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Timeline: 1910-1919

January 1910

Reeve - H.G. Hutcheson. Council - Geo. Gerrow, Hugh Carmichael, Jas. Forman, Jas. Stonehouse. Both Reach Twp. and Scugog Twp. elected their reeve and council by acclamation.

Local Option is defeated with the largest vote ever polled in Port Perry. Votes 'For' 206; 'Against' 182 - just 27 votes short of the required majority.

Mr. A. Orchard has purchased the coal business of Messrs. Flavelle and Clemes.

Howard Tummonds has returned home and is opening an office in his home as Veterinary Surgeon.

The old Madison Williams Foundry building is scheduled to come down at last. Forty years it has stood and years ago was a thriving business of Mr. Thomas Paxton who later had a partner, Mr. Tait. Mr. Madison Williams operated the foundry for a number of years, turning out turbine water wheels. All that will be left on the site is the foundation for the new Weber Gas Engine Co. which was never be built.

Cawker Bros. have purchased the Livery Stables of Jamieson and Dennison and are prepared to supply first class Turnouts.

Mr. Currie and Mr. Raymes have resigned from their work at the powerhouse.

Mr. J. Tinsely is the new engineer at the powerhouse with a salary of $50 per month.

February 1910

Dr. G. Coates, has purchased the bakery and confectionery business of Mr. Chas. Pearn.

Newly decorated Methodist Church, at Woodville was almost completely wrecked by an explosion of gas from the acetylene gas plant, which lighted the church. Mrs. McKee wife of the sexton was seriously burned as she had gone to see what was causing the lights to go dim.

Mr. Tinsley of the Electric Light Department is busy installing meters.

March 1910

Locks at Lindsay are expected to be finished early in the summer.

Council was given notice on behalf of Mr. Madison Williams that he will bring suit against the town re: the Foundry property.

Miss Olga Diesfeld is giving up her business, (jewellery, silverware, china).

Capt. Bowerman sold his steamer "Cora" to Carnegie Milling Co. The Alligator "Scugog" has been shipped by train to Kingston. Mr. Bowerman intends to purchase a new gasoline powered launch which will hold about 30 passengers for this season.

R.M. Jewell, photographer, over T.J. Widden store.

Mr. Benjamin Smallman has bought the blacksmith business of Mr. S. Graham.

April 1910

The Carnegie Milling Co. have purchased 8,000 acres of oak, gum, cypress, hickory and elm timber in Arkansas.

At a meeting of Council at the Town Hall a by-law was passed authorizing the purchase of the old Fair Grounds for the purpose of providing a public park and athletic grounds for the use of citizens and visitors to Port Perry. (fairground was located at the south end of what is now known as Carnegie St.)

Dr. Orr Graham's departure from Port Perry will be keenly felt when ice racing time comes again.

A wall in front of the bowling green is being built of cement. Mr. Farmer suggests the corner property next to the bowling green should be secured for a reading room and public library.

The Sinclair lot has been selected as the site for the new Post Office in Port Perry. $5,000 has been set aside for the work.

The balance of Miss Diesfeld jewelry, etc. has been purchased by Greenberg Bros., who will continue the business here.

May 1910

Mr. VanCamp suggested that all owners of boat houses club together and put up a union boat house with a truck and track to haul boats out of the water.

The Agriculture Society has handed $750, to council for its share of Fairground Purchase money. The old Fairgrounds are now the property of the town.

May 6, 1910 - His Majesty King Edward VII died, 15 minutes before midnight with Queen Alexandra by his bedside. A special service was held in the Methodist Church to mourn the loss of the King.

June 1910

Population of Scugog Island is 416 persons and there are three schools operating on the Island.

Mr. R.L. Borden, leader of the federal Conservative Party visited town.

The bowling green has been put in excellent shape. Mr. Wm. Mills has furnished the dressed fence posts which are used in front of the lawn.

Mr. J. W. Thompson of Toronto purchased the Sebert House from Mr. L. Bandel, who has owned it for the past 10 year.

Mr. Dugald McBride, after teaching for 54 years (40 in Port Perry) is retiring. He was honored by teachers and students with a number of presentations.

Mr. Jos. Bigelow has moved a section of the recently purchased Noxon Evaporator to the rear of the Big Red Apple Evaporator for much needed space.

David J. Adams, J.P., of Port Perry, died.

July 1910

Weeds in the lake are creating problems and Council is looking into have them removed.

At a meeting of the Board of Education a motion put forward by Geo. Rose and seconded by E.H. Purdy named Mr. Geo. Stone Vice Principal of the School with an increase in salary of $100, effective Sept. 1910.

G.T.R. tied up with labor troubles. Word has been received that no tickets are to be sold until further notice.

The council is conducting negotiation with the owners of a powerful steamboat to destroy the weeds in the lake.

Jones, Dunk & Co. to become The Dunk, McIntyre Co.

August 1910

Herbert Sweetman, son of the late Wm. Sweetman of Scugog Island, drowned after falling from a canoe while out fishing with friends on Lake Scugog.

Mr. John Nott has retired from furniture business, after 60 years.

The John Carew Lumber Co. of Lindsay, have contracted with the Corporation to remove the weeds from the waterfront. The work will be done with a drag of timber and boom chains drawn by a strong side wheel steamer.

Mr. R.S. Jenkins has been secured as the new Port Perry High School principal, to succeed Mr. Dugald McBride who resigned earlier this year.

September 1910

Dr. R.L. Graham has purchased the dental practice of Dr. F.D. McGrattan, who may go west.

Mr. R.S. McQuaid opened a moving picture theatre where the bowling alley used to be.

Church of the Ascension reopened for services after being thoroughly renovated and redecorated.

The town offered a $10 reward for information leading to the detection of persons defacing new sidewalks by leaving footprints in the cement.

Local farmers Jas. Leask, Alex Lee and Wm. Graham were among the exhibitors showing cattle at the Port Perry Fair.

The general store at Manchester owned for the past two years by Jas. Munro, has been sold to A.D. Ferguson.

October 1910

Mr. Wales sold the St. Charles Hotel to Mr. Proctor, who came here from Toronto.

Messrs Hutcheson, Gerrow, Stonehouse, Parrish and Farmer inspected the dangerous Cartwright Hill and came to the decision building a road around the hill would be better than trying to cut it down. The new road would require a right of way through the property of Mr. Thos. Pearce, but he has not yet agreed to the proposal.

A delegation from Port Perry travelled by boat to inspect the new dam at Lindsay. Present were Reeve H.G. Hutcheson, Port Perry councillors, Mr. F.L. Fowke, M.P. for South Ontario, Mr. McLellan, Superintendent of the Trent Valley Canal System and Star editor Sam Farmer.

A fine cement vault has been completed in Pine Grove Cemetery.

November 1910

Rev. Geo Robinson of the Methodist Church, is leaving town to live in Toronto.

Council authorized a plebiscite to be taken at the next municipal elections to determine whether or not cows shall be allowed to run the streets of the town next year.

A train engine engaged in helping the evening train over Highpoint ran into a cow and was derailed.

Winter came early, dropping about six inches of snow on the area.

December 1910

Messrs. John Bradley and Dorman Corbman are putting the skating rink in order.

Mr. F. L. Fowke, Ontario South M.P., notified Reeve Hutcheson that plans for the new post office will be ready for inspection in January.

Mr. S.E. VanCamp travelled to Toronto and secured the agency for Ford motor cars for the coming season.

The Standard Bank of Port Perry opened a sub agency in Nestleton.

January 1911

Port Perry Reeve Geo. Gerrow. Council - Jas. Forman, H.G. Hutcheson, Hugh Carmichael, Jas. Waddell. Reach Twp. Reeve Alex Leask. Scugog Twp. Reeve John F. Gerrow.

Robert McKnight, town constable and street commissioner for Port Perry since 1874 died suddenly January 9, 1911.

The fortieth annual ice trotting races took place with smaller than usual crowds and some races being cancelled due to a severe winter storm.

Reeve Gerrow circulated a petition to County Council asking for a grant to buy a right of way around Ham's Hill on the Island to build a road around the hill.

February 1911

A. Ross and Sons announced his retirement from general retail store business, having sold the entire stock to Mr. Brock. Mr. William Ross will retain the grain and seed business, moving to the Ackerman Block west of the St. Charles Hotel.

February 8, 1911 - Early Days in Reach and Scugog, a historical sketch by Miss E. Yarnold.

Mr. George Rose received a color sketch of the new post office which shows a clock tower on the two-storey brick building.

Council purchased 100 chairs formerly used in the moving picture show for the basement of the Town Hall.

March 1911

William Ross real estate agent advertises: $1,700 buys a six room frame house, two large halls, electric lights, small garden, on a large roomy lot in Port Perry.

Two local stores, Greenberg's Jewelery Store and Marshall Stonehouse Furniture Store announced they were selling their stock and giving up business.

Geo. R. Davey announces purchase of the stock of Oke & MacGregor.

Claremont and Ashburn Telephone Co. secure franchise for telephones in Port Perry. The Bell Telephone had an exclusive franchise which was not renewed.

April 1911

Electric light plant to be shut down at 11 p.m. as so few people use it after that hour it is considered a waste.

Owing to an outbreak of measles, chicken-pox, whooping cough and mumps, the public school was closed until after Easter.

Mr. Arthur Dowson purchased the old "Railroad Hotel" on Water St. and is expected to tear it down to make room for a new blacksmith shop.

The steamer Cora brought in her first tow of logs of the season, despite the water being a full foot lower than last year.

May 1911

The barn and house belonging to Mr. Isaac Rodman, of Scugog was destroyed by fire.

Reeve Gerrow received a letter from Mr. F.L. Fowke, M.P. stating that advertising for tenders to build the new post office will be issued soon.

Council receives complaints about the logs now in the water in front of the wharf making it impossible for boats of any size to land.

Mr. F.W. Dunham of Toronto bought the St. Charles Hotel from Mr. Al Proctor.

Mr. Frederick A. Kent of Toronto, one of the firm of jewelers of that name, has purchased the Gimby property for a summer residence.

Port Perry's oldest citizen, Mr. Samuel Stoutt passed away. He was more than 100 years old and while living here was a barber, musician and the first leader of the Port Perry band.

Mr. Yarnold began surveying the property for the new post office.

Council announced it would lay cement sidewalks this year on the following streets: Perry, Water, Lorne, Lila, Rosa, Ella, Caleb, John and parts of Queen St.

Mr. Dorman Corbman has bought the skating rink.

The cow is again permitted to roam the streets.

Mr. E.R. Dunk of Dunk-McIntyre has sold his interest in the business to Mr. McIntyre and is moving to Windsor.

June 1911

Barn raising took place at the Isaac Rodman farm, which was burned to the ground about five weeks ago.

Charles Bowerman is pilot of the government steamer "Bob Hall" which is mapping out a channel in Scugog Lake to be buoyed for the summer.

The Bell Telephone construction gang are busy preparing to receive extra wires for the rural lines.

Coronation Day Celebration was held June 22.

Dr. Mellow ran his auto into a light pole damaging both.

Mass Meeting to discuss reciprocity. A resolution was passed condemning reciprocity.

F. W. McIntyre announces that he has purchased the Dunk-McIntyre business and will continue in the old stand.

Dr. Robt Archer fell from a train near Whitby landing in the ditch beside the track. He was unconscious for an hour before recovering, and walked to Whitby station for help.

July 1911

County Council has granted $600 to buy right of way and build road around Ham's Hill. This is the hill on the end of Scugog Island over which the road to Cartwright climbed, and we do mean climbed!

Mr. Hutcheson and Mr. J. Forman moved that a Pavilion be built on the wharf.

The Bowling Club hashad electric lights installed on the green so that they may bowl in the evening.

Township is progressing on clearing weeds from the lake in front of the town.

Gravel has been laid at end of Queen St.

Mr. Art Dowson has cleaned up the lot where the Railway Hotel was located and built a modern, well equipped blacksmith shop. Stables are connected with the blacksmith shop where horses can be purchased or exchanged.

August 1911

Ex-M.P. Mr. Wm. Ross has sold his grain, seed and real estate business to James Lucas and plans to move to Toronto.

Mrs. Scott of Toronto caught a twenty one and a half pound Maskalonge near Washburn's Island.

Harold Archer was presented a medal by the Royal Humane Assoc. for saving the life of two young people, Miss Dhel Purdy and Mr. Earl Whiteway, who were out skating when the ice gave away in Dec. 1909.

Mr. Thompson has sold his interest in Sebert House to Mr. McKee who now runs it alone.

Fifteen thousand bushels of apples wanted at evaporator.

Mr. R.S. Jenkins resigned as principal of Port Perry High School and will be succeeded by Mr. Neil McEachern.

John Stovin is busy installing a metal ceiling in the Town Hall and the interior is being improved and painted.

The Bell Telephone office is finished and consists of a waiting room, two public call cabinets and a general office. There are four operators taking six hour shifts.

A contract was let to Messrs. E. Fielding and Dunn of Port Perry to build the new roadway around Ham's Hill on Scugog.

September 1911

Tree growth on the Scugog Bridge has been so rapid, it has become a danger to the travelling public as it hides the view of the road.

After running the telegraph office for the Great Western Telegraph Co. for 28 years, Mr. A.J. Davis is severing connections with the company.

A nine hole golf course has been made at the Fairgrounds.

October 1911

W.H. Letcher and Son bought the furniture and undertaking business of Town and Spears.

Port Perry's chief constable Samuel Graham left for Oshawa for a job as night watchman at the McLaughlin Works.

Work began on a new post office in Uxbridge, while Port Perry has not heard when work will start here.

Assessed populations in 1911 - Port Perry 1,172; Reach 2,843; Scugog 449; Uxbridge 1,567.

November 1911

Independent Telephone Co. are installing poles for a line running from Brooklin to Port Perry.

Two game preserves in this locality, The Scugog Game Preserve and the Cartwright Game Preserve. Both have rights to forbid hunting on their property.

Mr. George Cotton has sold the Seven Mile Island to a Toronto man, Mr. Wilson, and his family will occupy it.

Mr. Dorman Corbman announced his ice skating rink will be known as the "Olympia Skating Rink" following the grand opening.

December 1911

Contractor Trick of Oshawa has the work of building the Post Office well in hand. It is proposed to work all winter, using a fire to keep the mortar from freezing.

Another factory, the Dymond Gas and Gasoline Engine Co. of Toronto, wants to locate in Port Perry. They want $35,000 on usual mortgage conditions, free water and a railway switch.

Messrs. Chas, and Geo. Cawker, son of S. Cawker, Port Perry purchased a hardware business in Toronto.

There are currently 190 telephones on the Port Perry switch board and 100 more to be added.

Less than 30 people came out to the nomination meeting with the Port Perry council being re-elected by acclamation for 1912.

January 1912

Port Perry Reeve Geo. Gerrow; councillors Jas. Forman, Hugh Carmichael, H. G. Hutcheson.

Reach Reeve Alex Leask; Dep. Reeve Ralph McIntyre; Councillors Dobson, Johnson and John Stone. Scugog Reeve W. Sweetman.

The Dymond Gas Company which was looking to locate here went into bankruptcy in Toronto.

W.G. Monet bought the grocery and flour and feed business of Mr. E.H. Purdy.

February 1912

Mr. D. McBride was elected president of the Public Library board and Mr. S. Jeffrey was elected chairman of the Board of Education.

The switchboard of the Independent Telephone Co. is being installed at Flint's Drugstore.

Turner & Robinson coal, (opp. Matthew-Edwards Warehouse).

March 1912

Mr. Jos. Britton intends to start a blacksmith shop in A.W. Allin's shop on Perry St. He will have a wood working department with Mr. Allin in charge.

Last week Port badly needed coal, eight carloads have been sitting at Whitby, some since Feb. 12. It finally arrived on Friday, March 1.

The harness business known as Jeffrey & Courtice for the past 25 years will become S. Jeffrey & Son.

Mr. C. C. Jeffrey is going into partnership in the S. Jeffrey & Son harness saddlery business with his father.

The Bell Telephone Co. have bought Drs. Bascom and McClintock private line.

Mr. E.D. Wallace of Port Hope is taking charge of the local Bell Telephone office.

April 1912

Water tore out a great piece of the railway embankment at Beaver Meadow Creek, some 30 ft. deep and 60 ft. wide. The G.T.R. Crew have been busy all week replacing the bridge.

Mr. Wm. Cook was appointed Chief of the Fire Brigade of Port Perry.

The Bd. of Education reduced teaching staff at the Port Perry Public School from five teacher to four and increased salaries to $500, just slightly higher than the average salary of $484 paid to Ontario teachers.

Work on the post office was being delayed due to the bad conditions of the roads, which made it impossible to haul sand for concrete work.

Dead fish lined the shores of Lake Scugog following the ice going out, causing a menace to public health.

Water on the Scugog bridge has risen to a depth of two feet and is yet rising.

The home of Mr. Wm. Ross on Casimir St. was sold to Mr. Charles Richardson Stewart.

Mr. Milton McDermott accidentally took a drink of tincture of aconite at Flint's Drugstore, thinking it was whisky, to help relieve a sore throat. Despite the efforts of Drs. David Archer, Mellow and Covill he died a short time later from the poison.

May 1912

Mr. Frederick A. Kent is making extensive improvements to his property. Waterworks to be installed, a house to be built for the caretaker and family, lawns leveled and a bowling green built.

Owners of cars in town are listed as: W.L. Parrish, S. Jeffrey, E.H. Purdy, Dr. Mellow, Dr. Archer, S.E. VanCamp, P. G. Graham, H. Parr and Fred A. Kent.

Burglars entered Mr. W. Willard's store and blew open a safe with explosives causing considerable damage to the store. A few items of clothing and $15 in cash were taken. In the past few weeks, the Sebert House, and the Utica and Myrtle stores have also been victims of burglars.

Shut your gates, the cows will be on the streets soon. Those who require tags for same may obtain them from Mr. Cassidy at the usual fee.

Port Perry council met with Scugog council to discuss who would be liable for the upkeep of the new road around Ham's Hill. Scugog does not want the additional cost of maintaining another road as it is more benefit to the residents of Cartwright and Port Perry than to Scugog.

June 1912

Edward B. Flint has sold his drug business to Orval Byers.

An accident at the power house left the town without electricity and in darkness for a week.

July 1912

Port Perry and County Council will spend $200 each to complete work on the Ham's Hill Road. Scugog will be responsible for maintenance of the road.

The cornerstone of the new post office, in which Mr. Airey has carved a simple maple leaf, was set at the northwest corner of the building, under the tower.

Seventeen year old Karl Ross drowned near the dock at the foot of Queen St. when he got stuck in the mud while playing with friends.

Mr. Wm. Donaldson of Markham was appointed the new principal and science master of Port Perry High School.

Scugog council unanimously declined to assume, or maintain the new road around Ham's Hill.

Carnegie Milling Co. is constructing a new wharf and the weed saw ordered by the town is expected to arrive soon.

August 1912

The new road round Ham's Hill south end of Scugog was opened last week, a lasting monument to the persistent effort of Reeve George Gerrow of Port Perry. The road eliminates the need of climbing the big hill.

Mr. W.H. Palmer, who has the contract to lay cement sidewalks has been busy and several blocks are being put down by Jas. Waddell.

One of Port Perry's youngest and most progressive businessmen, Douglas Adams, died following an operation to remove his appendix.

Surveys were being taken for construction of a bridge between Cartwright and Mariposa near Janetville, to be submitted to the Dominion Government.

September 1912

New cement sidewalks are being laid on the school property.

Mr. George Stone was formerly invested to act as principal of the High School until a permanent principal is secured.

Brickwork has started on the new post office and it is progressing nicely.

October 1912

Adams and Hutcheson, successors to David J. & Douglas Adams.

Joseph Bigelow is advertising he needs 15,000 bushels of apples for the Big Red Apple Evaporator.

Seven Mile Island Hotel is a popular spot for duck shooters this season.

Geo. R. Davey, moving to Blong Block.

J. Cassidy reports to council on the weight of bread sold at bakeries in Port Perry.

November 1912

Local duck hunters complain that the millionaires and other heirs have bought up all the good marshes and there are few good places for locals to shoot ducks.

Speedsters even then; team of horses driven at high speed by young fellows crash head on into Dr. Coates horse. He tried to avoid them by pulling well over. One horse killed, another badly injured.

Mr. Jas. Carnegie was honoured by friends at the Sebert House and was presented a handsome sea-lion club bag as a gift. Mr. Carnegie is leaving town after a quarter of a century as a leading businessman in Port Perry.

Council considers banning cows from the street, since dust from automobiles makes the grass along roadsides unpalatable, and the cows do not keep it close cropped as they did before the car came along.

December 1912

Canning factory proposed on the Flavelle property, Water and Casimir St., which would employ 50-60 hands during the running season.

Mr. J.W. Meharry has received an appointment in connection with Immigration Dept. which will make him resident of Ireland for some time.

During 1912 three blocks of piping of a waterworks system was installed along Cochrane St., with many residents hooking up and installing complete bathroom outfits in their houses.

January 1913

Hot elections for council in both Port Perry and Reach. Mr. George Gerrow was returned as Reeve for Port Perry, and his council consisted of Jas. Lucas, H. Carmichael, Jas. Forman, S. Graham.

Reach elected Mr. Ralph McIntyre as reeve in a six man race. Mr. J.T. Dobson was elected Deputy Reeve by acclamation.

In Scugog Mr. J.W. Crosier declined a nomination for reeve and J.T. Sweetman was elected. Council members were all elected by acclamation.

Clarence Cook is prepared to sharpen skates, having purchased Mr. Dorman Corbman's outfit.

Mr. Edwin Hartry has rented his market garden to Mr. Wm. Ettey, who came from Yorkshire, Eng. Mr. Hartry joins the Bell Telephone.

Bylaw to prevent cows running loose on the streets was well supported with 209 voting in favor of the cow on the street and only 93 opposed.

February 1913

A vote was taken re: financial assistance for starting a canning factory: 191 voted for the bylaw, eight opposed.

An immense crowd attended the carnival at the Olympia Rink with a good display of fancy costumes and music by the Whitby Citizen's Band.

A deputation from the village council asked County Council to assume the roadway around Ham's Hill and to make a $300 grant for gravel.

Reeve Gerrow and Mr. W.H. Harris were in Toronto at a special meeting to look into the proposed radial railway and power line proposal which would link Toronto, Uxbridge and Port Perry.

Dr. W. A. Sangster, who has practiced dentistry here for 18 years, has entered into a partnership in Toronto and will be leaving town.

March 1913

Work has begun on the interior finishing of the post office.

The Canning Factory people have bought the curling rink property.

Dr. C.W. Moon of Seagrave has sold his veterinary business.

Ford garage opened in Jas. Swan's carriage shop. Percy Graham prop.

April 1913

Samuel Farmer, publisher of the Port Perry Star began printing his book, On The Shores of Scugog in the newspaper as a weekly series.

Bell Telephone says there are 392 phones now in operation in the local branch.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Crooks escaped a fire in the Seagrave Station which burned the building right to the ground.

Mr. Art Dowson will give up blacksmithing and devote his time to his livery business.

The Agriculture Society have taken an option on the skating rink building. If purchased they will use material to construct buildings on Fairgrounds.

Jim Johnson, Scugog Indian guide is dead. Hundreds of Torontonians knew him as the greatest guide of the whole Iroquois valley.

Mr. Jas. Carnegie has purchased the workshop and lot next to the bowling green from Mr. A. Campbell and intends to make a new brick dwelling on same.

F.H. Simpkins of the Canning Factory informed council it would not be in operation this season, and that they need more help in the matter of financing.

May 1913

Council decided to cut off electric power to Prince Albert subscribers due to the heavy demand and overloading of machinery in town.

The premises of W.S. Short's liquor store was broken into and robbed of a quantity of sealed liquors, prompting calls for hiring a night watchman in town.

June 1913

Wm. Mills planning factory was destroyed by fire. He intends to build a new factory on the site of the Vickery factory.

It is expected the new post office will be ready for occupation by the beginning of September.

Independent Telephone line erected from Port to Greenbank.

July 1913

The paddle steamer Esturion, from Peterborough, made its first excursion from Lindsay along the muddy, weedy Scugog River to Port Perry and received a grand reception at the Port.

Passengers on the 7:30 train were delivered to Port Perry on the front engine, after four cars derailed, ripping up tracks near Manchester.

August 1913

Mr. Robinson has retired from the firm of Turner and Robinson but Mr. J. Turner will continue in the coal business.

Rev. John Harris was honored on the occasion of his 50 year jubilee in connection with the ministry of the Methodist Church.

Extremely low water grounded the Esturion at the mouth of the Scugog River and an excursion planned for Lindsay had to be cancelled.

September 1913

Port Perry Fair hired the services of Chas. K. Hamilton to entertain with a flight in his airplane over the grounds during the fair, but due to late arrival of the plane, he was not able to fly.

October 1913

Post office to be moved into the Armouries, at the rear of the new post office, until the proper building is completed. The clock for the tower has been shipped from Liverpool, England.

The instructor has arrived to take charge of the School of Infantry Training which has established here. Classes take place in the basement of the Town Hall.

Samuel Graham becomes the first caretaker of the new Port Perry post office building.

November 1913

Talk continues about building a bridge across the Scugog River adjacent to Janetville.

The laying of the corner stone of the new Armouries building in Blackstock village took place. Mr. J. H. Devitt with a silver trowel "well and truly laid" the corner stone.

About 30 men are cutting timber in the Christie bush north of Manchester for the Carnegie Milling Co. An estimated 2 million feet has been cut and ready for skidding as soon as the snow flies.

Mr. George Davey has sold his business to Mr. H.A. Sydie..

December 1913

Jas. Leask & Sons have for the fourth time carried off the Grand Championship honors for the best steer at the Toronto Fat Stock Show.

Orders for Sam Farmer's book On The Shores Of Scugog were coming in fast. Only 225 books were issued at $1.00 per book.

Skating on the lake has become very popular this winter with large crowds out every afternoon and evening.

January 1914

Port Perry Council - Reeve Geo. Gerrow. Councillors Jas. Forman, Jas. Lucas, A.J. Carnegie, F.W. McIntyre. Reach Reeve Ralph McIntyre. Scugog Reeve Mr. Wm. Jackson.

The School Inspector's report on the local High School has recommended the installation of proper water closets, replacement of hardwood floors and consideration to a new wing or additional school building.

Graham's Garage was advertising the Model T Ford touring car for $650.

Mr. Percy Graham purchased Mr. Switzers former building and will make it into an up-to-date garage.

Rev. Dr. John Abraham, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church since 1880, announced his intention to retire on Sept. 9, completing 35 years at the church.

Mr. Isaac Rodman, of Scugog Island, was the first to cross the lake on the ice with a team of horses, the bridge being so bad it is unpleasant to travel.

February 1914

A Retail Merchants' Association was formed in Port Perry with F.W. McIntyre as president. Other committee members are W.G. Monet, Aylmer Cawker, James Lucas and A.J. Carnegie.

Usual procedure for handling fire alarms: The person who notices a fire runs to the Town Hall, breaks the glass in the door and pulls the rope to ring the bell. Firemen and citizens from all parts of town, change and rush to fire dragging the reels unless a horse can be found.

W.S. Short defeated E.H. Purdy for the position of chairman of the Board of Education.

Pressure by the township resulted in a letter from the government agreeing to keep Lake Scugog waters at a proper level; to construct a fishway at Lindsay and to restock the lake with bass fry.

Reports of thirty-five below zero temperature and earthquakes. Not severe.

March 1914

Council approve application for a Carnegie Library grant to build a free Public Library. Sum for purchase of site not to exceed $500 and annual grant not to exceed $1,000.

April 1914

Mechanics are busy installing the Post Office Clock.

The local Bell Telephone office was granted $6,500 for telephone extension in the district.

Mr. Joseph Bigelow has suggested having the C.P. Railway build a stub line from Myrtle to Port Perry.

A new sidewalk is to be installed in front of the post office this summer.

W.H. Letcher has sold furniture and undertaking business to his son Merlin Letcher.

The job of bell ringer performed by the local police chief at the Town Hall, four times a day, came to an end. New machinery was installed in the tower which will ring the bell automatically leaving the Chief to tend other chores.

May 1914

A deputation of citizens appeared before council asking enforcement of Provincial law which prohibits children (under 16 years) from loitering in public places after 9 o'clock in the evening.

The post office clock began to strike the hours.

Principal H. Follick reports Port Perry High School shows 98 students on the roll and the Public School has 188 students.

June 1914

George Nesbitt narrowly escaped death when his horse and wagon were hit by a train at the CPR crossing on the Raglan Road.

Reeve Ralph McIntyre of Reach disposed of 50 acres of his Chalk Lake property to Count Rochereau, who plans to covert it into a summer resort.

A severe storm dropped hailstones as large as hen's eggs on the area. Mr. James Leask lost 158 panes of glass in his house.

Former students welcomed back to Port Perry for reunion.

Mr. W.J. Quinn has bought the Jessop block and will remodel it for a moving picture show and vaudeville performances.

Merchants decide to make Wednesday afternoons a half-day holiday in Port Perry during July and August.

Work on a new wharf at the lakefront in Port Perry got underway with a $4000 grant from the Government. The wharf will extend easterly into the lake .

July 1914

The town bell will be rung at 9 p.m. warning all children under 16 years to be off the streets by the time the bell ceases ringing.

Mr. T.H. Follick, principal of Port Perry High School is leaving town to take charge of the High School in Athens, Ont. near Brockville.

Mr. A.E. Garbutt, principal of Port Perry Public School has resigned and taken a position in Fort William.

Bell Telephone are erecting 70 more miles of wire and the Port Perry Exchange will have 600 subscribers when completed.

August 1914

Mr. J. A. Hamilton has been engaged as principal of Port Perry High School and Mr. T.W. McLean as Public School principal.

Dr. Herbert Bruce was elected as vice-president of the Congress of Clinical Surgeons.

Indications are the 'auto' has come to stay. For a time the people of the rural areas opposed the horseless carriages, but now are major purchasers. The Ford is the popular car here, being the only one sold for the past two seasons.

Local men begin enlisting for military service overseas.

Philip Polito, fruit dealer, opens in Diesfeld Block.

September 1914

S. Jeffery & Son have an order for 100 sets of harness to be ready in two weeks for the government.

Mr. Jas. McKee sold Sebert House hotel to Mr. H.A. Sydie who in turn sold to Mr. Fred Carr.

Mr. Wesley Collins has finished building his second gasoline launch and has orders for four more.

Subscribers of the Port Perry Star received a large War Map free with subscription of $1.00 per year.

October 1914

Much talk about a hydro-electric radial line to Port from Toronto. Big majority vote for hydro electric bylaw.

Pile driving to start for the new wharf this week under the watchful eye of Mr. C.L. Vickery. The structure will be 210 feet long.

November 1914

Mr. L. G. Hall has bought the butcher business of W.A. Boyce.

Carpet Ball League formed among local lodges.

December 1914

Percy Graham has bought the curling rink and will take it down to build a garage.

An open air skating rink will be erected at the back of Post Office.

The old arena on Lilla St. is considered unsafe and the curling rink is too small for pleasure skating.

January 1915

Reeve - George Gerrow (accl.). Council - Hugh Carmichael, F.W. McIntyre, J.L. Forman, Jas. Lucas. Reach acclaimed J.T. Dobson as reeve.

A band has been hired to play at Central Skating Rink every Friday for the rest of the season.

Ice being stored for summer supply is of good quality this winter, being a full 18 inches thick and thoroughly clear throughout.

February 1915

Mr. Samuel M. Newton, former editor of the Port Perry Standard (Star), was elected mayor of Prince Rupert, B.C. for 1915. He also served as mayor in 1914 and 1912.

Mr. Hugh Lucas appointed inspector of harness for Dominion Government. Mr. Lucas goes to Berlin, Ont. where he will supervise some 350 men.

One of Port Perry's enterprising business men, Percy Graham of Graham's Garage died at 37 years of age from typhoid fever.

March 1915

OAC reports 1914 as the driest growing year on record. From harvest 1913 to harvest 1914 precipitation was 5-3/4" below normal.

Following the death of Percy Graham, the local Ford agency taken over by Wm. Graham and W.U. Carnegie.

Trent canal to be opened in spring from Trenton to Peterboro. It is currently open from Lake Simcoe to Healey Falls. Total length of the waterway is about 200 miles of which only about 20 are actual canal.

Five fish inspectors will patrol waters of Scugog, Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls for six weeks to keep poachers out and make sure lakes are not depleted of fish.

Johnathon Blong, a longtime resident of Port Perry and builder of one of the leading business blocks in town (The Blong Block) after the fire of 1884, died in Toronto on March 20, 1915. He also built the commodious house now occupied by Mr. Fred Kent (Kent Estates).

William Brock, one of Port Perry's staunchest and most respected business men died March 24 at 72 years of age after a lengthy illness.

April 1915

Sarvis Brothers have purchased the Ingram Bakery & Confectionery.

E.H. Purdy appointed Police Magistrate for Port Perry. He is the first Magistrate in 30 years, and now enables court cases to be heard here rather than in Whitby.

A letter from a local lad, Lieut. E.D. Wallace from England says, "we are already for a German landing. We are only 45 miles from them now, but Britannia rules the waves."

S. Klebanoff of Toronto has leased a store in the Blong Block and will sell men's clothing, boots and shoes.

Advertisement: "Hear and see the singing and talking moving pictures at the Royal Theatre, Port Perry. Adults 25¢, Children 15¢."

S.E. VanCamp is the Overland automobile dealer

May 1915

After 40 years of successful business in Port Perry Mr. William Hugh McCaw has sold his jewellery and stationery business to Mr. J.D. Robertson of Whitby.

Mr. H.S. Osler has sold fifty acres of his Pine Point property to a syndicate of gentlemen for unknown use.

Pine Grove Cemetery company purchased the William Luke house and lots. Reuben Bond, the caretaker will move into the house.

The St. Charles Hotel license was transferred from Geo. Cole to Messrs. M. McWaters and S. Mosure.

Pte. Edward Gray killed in action (of Scugog).

A Patriotic Meeting was held at the Town Hall with Messrs. J. McE. Murray and H.G. Hutcheson presenting the case of the Allies in the present war.

A memorial service was held in honor of those who have given their lives in battle at the Church of Ascension.

Dr. J. Beldon Lundy has taken over the dental practice of Dr. R.L. Graham.

June 1915

Canada's top professional motorcycle speed fiends demonstrated at the grand "King's Birthday Celebration" held on June 3.

A Port Perry Citizen's Patriotic League was formed to "do its bit" for the great war now raging in Europe.

Mr. Wilmot Walker sold his prize winning Holstein cow for the remarkable sum of $675.

Port Perry Citizens have raised over $7,000 for the patriotic fund - $5,000 asked.

Dr. W.A. Sangster appointed as dental surgeon to overseas forces.

Mr. S.E. VanCamp sold his splendid property at the north end of town to Mr. Fred Kent.

Council passed a bylaw prohibiting cows and other animals from running at large within the municipality, and poundkeeper Mr. Jas. Staley has been ordered to rigidly enforce the law.

Tax rate for 1915 has been set at 28 mills on the dollar, which includes one mill for a special war tax.

Mr. Harry Willard bought the Beasley property on Perry St. to build a factory to manufacture shells for the British.

The Port Perry Band is very busy, having seven engagements in one week.

July 1915

Port Perry businesses announce they will close each Wednesday at 12 noon for July and August.

The Catholic Church was struck by lightning causing a fire which destroyed the steeple and cause more than $2000 damage to the interior of the church.

A cloudburst caused a washout under railway tracks near Manchester Station delaying traffic for a time while repairs were made

Local men met at Port Perry's lakefront with rakes, forks and scythes to get rid of the heavy growth of weeds in the lake.

Mr. T. H. Follick was re-hired, after a years absence, as principal of Port Perry High School for the next term.

Successful businessman W.G. Monet has sold his grocery business to Mr. J.F. McClintock.

Howard White, son of Mrs. White, has received a Victoria Cross for bravery after carrying a wounded soldier to safety from the trenches under heavy fire.

Major Edgar, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie cited for bravery.

A petition was sent to Ottawa asking that provision be made at the new wharf for bathing facilities.

August 1915

Disney Bros. of Oshawa have sold their furniture and undertaking business and intend on opening a similar shop in the Blong Block, Port Perry in September.

A coin dated 1812 was found on the property of Rueben Crandell, the first settler in the township of Reach.

C.L. Vickery is tearing down his hold factory at the corner of Perry and Mary St. for a new house.

Dr. E.A. Totten will continue the dental practice of Dr. W.A. Sangster.

Cartwright Township raised $4,200 for patriotic fund.

September 1915

Major Sam Sharpe, M.P. presided over a recruiting meeting on Queen St. in front of the post office. Only Harvey Smith of High Point responded to the call.

James Stonehouse bought a new Chevrolet motor car from M.T. Beare, the local agent.

Mr. Arthur J. Carnegie is building a fine new home on Bigelow St. on a hillside well above the street.

Mr. Charles A. Rundle purchased the machine shop and garage of Mr. S.E. VanCamp.

Port Perry wharf has been completed by Mr. C.L. Vickery. The construction used 4,405 bags of cement, 381 loads of gravel and 958 loads of stone.

October 1915

Local enlistments for overseas service include: Harry Abbots, 27, William Rolph, 43, and William Druean, 43.

Mr. L. Stein & Co. opens a gentleman's furnishing and clothing store in a store in the Leonard Block, recently occupied by Leonard Jeffrey.

November 1915

A Ford Runabout was priced at $480: A Ford Touring Car at $530., and a Ford Town Car cost $780. The Chevrolet was priced at $660.

A fire at the Sebert House was detected by Mr. W.C. Ingram about 2 a.m. The building looked doomed but hard work by the firemen and lots of water saved the building. There was considerable damage to the basement and first floor.

M.T. & E. Beare Chevrolet dealers, are building a new brick garage on Queen St.

December 1915

A Local Option bylaw was drafted, prohibiting the sale by retail of liquor in the municipality of Port Perry. Bylaw to be submitted to public vote at the annual election.

Private Charles Crosier, wounded and taken prisoner by the Germans, was the guest speaker at the Town Hall. The large crowd overflowed into the streets during the recruiting meeting.

Reach and Scugog Township councils were re-elected by acclamation.

Mr. Harold Emmerson and Mr. H.H. Stone take charge of business purchased from H. Doubt and Son.

January 1916

The Local Option bylaw passed in Port Perry by a vote of 234 in favor and 126 against. Uxbridge also voted for the Local Option making Ont. County almost entirely dry.

Port Perry council Reeve George Gerrow (acclamation); councillors James Lucas, J.L. Forman, Morley Campbell and F.W. McIntyre.

W.J. Jackson, Scugog Reeve named Warden, defeating Mr. J. T. Dobson of Reach by a vote of 13-12.

Merchant tailor Mr. H.H. Stone has purchased the stock of Mr. H. Doubt and Son.

Mr. J. Cowie, our popular band leader, has been appointed leader of the new Muskoka Battalion Band.

The open air rink is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Perry St. on Mr. Willard's property.

February 1916

Lieut. Co. Sam Sharpe makes an appeal to local church ministers to preach a recruiting sermon to bring the Ontario County Battalion up to 250 men.

A.J. Thompson was appointed fire chief and Wm. McGregor a captain of the local fire department.

Residents of south Lilla St. petitioned council for the water main to be extended to Scugog St.

Mr. E.H. Purdy was elected chairman of the Board of Education.

There was a record attendance at the Soldier's Concert, given by members of the 116th Battalion at the Town Hall.

March 1916

Jas. Stonehouse of Port Perry Creamery announced he would open for business again in April.

Disney Brothers are expanding, moving into the store being vacated by Mr. A. Klebanoff.

Fire broke out in the engine room of the Jas. Lucas Grain Elevator, but damage was slight.

The old Post Office building at Queen and John St., owned by the late Alex Palmer was slated for sale by auction on March 30.

April 1916

Wm. Nesbitt was appointed Constable of the Village of Port Perry. In addition to his police duties, he is the tax collector, caretaker of the Town Hall, poundkeeper, special constable under the Curfew Act, road commissioner and bread inspector.

A delegation to council suggested the town take over the old Post Office site to build a public library when conditions become suitable.

Longtime Port Perry businessman Jas. L. Forman owner of T.C. Forman and Son, died.

Mr. W.S. Short, purchases the grocery business of the late J.L. Forman.

May 1916

Local Option became law May 1, 1916. Fines for non-compliance were $100 or more.

Pte. Edward Hooey killed in action.

Bicycle riders are warned not to ride on the sidewalks, or they will be summoned before the magistrate.

Messrs. S. Graham, T. Stewart, and Cyrus Crozier were appointed constables for Port Perry by the County Judge.

John Brimble was struck by a Ford auto on Queen St. and killed when the car ran over him.

Mr. Jas. Wadell was elected to council to take the place of deceased councillor J.L. Forman.

June 1916

Assessment of the St. Charles Hotel and the Sebert House were reduced because the value of the hotels is less under Local Option. The Sebert House was reduced from $6000 to $4500 and the St. Charles from $4900 to $4000.

R.B. Smallman's brother was lost on the Queen Mary when it went down..

Howard E. White, son of Mr. George White was killed in action.

The barn of Wm. Tummonds on the 6th concession was destroyed by lightning

July 1916

About 40 young people of town enjoyed a journey to Seven Mile Island where they enjoyed swimming, boating and an appetizing feast in front of the hotel.

Mr. Jos. Stone has purchased the furnishing of the Sebert house and rented the business. He will be open on July 20, with rates at $2.00 per day.

August 1916

Council will undertake to construct a cement roadway 16 feet wide from the railway crossing west along Queen St. to the creamery at Borelia; from Widden's corner (Perry and Queen) to the northern limit of the town; and from Beare Bros. Garage south past the Catholic Church at a total cost of about $25,000.

The Scugog Bridge will have $800 spent on improvements, including 500 loads of crushed stone.

St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church was re-opened Aug. 6, after being remodelled and redecorated.

Headway with Radial Railways seems to be grinding to a halt.

Improvements at Port Perry High School include new hardwood floors, new desks, pictures for the walls, new books for the library and a new apparatus for the laboratory.

September 1916

News from the war front reports Pte. Wm Andrus recovering from wounds inflicted by 13 pieces of shrapnel in his neck and arm.

Constable Nesbitt was appointed weed inspector. His salary has been set at $12 per week from May to November and $9.50 per week the remainder of the year.

Messrs. Jas Wadell, F. W. McIntyre, J. Lucas and Morley Campbell tendered their resignation as councillors due to ongoing criticism regarding the new cement roads being proposed for the town.

October 1916

Port Perry's new councillors took the oath of office.

Lt. Col. Jas. McBrien was promoted to the rank of General, in command of the 4th Division.

Recruiting will be renewed at a Patriotic Meeting followed by a military dance at the Town Hall.

James Lucas, grain and seed merchant has sold his seed business to Hogg & Lytle, Ltd.

I.R. Bentley, opens jewellery business next to Byers Drug Store.

November 1916

Complaints of speeding automobiles on town streets.

Port Perry Star begins to use an extra page for local news and advertising.

Local hunters Jos. Hood, Mr. Orchard and John Leask all report deer plentiful this season.

December 1916

Carnegie Bros. Hardware caught fire during the afternoon of Dec. 15. The fire brigade did splended work, saving the building from being completely destroyed.

Reach council presented a cane to retiring Reeve, Mr. J. T. Dobson.

The town mourned the death of W.E. Yarnold (surveyor), a resident and businessman in Port Perry for more than sixty years.

George Gerrow was returned by acclamation for the seventh term as Reeve.

Public Library moved to comfortable quarters on the ground floor of old Post Office beside the bowling green.

W.U. Carnegie held a Fire Sale of Hardware with $10,000 of stock to be sold.

January 1917

Mr. John Stone is Reeve of Reach Twp and Mr. Allan Goode Deputy Reeve.

Oshawa says it wants to withdraw from the County of Ontario.

Mr. McCaw becomes manager of the local Bell Telephone office.

New Parish House in connection with the Church of Ascension was formally dedicated by Bishop Sweeny and Rev. Muirhead.

Port Perry Public Library officially opened to public in its new home, in the renovated old post office building, next to the bowling green at Collacutt's corner.

After a brief illness, Mr. Joseph Bigelow died Jan. 28 in his 89th year. He was a prominent Port Perry businessman for more than 60 years, held the position of postmaster for 17 years was appointed Justice of the Peace and held the position of Reeve on four occasions.

February 1917

The electric light plant was almost forced to close due to lack of fuel, but a load of slabs were secured and tided over the difficulty.

The Board of Education re-elected E.H. Purdy as chairman.

Mr. Albert Roberts purchased the Royal Theatre, in the Jessop Block, from Mr. Quinn.

Mr. J.H. Brown resigned as treasurer from the municipality after serving more than 30 years in the town's finance office.

March 1917

Council offered a $5.00 reward to the first person to the fire hall with a horse or motor vehicle to haul the hose reel to the fire. The person and vehicle must remain at the fire for at least one hour.

One of Port Perry's most familiar figures, Mr. John Nott, 92, died. He was a well-known furniture dealer and undertaker and held the position of Justice of the Peace for a time.

The fuel crisis at the Electric light plant has passed. Cars of coal ordered last fall have finally arrived.

Mr. Roberts has made the promised improvements in the Royal Theatre, inc. lengthening the hall and seats raised.

April 1917

Council intends to spend about $5000 on the streets and sidewalks this year.

Mr. A.H. Rose sold his business, known as "The Fair" to Mr. E.C. Taylor of Sunderland.

Brock Bros. & Co., grocery and dry goods.

Prices for men's furnishings - Suits $15.00; Shirts $1.50; Socks 20¢; Ties 75¢ and Hats $1.25.

May 1917

Local automobile dealers are: W.U. & H. Carnegie (Fords); A.F. Carnegie (Overland cars); Beare Motors (Chevrolet and McLaughlin cars).

W. Letcher has bought furniture & undertaking business of Disney Bros. Mr. Archie McDermott who has worked with Disney Bros. is going to Toronto.

J.D. Robertson, jeweller, has made an assignment to W.H. McCaw.

June 1917

Butcher shops in town began closing Monday and Wednesday afternoons, due to a scarcity of help.

Sgt. Wm. Andrus won Distinguished Conduct Medal.

Council decides on 24 feet as the width of Port Perry streets when being constructed.

The Port Perry Star changes publication dates from Wednesday to Thursday.

County recommends taking over of road from Manchester to Lilla St and north to Seagrave. Also road from Port Perry to Scugog Island.

Mr. A.C. Taylor of the 'Corner Store,' Port Perry bought the grocery business of F.C. Collacutt. This stock will be moved to the Rose & Co. premises for quick sale.

July 1917

The Farmer's Union Milling Co. of Port Perry buys The Carnegie Milling Co. for the sum of $27,000. The company is made of up John Watson, R.M. Holtby, C.A. Honey, W.E. Tummonds, Allan Goode, John Casker, John W. Crozier, William Bowles and Jos. Baird. Change of ownership to take place Sept. 1, 1917.

A large crowd attended the Royal Theatre to see the famous "Battle of the Somme."

August 1917

Co. Sam Sharpe, Commanding Officer of the 116th Battalion was reported missing, but found safe later.

A channel has been cut through heavy weeds to the wharf for an excursion from Lindsay.

A fire in the boiler room of the Carnegie Mill caused little damage as it was put out promptly by the Fire Brigade.

September 1917

A young aviator of an airship, heading for Toronto from Camp Borden, lost his way and came down in a field just north of the village. Large numbers of town folk flocked out to see the mechanical bird.

Reports of casualties and deaths from the war continue to find space in the newspaper.

Mr. Harold Emmerson has bought the Fire Insurance business of Pearse and Ward on John St., north of Catholic Church. The business has been established for 40 years.

Arthur J. & David Carnegie purchased J.D. Robertson Jewellery stock and offer it for sale at 25 per cent discount.

F.W. McIntyre's store advertises a formal showing of fall fashions.

October 1917

Mr. H.W. Linke was recognized for 25 years with the Bell Telephone, mostly in Uxbridge and Port. Port has now 650 subscribers..

Pte. Randolph Switzer and Sergt. Harry Abbots awarded Military Medals.

Mrs. Geo. Jackson was elected president of the Women's Patriotic Association.

A plea goes out for more money for the war cause saying "the war goes on; men are suffering ; the need is great; we must pay again." More than $4000 was raised in Port Perry.

Registration for war service is slow in town. All men 20-34 years must report by Nov. 10th or are liable to arrest.

November 1917

Mr. J.C. Browne, retires as the Massey Harris dealer, after 34 years in business.

With purchase of 50¢ of candies, the Aura Lee Candy store was giving a free suitable box for sending overseas.

A family reunion at the home of Mr. Chas. A. Honey brought together nine brothers and one sister for the first time in 36 years.

The Port Perry Star offers a combined subscription with the Toronto Daily Star for $4.00 per year.

December 1917

The public library is in need of funds to keep operating.

Port Perry citizens, who were asked to purchase $80,000 in Victory Bonds, far surpassed their objective buying over $200,000 worth of the bonds.

The Citizen's Union Committee ran a large ad saying they would 'Never" vote for Pro-Germans, Suppressors of Free Speech and Slackers.

Santa Claus arrives for a visit with the children in town on Dec. 24.

Arthur J. & David Carnegie sold the jewellery stock of J.D. Robertson to W.H. McCaw. The business is bought by James McKee of Scugog.

January 1918

Port Perry: Mr. Samuel Jeffrey defeated Mr. James Stonehouse by one vote to become reeve, 133-132 votes.

Reach: John Stone re-elected Reeve by acclamation. Scugog: Reeve Peter Hood.

Mr. John Roach purchased the St. Charles Hotel.

Lt.-Col. Sam Sharpe awarded D.S.O.

Brigadier General James MacBrien made Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.

An axle broke and two freight cars were thrown from the track in front of the Port Perry train station.

The winter snow storm created the biggest blockade on record. Seven trains held up at Burketon, Mr. McPhail had 150 people to feed and at Myrtle Mr. Williams had 70 people to feed. There is said to be 12 ft. of snow on the Port-Lindsay line in the McConnell cut. The mail came through Whitby by stage.

Samuel Farmer was elected president of the Public Library board.

February 1918

Flt. Lieut. George Howsam won the Military Cross for bravery

All places of business ordered closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, even if they burn wood. Grocers, butcher and bakers may remain open till noon Saturday.

Drenching storm with high winds damaged and ripped roof off a number of area barns.

A.F. Carnegie takes Overland Dealership.

March 1918

President of the Port Perry Bowling Club is George Gerrow.

All boys between 13 and 19 are asked to register for farm labor as their contribution to the war effort.

W.R. Murray has become the local dealer for Gray Dort cars opens on Queen St.

Two more sections were added to the Bell Telephone switchboard to accommodate the growing number of subscribers.

One of Port Perry's earliest postmasters, Henry Gordon passed away. He also held positions of magistrate, Reeve and Warden of the Cty. of Ontario at one time.

Reports from the War: Lieut. Clarence Vickery badly gassed and Lieut. Frank Spence seriously wounded

April 1918

Area residents and farmers are asked to eat less bread and grow more wheat to send overseas to the Allies who are greatly in need of food.

The breakup of heavy ice on Lake Scugog has damaged many boathouses.

W.U. Carnegie erected new Ford garage at rear of Bank of Commerce and put in a new gas bowser in front of his hardware store.

Mr. Allan Goode, who purchased the Port Perry Creamery from Jas. Stonehouse, has opened in a fine new building with new machinery and a first-class pasteurizer.

May 1918

A.J. Carnegie to be manager of Farmer's Union Milling Co. taking over from Mr. Watson.

An order-in-council was passed imposing severe censorship upon the press regarding criticism of Canada or her Allies.

A 27' boat driven by a 25 h.p. motor, built by Capt. Bowerman and his son George was launched in the lake.

Col. Sam Sharpe, jumped to his death from the second story window of the Victoria Hospital, Montreal. He commanded the 116th Battalion at Vimy Ridge before having a nervous breakdown and being hospitalized in England in April.

June 1918

Fire broke out in the basement of S. Jeffrey & Son harness shop. Most of the damage ($8,000) was from the water poured on the fire.

D. Corbman opens grocery department, has also phonographs and records.

July 1918

J.W. Platten, Port boy honored. Long list of corporations he has served as director, most recent International Mercantile Marine Co., New York.

Reeve S. Jeffrey was appointed to buy and distribute coal for the Village of Port Perry.

The Port Perry Anglican Church was vandalized. Broken were two windows and a valuable offering plate.

August 1918

A barn operated by Mr. Luther Smith at the Head, Scugog Island was stuck by lighting and burned to the ground.

Maintenance of the building on the wharf has been neglected and it is being gradually destroyed by vandals.

Salaries of teacher at Port Perry High School are now $1000 per year.

Mr. Ralph Fitchett of Manchester has bought the Cawker Bros. butcher business.

Mr. Lakey's barn, west of Manchester, was struck by lightning, destroying the barn and contents. The livestock was saved.

September 1918

Mr. S. Jeffrey, Reeve of Port Perry was married Sept. 2 to Miss Ada Ellena Broad of Little Britain.

A good turnout for the Port Perry Fair which was held on Sept. 26, 27.

Graham Limited bought the Big Red Evaporator will use it for drying turnips. They will employ about 30 men and 15 women and run day and night.

October 1918

Former Reeve, Mr. George Gerrow and his wife have sold their residence to Mr. Allan Goode and are moving to Toronto.

Dr. J.D. Berry has sold his house and is leaving Port Perry.

The Orchard Coal business was bought by the Farmers' Union Milling Co.

Sam Graham giving up caretaking of Post Office.

Schools, Churches and lodges are also closed because of "Spanish" flu, but no serious cases reported here and no deaths in spite of rumor.

November 1918

The War ends on November 11, 1918. Port Perry celebrates with a half mile of torchlit autos decked for festivities, along with the Port Perry band and returned soldiers marching to Manchester and back. Celebrations, including a huge bonfire at the rear of the Post Office and rockets shooting across the scene.

Thanks to the efforts of Mr. S. Jeffrey and Mr. C.C. Jeffrey, the Post Office announced improved mail service adding an outgoing and incoming route. It will necessitate running a stage route between Port Perry and Myrtle.

The official record of Victory Funds purchased by residents of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog was $325,200.

Milk prices rise to 12¢ per quart.

December 1918

Plans were made for a reception for returning soldiers. Mr. Sam Farmer elected chairman of a group to make arrangements.

January 1919

Reeve - J. Stonehouse. Council - G.R. Davey, Jas. Ward, Jas. Swan, Allan Goode.

Arthur Bond takes over duties of caretaker at Pine Grove Cemetery from his father Reuben Bond.

Mr. H.L. Ebbels sold his law practice to Mr. W.H. Harris, after 40 years in Port Perry.

February 1919

J. Bowerman & Sons, open a auto, marine and stationary engine repair shop opposite Farmer's Union Mill Co.

Graham's Limited closed all their factories, including the Port Perry turnip evaporator.

March 1919

A resolution by Reeve Stonehouse at County Council, demands GTR replace train No. 379 running from Whitby to Manilla Junction.

Sarvis Bros. Bakery was sold to Harry and Bert White, former residents of Port Perry.

Mr. A.E. Rogerson, Toronto has bought the St. Charles Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Fielding to manage. The house will be remodelled and will re-opened in April.

Union Church services, which were started because of the fuel shortage ended.

April 1919

Reeve Stonehouse received word the 1:30 and 5:30 trains will be back on service staring in May.

Council passed a bylaw changing from standard time to conform to the new time adopted by the railroads and post office.

Cpl. A. W. Allin has been discharged and accepted the position of caretaker of the schools.

A reception and presentation was accorded to Port Perry soldiers returning from the war at the Town Hall. S. Farmer read a list of those killed in action: Lt. E.D. Wallace, Lt. A.B. Doubt, Lt. R. Soper, Sgt. Gord Hood, Pte. H. White, Pte. E. Hooey, Pte. Thos. Raines, Pte. Art Clark, Pte. J. Dobbin, Pte. A. Jeffrey, and "The Last Post" was played. A presentation of a gold band ring was made to returning soldiers.

Dr. W.A. Sangster resumed his dental practice having returned from overseas.

May 1919

Dr. E.A. Totten, who occupied Dr. Sangster's dental office during the war period, is leaving town for Port Hope.

Port Perry's electric light plant was shut down for about two weeks while repairs were undertaken by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission.

A delegations of townsmen met with Sir Adam Beck to request Port Perry be placed permanently on the Hydro System.

A long distance telephone circuit is being built between Port Perry and Toronto at a cost of $20,000.

P.G. Morrison has purchased the drug business of Mr. Orval Byer.

John Roach becomes the dealer for Briscoe Cars in Port Perry.

June 1919

The Farmer's Union Milling Co. offers to investors $30,000 in first mortgage debentures with interest bearing at 6 1/2 per cent.

The town applied a coat of oil over Queen St. to reduce dust.

An increase in long-distance phone calls brought the price of a call to Toronto up to 30¢ from 25¢.

Mr. Ed. Griffen is remodeling Mr. Wilson's Seven Mile Island house, with a 16 foot double deck verandah around the house.

July 1919

The refurnished and redecorated St. Charles Hotel has re-opened and everyone is singing its praise.

The Presbyterian and Methodist Churches announced Union Services during July and August.

Fishing is reported to be great with many maskinonge weighing between 12 and 16 lbs. being caught.

Council received permission to clean and repair the damage at the wharfhouse, but with no financial help from the federal government.

Port Perry Creamery is churning out 11,000 lbs. of butter each week.

Saturday night is a busy shopping night in Port Perry, but often happy, social gatherings of people on the street forget about shopping until quite late, sometimes keeping the shopkeepers open until midnight.

August 1919

A large crowd gathered in Port Perry for the Civic Holiday. The day was celebrated with a Peace procession, aquatic sports, baseball, basketball and track and field events and a fireworks display in the evening.

Jas. McKee takes over the Ford business, gas oil and auto accessories of W. U. & H. Carnegie.

A serious fire broke out in an implement shed and spread to the office of Hogg & Lytle, gutting the entire front end of the building. Quick work by the Fire Brigade prevented it spreading to the big grain elevator.

The barns and house of Mr. Charles Lamb, Manchester were burned to the ground.

September 1919

Port Perry council petitioned the government for a share of suitable German guns and trophies, taken during the war, to be allotted to the Village of Port Perry for display in front of the Post Office.

Reeve Stonehouse continues his efforts to have the Hydro-Electric Commission bring power to Port Perry.

October 1919

Liquor is put out of business as prohibitionists voted to retain Ontario Temperance Act by a large majority.

Mr. George Stone unveiled a memorial tablet to the high school students who died during the war. A flag staff, 79 feet high and the bronze tablet were erected at the south-east corner of the school grounds.

November 1919

Public meeting is held to discuss the possibility of building a rink for Port Perry.

Mr. Fred Brock was selected chairman of a committee to investigate a permanent rink.

The Hydro-Electric Commission is preparing an estimate, in time for the municipal election, on the cost of rewiring the town for electricity.

The local branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce purchased, from Jas. Carnegie, the building in which they have been located for a number of years.

Jas. McKee Garage becomes McKee & Hood.

Hydro-Electric Power Commission send engineer to look over the situation with view to coming here.

December 1919

A terrible storm, with winds up to 80 mph brings front wall of Beare's garage down on three people, Augustus Raines, his wife and sister-in-law Miss Hazel Griffin. Mr. Hugh Lucas, a few steps behind escaped without injury. Immediate help removed the debris and found that Gus Raines had suffered a fractured skull and other severe injury resulting in death. Mrs. Raines and Miss Griffin were severely burned. Gus had been married only three weeks. Other places suffered severe damage as a result of the same storm.


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