubber on their routes. October 1942 Plans made to start night school in shop work at the High School. Rally for the third Canada Victory Loan - $120,000 objective. Military demonstration rolls into Port Perry including Air Force and Army recruits and army vehicles. November 1942 Flying Officer Glenn MacMaster killed in airplane crash near Halifax. Victory Loan Chairman H.G. Hutcheson reports $121,000 raised during the campaign, $1000 over the target. December 1942 Use of Christmas decoration in the home restricted to Dec. 24th to January 1, 1943. Another 18 names added to active service list. Port Perry High School holds Commencement with Lois Wray as Valedictorian. Dr. M.B. Dymond leaving Port Perry for active service in the R.C.A.M.C. Dr. Josephine Kamm will carry on his practice.

January 1943 A local Ration Board is established at the Clerk's office to facilitate the settlement or adjustment of ration problems in the district. February 1943 Local hockey players and fans raise $100 through a double-header game to send to the Aid Russia Fund. March 1943 Ontario Chiropractors establish a $10,000 fund to erect a memorial to D.D. Palmer, founder of chiropractic, in Port Perry. H.H. Beaton, Secretary of the Blood Donor Service makes appeal to healthy men and women in Port Perry to enrol as blood donors. Salvage collections begin the last Wednesday of every month. April 1943 Oldest twins in Ontario, Johnny and George Raymes of Port Perry celebrate 91st birthdays on Wed., April 7. Residents again asked to purchase Victory Bonds starting Easter Sunday. Objective is $167,000, the highest ever asked. H.G. Hutcheson appointed Zone Chairman for drive. Term 14 years at 3 percent. Business Men's Association held annual banquet at Sebert House. Mr. W.E. MacGregor was chosen President, and Mr. R.B. Smallman replaced Percy Densham as Secretary. May 1943 Port Perry is first district in the County to go over the top during the fourth Victory Loan campaign with $215,000 being raised. Next closest is Pickering with 72% of quota collected and Uxbridge, Scott is at 61.40% of quota. Tennis Club re-organizes with Roy Cornish, president, Owen Cliff, vice-pres., Gordon MacMaster Sec-Treas. June 1943 Epsom Euchre Club sends a total of $728.50 to the Toronto Evening Telegram British War Victims Fund. Tag Day for the Navy League collected $77.00. Weekly film presentation at the Town Hall are quite popular. July 1943 Sgt. Pilot William R. Willard, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Willard, killed in action. Flying Officer Gordon "Spanky" Reneau received the D.F.C. for air operations against the enemy in North Africa. August 1943 A new site for the town dump is selected, north and west of the old C.N.R. track beyond the limits of private property. Negotiations underway to appoint Mr. George Holmes as policeman for Port Perry. The retaining wall, facing the bowling green is being rebuilt by Mr. Sandison of Utica. Lieut. Wm. S. Miller, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, of Scugog, killed in action in Sicily. September 1943 Corner stone for United Church at Scugog Centre laid by former pastor Rev. F.G. Joblin. Wm. (Billy) Cook, who is 79 years of age, resigns as town and county constable and caretaker of Town Hall. Ben Smith, Game and Fishery officer announces open season for partridge in Ontario. October 1943 R.A. Hutchison, public school inspector since 1913, honored at a banquet in Oshawa, on his retirement. Mr. A.A. Archibald new inspector. Mrs. Brekon has presented the Memorial Library with a painting by her mother, the late Gertrude Spurr Cutts. November 1943 The 5th Victory Loan campaign goes over the top with $190,650.00 collected in three weeks. Miss Elizabeth Christie, Epsom, celebrates 100th birthday. December 1943 F.O. Burgess Beare shot down three Nazi Ju88's while on escort duty. Reesor's Fuel and Lumber moving to office occupied by Cephas Sleep. Three robberies... Beare Motors safe stolen; tires from cars at Dave Carnegie's and Geo. Symes. Entry to Beare's effected by cutting glass from window. Two hundred and fifty dollars taken safe. Small turnout for nomination meeting. Council acclaimed - Reeve W.M. Letcher; Councillors G.A. McMillan. G.M. Gerrow, Herb Brooks and Gordon Reesor. Reach Council, acclaims Reeve Thos Harding. Port Perry Post Office handed an average of 20,000 letters per day in December and did 50 percent more business in 1943 than in 1942.

January 1944 Reeve - W.M. Letcher. Council - G.A. McMillan, G.M. Gerrow, Herb. Brooks, Gord Reesor. Flying Officer Burgess Beare, son of Mrs. Hiram Fitchette, is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. He is serving with the R.A.F. in the Middle East. Vandals created a great deal of damage when they broke into Murrell Goode's Bottling Works, smashing a great many bottles. February 1944 Private T.C. Hayden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hayden of Port Perry, paratrooper was killed in action. Uxbridge Woolen Mill destroyed by fire. Sixty people put out of work in the $135,000 fire. E.G. Michell to purchase north end of Water Street. Flying Officer Geo. Mulligan reported missing in action. Organization meeting for blood donor clinics. Miss E. Christie dies in 101st year. Funeral at Breadalbane. March 1944 George Channel, who is leaving Port Perry was honored by the Young People's Union, of which he was president. Port Perry High School is chosen as a model in setting up a new high school system for Ontario Province. Mr. E.R. McClellan is the principal. April 1944 Editor receives a picture of the six "Scugog Kids" who are serving overseas in Major Connie Smythe's Battery. They are gunner Len Colbear, Grant McDermott and Fred Colbear, Ken Hillier, 'Mike' Sheridan and Jack Sangster. Sixth Victory Loan Campaign underway. Quota for Port, Reach and Scugog is $170,000. Raymes twins celebrate their 92nd birthday. They are both still in good health. May 1944 Former Port Perry Reeve, and Ont. County Warden, Robert Somerville passes. Milton Goode opened a public refrigeration locker system at the Port Perry Creamery. Five cubic foot lockers $6.00 per year; 8 cubic foot lockers $10 per year. June 1944 Town buys first electric lawn mower, built by Len Leahy, to ease chore of grass cutting in the park. F. Roy Ormiston appointed fieldman for Holstein Friesian Association. The Scugog Kids, under the command of Major Connie Smyth, have been moved with the Battery to fight with the forces on the Normandy front. August 1944 Sidney, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Smallman bought the drug store of Liggett Co. Ltd. in Haileybury. Street dance and fair held on Queen St. a big success. Pilot William Aldred is reported missing in action, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Aldred. Charley Turner's horse, Bon Jour, wins $50,000 Trenton handicap. He paid only $1,600. for the horse. The town hired a civil engineer to recommend a new water system. He proposed either drilling an artesian well, or extending the intake pipe and constructing a reservoir. September 1944 Port Perry Lawnbowling Club was incorporated on Sept. 5, 1944. October 1944 Queen St. taken over by Provincial Dept. of Highways as a connecting link of 7A Hwy. until the Scugog St. section is hard surfaced. Charlie Bowerman discovers a white pelican on Lake Scugog; not usually seen in this part of the world, the bird was taken to Riverdale Zoo. Lieut. Raymond Hillier dies of wounds in France, Sept. 24. Chiropractic Association announce Memorial to D.D. Palmer to be dedicated in Port Perry on July 24, 1945. November 1944 Pte. Geo. Dodsley killed in action, October, Italy. Seventh Victory Loan over the top by $25,000. District 'E' invests $200,800 in Victory Bonds. Neil Sweetman, former reeve and councillor dies after long illness. The Venture Tea Room closes because of ill health of A. Napier. Miss Ellen MacGregor presented with framed citation by Bell Telephone Co. for her action in saving the life of a three year old lad who had fallen into a water trough. When the call came through for a doctor and Miss MacGregor on the switchboard was unable to locate a doctor, she took the station inhalator to the scene and artificial respiration successfully restored the lad to consciousness. December 1944 Storm blocked roads, prevent delivery of milk, bread and mail. Milk and bread can be had by walking to the stores. Schools are closed. R.M. Holtby, prominent in farm and community circles, died, Dec. 23. Was at one time the only field secretary for the Canadian Holstein Friesian Association. Gloria Harding is the valedictorian at the annual Port Perry High School Commencement. Port Perry council acclaimed - Reeve W.M. Letcher, Councillors Grant Gerrow, Herb Brooks, W.G. Chapman and E.G. Michell. Ratepayers in Reach to have an election for Reeve and Councillors for the first time in five years.

January 1945 Reeve - W. M. Letcher (13th year) Council - Grant Gerrow, Herbert Brooks, W.G. Chapman, E.G. Michell. (acclamation). Reach Twp. Reeve Thomas Harding; Scugog Reeve A. Russell Hood. Word received by Mrs. Edith Andrews that her son Trp. Fred Andrews was killed in action in Italy. Mr. G.E. Sulman, has been engaged as Hydro and Waterworks engineer. F.O. T. Wm. (Bill) Leahy killed on active service overseas. Members of council received $50 remuneration per year. February 1945 Three robberies in one night, the Jackson residence, Beare Motors and Gerrow Bakery. Mr. Parrish's car was stolen and later found abandoned in Toronto. Major Jas. MacBrien, the P.C. candidate for Ontario Riding spoke at a meeting at the Sebert House. Flt. Lieut. E.J. Salter, formerly of Greenbank, awarded B.E. medal. March 1945 P.O. William Murray Aldred reported killed in action and buried in Germany. Pte. Rae M. Webster, reported seriously wounded. Dr. R.S. Irwin has opened his office in the property formerly owned by Dr. S.J. Mellow and now occupied by Dr. H.H. Armstrong. April 1945 Mrs. Norman Kerry of Scugog Island has bought the Venture Restaurant from Mr. and Mrs. Napier. Dr. J.A. McArthur moved to Leonard Block next to Prentice's Barber Shop. R.W. Bro. H.G. Hutcheson presented with 50 year Veteran's Jewel by Masonic Lodge. The 8th Victory Loan campaign got underway with objective of $167,000 set for Port Perry, Reach and Scugog. Bank robbed, four men accost bank manager, E. Hayes, on street and force him to open bank and vault. Thieves carried off silver and locked Mr. Hayes in vault. He let himself out with a screwdriver. May 1945 Victory is ours - the European War is over. Two days of celebration held. VE Day services held in many area churches, a bonfire and burning of Hitler's effigy and a street dance held on the night of the holiday. Over the top again, 8th Victory Loan - collected $285,500 and win Victory Loan Plaque for the County. Lions elected Sam Griffen Deputy District Governor Dist. A-3. Post War Planning and Rehabilitation work committee set up with A.L. McDermott president. Joel Aldred promoted from Flt. Lieut. to Sqd. Leader. Flt. Lieut. Guy Rainville, D.F.M. son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes has been released from prison camp Stalag Luft III. June 1945 Air Vice Marshall Geo. Robert Howsam, made Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Born 1895 in Port Perry he was educated here and joined the army on leaving school in 1916. He was awarded the Military Cross for service in the last war. In 1921 he left R.F.C. and became attached to Can. Air Board. Mr. Ernie R. McClellan, principal of Port Perry High School for the past six years, is leaving to take a position as a High School Inspector. Miss L. Spooner is leaving after 13 years teaching at PPHS. As payment of an election bet, Fred Christie Jr. wheeled Bill Taylor Sr. a block in a wheelbarrow on Port Perry's main street with a sign on his back "Darn it! I lost." Billy Cook, 80, retired after delivering goods around town for the past 60 years. July 1945 A nine foot snake, which escaped from a circus cage, is on the loose and was recently seen on the Sager property at Prince Albert. A social re-union for 18 soldiers who have returned from the armed service held at the Public Library. Those on hand were F.O. Kerry, John Tristram, James Conroy, Roy Wilkings, Ells. Kennedy, Dennis Fralick, Garnet Weir, Guy Rainville, Harold Hayes, C.l. Brignall, J Starkey, J.D. Christie, M.P. Holtby, J. L. Sweetman, J.B. Hayden, Grant McDermott, K.H. Hillier and J.W. Aldred. August 1945 Fred DeNure starts his new bus line from Port Perry to Peterborough. F.O. Ivan G. Kerry, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.G. Kerry, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. For the second time this year the Bank of Commerce is robbed. Armed robbers lock three employees in the vault and escape through the front door with about $2,500 in cash. V.J. Day celebrations. Air Vice marshal George R. Howsam retiring from service. I.R. Bentley and Chief Holmes fired shots at a fleeing automobile, after thieves made an unsuccessful attempt at removing the safe from the Post Office. A second welcome home reception held at the Public Library for soldiers Leo Burton, Douglas Gerrow, Archie MacMaster, Harry Carnegie and Victor Read. Blood donor clinics are discontinued, with thanks to donors. September 1945 Port Perry High School enrollment is 117. Mr. J.L. Crane, principal. Public School opens with 197 pupils, R.H. Cornish, principal. More soldiers return home - Fred Colbear, Herbert C. Howard, Fred Densham, Jack C. Clough, Bruce Beare and Bert Howard. Major James MacBrien, having received his release from the army, is now practicing law in Port Perry and Oshawa. Wes. Powers dies on a hunting trip north of town. A search is organized when he failed to come home. Work is being done on the waterfront and old railway property to make an attractive park. The corner next to Water and Queen Streets will be the site of the Daniel David Palmer memorial by the Chiropractic Association. October 1945 Meeting held to discuss a movement for improved and extended hospital services for the community. A fact finding committee formed consisting of the Reeves of Port Perry, Reach, Scugog and Cartwright, along with Mr. C. Jeffrey and Mr. Grant Christie. November 1945 White Kitchen Restaurant changes hands. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook have sold to Mr. and Mrs. Art Asher. The home of Amos Rodd, Greenbank, was struck by lightning which blew out the glass in all the doors and windows, cracked plaster in every room, burnt the electric wiring, destroyed a pole transformer, and punched a large hole in the brick wall. Mr. E.R. Hayes, manager at the Bank of Commerce since 1931, retired and was succeeded by Mr. J.R. Helm. December 1945 S/L Joel Aldred notified he has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

January 1946 Reeve - F.E. Reesor. Council - Grant Gerrow, Herbert Brooks, Robert Johnson, R.H. Frise, all by acclamation. W.M. Letcher, Reeve of Port Perry for the past 13 years and the senior member of Ontario County is retiring after 15 years municipal service. Sqd. Leader James Kerr, former H.S. teacher, is awarded honors by the King. Word was received that he is to be made a member of the Order of the British Empire. Street signs to be placed on Port Perry streets. Lakeshore Knitting Co., operated by Norman Tease and his son Grant, to locate in Port Perry. Norman Tease and son Grant, have rented a store in the Blong Block. United Church, celebrate the diamond jubilee of members. February 1946 Church of the Ascension burns mortgage. Carnegie Lumber Co. announce they will move their mill in the spring and will be prepared to do custom sawing. Mr. Hugh Lucas, formerly of Port Perry, retired after 18 years service as Governor of Whitby Jail. L.S. Morrow, local dealer for Massey-Harris. March 1946 Dr. R.B. Harris retires after 35 years with International Nickel Medical service. Rod and Gun Club formed with Arthur Brock as the first president. Members of the executive include Otis Hamilton, Cecil Heayn, Grant Jeffrey, Geo. White, Earl Sweetman and A. Baldwin. Membership $1 per year. Mr. Harry Peel has purchased the hardware business of W.L. Parrish, which has operated in Port Perry for the past 75 years. Mr. Frank Shepherd has resigned as caretaker of the school. Mr. Samuel Farmer resigns, after serving more than 31 years on the Board of Education, and was presented a lovely cabinet of silver cutlery. Denis McKinzey, proprietor of Manchester Garage announces the 1946 Ford's are on display. April 1946 James Goodall Ltd. takes over the Waridel Mills. Geordie Raymes, one of Port Perry's best known citizens, and brother of twin Johnny Raymes, passed away at the age of 94. Gilmour and Wallace dissolve partnership. Gilmour continues "United Plumbing and Heating." Pte. Clarence Butson receives Mention in Dispatches for gallant and distinguished service. Word received that Flying Officer Geo. Mulligan is buried in France after his plane crashed near Presle, Yonne. Mrs. Whitmore, operator of Port Perry's only hospital, announces plans to leave town to be near her son. This would leave town without a hospital. During the past year, the following business changes took place - Harry Peel purchased Parrish Hardware; Murray Williams bought the Standard Garage. May 1946 Mrs. P.G. Morrison sells her drug business to Mr. Stan Bruton, Phm.B. of Toronto, brother of Rev. E.G. Bruton, Anglican rector here. The store was purchased by her husband 27 years ago, and she has operated if for the past four years, since his death. New street signs, with glass fronts, have been installed on all streets in the village. Call for the Port Perry Rink to be moved to a new location and rebuilt. New Baptist Church is dedicated on the former site. Old building is now an exhibition building at fairgrounds. June 1946 Rev. W.P. Brown celebrated his 99th birthday. Community Memorial Hospital, is chosen as the name for a local hospital, in honor of those who served in the Second World War. A Charter is almost ready. A by-law is passed by council to establish a Garbage Collection System for the village. July 1946 Hospital taken over as a public hospital on July 8th. Samuel Jeffrey headed the subscription for a new hospital with a generous donation of $1,000. Port Perry Cadets won a pennant for the "Cadet Corps with cleanest and neatest lines" at a camp at Niagara. Port Perry Council unanimously voted to grant $1,000 towards a new hospital. August 1946 Garbage collection in village starts August 2 with Walter Symes as collector. Cost of collection $1,500 per annum. H. H. Toombs agent for The Great-West Life. Mr. Gibson announces the new Lakeside Theatre is open for business. Eighty veterans marched from the Armouries to the Memorial Library, and residents gathered on the street, to witness a Memorial Service in remembrance of the armed forces of World War II. Chiropractors honor their founder at the unveiling of a memorial to Daniel David Palmer in Palmer Memorial Park at the lakefront. Reach Twp. council and Port Perry Business Men's Assoc. each give $1,000 toward hospital. Port Perry Band is being revived. Bandmaster V.P. Stouffer. September 1946 Hugh Santer purchases the Coal and Ice business from Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co. Office of Lake Scugog Lumber moves next to Mr. Greer's Law Office in the Blong Block. Ration Book No. 6 being distributed in town. Port Perry High School opens with a record attendance of 143 students. October 1946 W.F. Dobson, for 31 years clerk of Reach Township, died. Retired from office 1938. Canadian H.W. Gossard Co. Ltd. of Toronto to locate a factory here. Speculation mounting that the Port Perry Rink may not be able to open this winter. Port Perry Yacht Club starts up again, after being dormant over the war years. F.A. (Bill) Baker is Commodore. November 1946 District nurses form the Community Nurses Auxiliary with Mrs. Harold Archer, president and Mrs. A.L. McDermott Sec.-Treas. An additional doorway made into basement of Town Hall, preparing for housing Port Perry's new fire truck. Miss Audrey Kent's Angora made sensational wins at Royal Winter Fair. They won a silver cup and many other trophies. December 1946 Joel Aldred makes rapid progress in the field of radio announcing. H.W. Gossard Company leases auditorium floor of the Town Hall to manufacture garments.

January 1947 Reeve - F.E. Reesor. Council - Wm. Carnegie, Wm. Chapman, R.H. Frise, E. Hayes. Pilot Officer W.M. Aldred posthumously awarded Operational Wings of R.C.A.F. in recognition of gallant service in action against enemy. Prof. Graham Christie made an honorary member of the American Society of mechanical Engineers. Due to illness, Milton Goode sells Port Perry Creamery and Cheese Factory to Silverwoods Creamery. Colonial Coach Lines have secured three Peterborough routes from DeNure Bus Line. Pickup at the White Kitchen Restaurant. February 1947 Stan Causley moved his machine shop to former Switzer Blacksmith shop on Perry St. N. Howard L. Durkin unanimously elected Chairman of the Bd. of Education, replacing I.R. Bentley who had served for three years. Wm. Chapman and Wm. Carnegie appointed by council to begin preliminary plans for the celebration of Port Perry's 75th anniversary of incorporation. March 1947 SNOW! Greatest snow fall in 53 years. Manchester road blocked for a week. Snowbanks piled from eight to 20 feet high along roads. Snow Stories: It took 20 men three days to open the road between the Town Hall and the Post Office; 50 men, a bulldozer and a snowplow attacked the snowdrifts on the hill to Borelia; 50 bags of mail arrived at post office after road cleared. Flying Officer Geo. Mulligan honored posthumously, awarded Operational Wings for gallant service in action with enemy. Clinton Midgley purchases the Kerry Mill near Utica. April 1947 Harry Peel was elected President of the Business Men's Association at the annual banquet held at the Sebert House. Tax rate set at 48 mills for the year. August 2,3,4 set as date for Port Perry Old Boys' and Girls' Reunion. May 1947 Plentiful supply of drinking water found at Cedar Creek at the 170 foot level. Dr. Beverley Smallman was the honored guest and speaker at the Business Men's Assoc. dinner. Milton Crouse buys out Venture Tea Room. The Diamond-Up Grill operated by Earl Jackson is sold to Frank H. Smith. Just arrived, new shipment of Norge Washing Machines at Beare Motors. June 1947 Rev. W.P. Brown dies at his home a few days after celebrating his 100th birthday. Was respected minister for more than 40 years. There will be no skating this winter, as the Port Perry Rink is condemned. Bd. of Directors resign. One of Port Perry's best known photographers, William H. Leonard died at 90 years of age. Miss Eunice Harris, Miss Gertrude Stovin and Miss May Walker honored on their retirement from teaching at Port Perry Public School. Miss Harris was a teacher for 38 years. July 1947 Welcome mat is out for the 75th birthday celebration in Port Perry. August 1947 Three days of festivities as hundreds return to Port Perry to celebrate 75th birthday. Old boys and girls come from all across Canada and some from the U.S.A. The Hogg & Lytle Elevator was struck by lightning. Loss by fire was small, but 10,000 bushels of wheat were soaked. Cost of pumping station and water mains to bring water to Port Perry from new Cedar Creek well is $55,000. A new reservoir would add another $70,000. September 1947 R. H. Cornish reports 185 students when Public School opens, High School with 150 students enrolled. Dr. M.D. Dymond announces two cases of Polio in town. Mrs. Quinevan, superintendent at Community Memorial Hospital resigned. Miss Hanna is now in charge. Samuel Farmer writes about 40 years of progress in Port Perry since he came in Sept. 1907. October 1947 During its first year as a corporation, Community Memorial Hospital admitted 337 patients, with a total of 2,763 hospital days. November 1947 The Grace United Church was filled to capacity for its dedication service. Rev. Harry M. Denton is minister at the church. The late William Leonard made a bequest of $1,000 towards improvements at the Port Perry United Church. Port Perry High School held its Commencement with Betty Wilkinson as Valedictorian. Cadet Corps awarded the Lord Strathcona Trophy. December 1947 A by-law to authorize the bringing pure water to Port Perry is passed by the Municipal Board. Reeve Fred Reesor, 63, of Port Perry, a respected resident and businessman since 1930, died on Dec. 24, following a critical operation.

January 1948 No local elections in area. Councils from Port Perry, Reach and Scugog all acclaimed. E. Hayes elected Reeve, following death of Reeve Fred Reesor. Council members are R.H. Frise, Wm. Chapman, W.G. Carnegie, Dr. M.B. Dymond, all by acclamation. A brooder house and 100 chicks were lost to fire at Brunton Farm caused by a blow torch being used to thaw water pipes. County Council recommends retention of the present ban on the sale and manufacture of margarine in Canada. Fred Christie suggests at Agriculture Society meeting that the new arena be built at the fairgrounds, where it could serve many purposes. February 1948 F.W. Brock adds Gossard garments, manufactured in Port Perry, to its clothing stock. Work on bringing pure water to town is progressing, with a mile of piping laid and drilling the well underway. Business Men's Association hold meeting to discuss the construction of a new arena. President Harry Peel urged everyone to put their full support behind the project until it is erected and paid for. March 1948 Miss Sarah Ann Ward of Greenbank attains 100th birthday. Committee recommends site for new arena be east of power house at the waterfront. Port Perry Dairy changes hands. Glen Owen sells business to local men Don Pargeter, Ted Leahy and Geo. Parry. April 1948 H.W. Gossard Co. advertises for girls and young women to work on sewing machines. Pay is $14.00 per week for 40 hours. Ted Jackson elected president of the new arena executive. Other members are Harry Peel, Ernie Bottrell, Roy Cornish, J. Helm, M. Gerrow, Chas. Reesor, A.J. Carnegie, H.R. Archer and Sam Griffen. A Suffolk ewe, owned by Mr. Wright Crozier, gave birth to a lamb with two heads, which died at birth. Samuel Farmer, editor and publisher of the Port Perry Star for the past 40 years, dies after short illness. United Church re-opens after extensive redecorating. May 1948 Sixty five men attended the annual banquet of the Businessmen's Assoc. and elected Oscar Beare president. June 1948 Eastern Star opens new chapter in Port Perry to be known as Blue Ray chapter No. 238. Worthy Matron Mrs. Myrtle Palmer. Rebekah Lodge institutes Maybelle Lodge #348 in Port Perry Sister Reta Boe as Noble Grand. Port Perry Public School announces plans to inaugurate Kindergarten Primary Class in Sept. Liquor License Board sets Wed., August 11 as the day for a vote for Government operated liquor and beer stores. Cartoonist "Jimmie" James Frise, creator of Birdseye Centre in the Toronto Star, dies at the age of 57 at his home in Toronto. He grew up and attended school in and around Port Perry. Port Perry Legion begins plans to build a new hall for its members. July 1948 Frank A. Gerrow, a former reeve of Scugog Twp. passed away suddenly while attending the Gerrow family picnic at his home. He held the position of Reeve for six years, from 1933-39. August 1948 Port Perry votes overwhelmingly to remain dry. More than 80 percent of voters marked their ballots "NO" to the question of bringing alcoholic beverage outlets into town. September 1948 Miss Audrey Kent wins many prizes at C.N.E. with her Angora rabbits. Sweetman Transport sells out to Claire Rich and Harold Bonetta of Whitby. The name is retained. Port Perry Post Office was broken into and a safe containing $1,200 worth of money and stamps. The safe was found the next day near Brooklin with contents removed. Mr. and Mrs. Crouse sell restaurant business to Mr. L. Wilson. October 1948 Hydro consumers in Port Perry and Uxbridge are informed electric service will be shut down twice weekly for at least one hour to reduce consumption to desired quota. Epsom Church 60 years old. November 1948 Port Perry Hospital is forced to close due to lack of trained nurses. This is the first time in 30 years the village is without a hospital. Further reductions in the areas Hydro quota, forces service to be interrupted another hour each day, in addition to the two hours it is already being shut down. December 1948 Miss Florence Smith is Valedictorian at the Port Perry High School. Hospital Board hopes to open the hospital early in the new year, as soon as staff and nurses can be procured. Port Perry council acclaimed for 1948. Ernest Hayes, Reeve; councillors Wm. Chapman, W. J. Carnegie, Dr. M.B. Dymond and R.H. Frise.

January 1949 Port Perry fire department answered a call to Sunderland which destroyed an entire block of the downtown, including the Post Office. Damages estimated at $180,000. Dr. Roy Irwin is the Port Perry representative on the newly formed Central Ontario County High School Board, which incorporates Scott Twp., Uxbridge, Port Perry, Reach Twp. and Scugog. Mrs. CB. Willis of Uxbridge was elected chairman. Bell Telephone reports 1,094 phones operating locally. February 1949 Clubs operating in town: Port Perry 50-50 Club,, Alpha Club; Port Perry Badminton Club; Port Perry Yacht Club; Lions Club; Canadian Girls In Training (CGIT); Fireside Club. Fred G. Christie elected president of Agricultural Society. First vice-pres. Armour McMillan, 2nd vice Anson Gerrow. Progress on new hospital moving slowly. Charles Popert takes over the Aragon Grill from Peter and John Cravelle. Vic P. Stouffer is the local piano tuner. March 1949 Mr. Fred Christie, Sr., clerk treasurer of Reach Twp. for the past 10 years passes away. Dr. M.B. Dymond and Dr. G.M Rennie urge the Hospital Board to re-open Port Perry Hospital, which has been closed for four months. Port Perry High School Cadet Corps. wins the coveted Strathcona Shield for second year in a row. A bottle of Coca Cola is selling for 5¢ or a handy six pack for 25¢. April 1949 Merl Dowson purchases E. Argue's Grocery Store. Cawker Bros. move to Purdy block, modernize. H.H. Stone moves next to Reesor Fuel. Port Perry Business-men's Assoc. elect J.J. Gibson, president. Wm.. Beare 1st vice; Merle Dowson, 2nd vice; Clifford Love, 3rd vice and Gordon Carnegie secretary. May 1949 Quick work by fireman averted a disaster when the offices of Dr. Rennie and Dr. Dymond caught on fire, causing more than $2,500 damage. Fresh water turned into Port Perry mains from artesian well but residents asked not to use it until it is chlorinated for 48 hours. Restaurants in town: Delicateria Restaurant, The Terminal Grill, Scotties Fish and Chips and Taylor's Restaurant. Property facing Water St., just north of the Sebert House purchased for the new Recreation Centre and arena. Plans on view at Mr. Sam Griffen's Queen St. office. June 1949 One of Port Perry's outstanding High School teachers, Miss L.M. Harris is honored on her retirement from teaching after 38 years service. Fruits, vegetables and hay badly damaged due to three weeks of hot, dry weather, searing winds and two nights of frost. July 1949 Mr. Harold Archer made an outright donation of a 1949 Chevrolet car at the Recreations Centre Committee to conduct a lucky draw. Lakeside Beach Pavilion on Scugog Island, operated by Geo. Freeman holds dancing every Saturday night with Alex Williamson and his Orchestra. August 1949 Port Perry Businessmen's Assoc. hold annual Sports Day on Civic Holiday. A variety show, sponsored by the Lions Club, raised $3,300 for the Recreation Centre fund. Hospital Board negotiates purchase of a building in Ajax, which is to be moved to a new site in Port Perry. Twenty five pound, 42 inch Muskie caught off Caesarea. September 1949 General consensus of area residents is that Lake Scugog in its present condition is a stinking, rotten mud hole, unfit to be classified as a lake. Port Perry Public and High Schools experience largest registrations every with 225 enrolled for public and 214 in high school. Dr. B.J. Palmer, son of D.D. Palmer, founder of chiropractic, and president of the Palmer School of chiropractic of Iowa, visited fathers birthplace in Port Perry. October 1949 R.W. Bro. H.G. Hutcheson honored by Grand Lodge. In June, 1895 he was installed Master of Fidelity Lodge and has been a member of the lodge for 54 years. November 1949 The sections of the Ajax building purchased for a new hospital are now on the site and being assembled. Dr. Helen M. (Peel) Bathie, Doctor of Chiropractic opens practice. Port Perry Kist Beverages, dealers for Kist products. Joel Aldred is one of Canada's highest paid commercial announcers, earning between $15,000 - $20,000 per year. December 1949 Peel's Poultry Farm ship largest order ever, 6,000 Barred Rock chicks by train to Campbellton, New Brunswick. Birdseye Centre Cabin park offer season's pass to the swimming pool for $3.00 per person. Car donated by Archer Motors won by Steve Reminik of Oshawa. Ernie Hayes Reeve, by acclamation.


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