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Timeline: 1900-1909

JANUARY 1900 Rev. Wm. B.A., pastor of St. John's Presbyterian Church married Miss Laura K. Draper, youngest daughter of the late George Draper. E. H. Purdy defeated Thos. Rundle by a margin of 190 to 127 votes to become reeve of Port Perry. In Reach Township Thos. Lambe, became reeve by acclamation. The Town Hall was packed to see The Merchant of Venice. Miss L. Carnegie, Miss M. W. Burnham and Miss L. Meharry gave an enjoyable dance to their friends on New Years evening in the Town Hall. Major T.C. Forman pressed the Postmaster General for better postal service between Port Perry and Toronto. Horse races on the ice at Port Perry proved to be the most successful meeting ever held on Lake Scugog. Thos. Graham was elected president of the Scugog Agricultural Society. Vice President A. W. Williams, Treasurer J. C. Browne, and Secretary J. H. Brown. FEBRUARY 1900 Port Perry hockey club defeated St. George's of Toronto by a score of 13-7 in a well played match. Members of the Port Perry Fire Brigade requested their salary be increased to $15. The partnership between Wm. L. Marshall and W. P. Jones as Implement Dealers was dissolved. T. C. Forman, chairman of the Patriotic Concert reported a profit of about $60 from the concert. Fenian Raid Medals were presented at the Patriotic Concert to Major T. C. Forman, Captain Billings, Henry Graham, Wm. Nott, Wm. J. Jamieson and Henry Graham, all of Port Perry. MARCH 1900 Reeve E.H. Purdy and Jas. Carnegie reported on their visit to Ottawa, regarding the maintaining of the waters of Lake Scugog at a proper height in order not to impede navigation. John Billings ordered the sale by auction of all his Cochrane St. household property with George Jackson as auctioneer. Mr. W. H. McCaw of Port Perry was advertising he was in the position to issue tickets to all parts of the world, and was re-appointed ticket agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. APRIL 1900 Samuel M. Newton, publisher of the Port Perry Standard, wrote to Port Perry Council claiming $103.62 for extra printing and advertising for 1899. The letter, on a motion by Mr. Forman, was filed. Samuel Hooey, while braking on the Grand Trunk Railway near Cobourg, met with an accident that claimed his life. He is the adopted son of the late David Hooey. The Port Perry Board of Trade was established at a meeting held in the Town Hall on April 4th. The annual meeting of the Port Perry Baseball Club was held at the St. Charles Hotel with Jas Carnegie elected president, G.M. Gibbs 1st vice pres and R.G. Baird 2nd vice president. Auctioneer Geo. Jackson advertised a two day sale of the contents of the Oriental Hotel, April 27, 28, 1900, when proprietor J. M Brooks decided to retire. The Port Perry Board of Trade adopted a proposal to hold regular market days on Tuesday and Friday beginning in May. MAY 1900 Major T.C. Forman was paid $23.60 to supply six pairs of rubber boots for the fire brigade. The school and congregation of St. John's Church, Blackstock will have an excursion from the wharf at Caesarea to Sturgeon Point in June by the Steamer Crandella. Tickets - adults 35¢, children 25¢. Five year old Mona Philp, daughter of Mrs. T. H. Philp fell into a cistern at the premises of Mr. C. Collacutt, Cassimir St. and was only rescued in time to save her life. Thomas Burke, a seventy year-old Brooklin resident was killed instantly when struck by a train rounding the curve just north of Brooklin station. Mr. L. Sebert, new proprietor of the Oriental Hotel is adding extensions and additions to this already fine structure. Neither money nor labour is being spared. G.M. Gibbs, manger of the Canadian Bank of Commerce announced they were open for business in their new offices, which were unsurpassed in design, equipment and decoration by any in the Dominion. Mr. Caleb Crandell has further beautified his fine residence by extending and remodeling the piazza. JUNE 1900 The County of Ontario council has repudiated its engagement with Port Perry for the erection of a House of Refuge, for aged and infirmed, in this village. L. Sebert announced that effective immediately the hotel known as the Oriental Hotel will in future be known as the Sebert House. A number of townsmen have formed a syndicate, and appointed an energetic Bd. of Directors for the purpose of holding a Fall Fair this year on Sept. 12-14. S. T. Cawker and Son meat merchants moved their store into the Purdy Block, two doors east of Mr. Purdy's Grocery store. A citizen suggested the council to petition the Government to spend $5,000 on dredging and improving the waterfront as it is fast filling up with rice and muck. Mr. James, of the Statesman newspaper in Bowmanville made a visit to the Observer office. JULY 1900 Residents of Port Perry area held a Dominion Day celebration including a Wild West Show, rifle match, baseball games, bicycle and horse races and dancing and a concert. The service of laying the cornerstone of the Methodist Church, Nestleton was held on July 8 with C.W. Jones, Esq. of Port Perry laying the stone. Employees of the Grand Trunk Railway selected Port Perry as the site to hold their Annual Games. Howard Stone of Port Perry won the cycling trophy. Mr. Wm. Aldred's new residence, Scugog, was destroyed by fire. The brick clad building was valued at $1,200 but had only $300 insurance on it and nothing on the contents. AUGUST 1900 The Port Perry Fire Brigade sponsored an excursion by train to Toronto and Niagara Falls. Due to the early departure, the town bell was rung at five o'clock in the morning to wake up those going on the trip. Port Perry's Great Syndicate Fair officials are: Hon. President L. Burnett, Esq. M.P., President Peter Christie, Vice Presidents James Parr and Anson Taylor, Treas. E.H. Purdy and Secretary G.M. Gibbs. A petition signed by nearly all property holders in the centre of town asked council to so legislate that a granolithic walk ten feet wide be constructed on both sides of Queen St. A double wedding took place at the home of Mrs. E. Wildman of Reach Twp. Mr. Edward Wildman married Miss Edith Bartley and Mr. Thos. Bartley married Miss Minnie Wildman. The wedding took place on Mrs. Wildman's 60th birthday. SEPTEMBER 1900 Captain Crandell has threatened to bring a lawsuit against Messers Boyd of Bobcaygeon because they have allowed the water to escape at their mills and is seriously impairing navigation in the river. Upcoming Fall Fairs included the Great Syndicate Fair, Port Perry, Sept. 12-14; Cartwright/Blackstock Fair Oct. 2, 3; and North Ontario and Uxbridge Twp. Fair Sept. 25, 26. Mr. Jeffrey reported to Reach Council that Mr. Lewis desired to be relieved of his contract to build the Nonquon Bridge on Conc. 9 and 10, finding it impossible to do for contract price of $1 per rod. C.L. Vickery advertised he had just received a large shipment of dry Tamarac to be sold at $3 per cord. OCTOBER 1900 A petition signed by Rev. W. Kenner and 66 other residents of Prince Albert requested council to legislate as to prevent bicycling on the sidewalks of the village. The home of Mr. John Turner was partially destroyed by fire while the entire family were at church. Former Port Perry resident Eber Fryer was seriously injured while loading a C.P.R. freight car in Winnipeg when the car door fell off and hit him in the head. NOVEMBER 1900 The Carnegie's Mills were fortunate not to have been destroyed after a fire was discovered. Before local firemen reached the scene with the steamer, the flames had been extinguished.

January 1901 Port Perry was honored by a distinguished visitor, Mr. Johnston Paudush of Hiawatha (Rice Lake), son of the Chief of Mississauga tribe of Indians. Jessop Furniture Co., Port Perry is giving up business and is having a mammoth sale to dispose of furniture that would grace any mansion. Municipal elections - Peter Hood, Scugog, reeve by acclamation; Anson Taylor, Cartwright, reeve by acclamation; John Boys elected in Reach; and Dr. S.J. Mellow elected in Port Perry defeating E.H. Purdy by 182-156 votes. The death of Queen Victoria, who died at 6:45 p.m. on Jan. 22, 1901, was noted in a large article in the local paper. County Council turned down Port Perry, Oshawa, Uxbridge and Whitby as the site for a House of Refuge. February 1901 Friends of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Whitby assembled in the Sebert House to bid him farewell as they left the community to live in the "Soo." Orr Graham, veterinary surgeon retired and sold his practice to Mr. John T. Elliott of Detroit, Michigan. Highly respected and lifetime resident of Port Perry and Prince Albert, Frank M. Yarnold, died on Feb. 4, 1901 Port Perry and Uxbridge met in a 'rattling game' of hockey at the local rink. Port Perry won the match 7-2. The Witney Hotel estate at Epsom was offered for sale or to rent by Norman Stuart. March 1901 Auditors Report shows a total of $19,958.33 received through taxes and various grants, fines, etc. in the Township of Reach for the year ending Dec. 31, 1900. Mr. Jas MacBrien, of the North West Mounted Police, eldest son of James MacBrien, Esq. visited home. He has distinguished himself with bravery and daring feats, on one occasion capturing single-handed one of the most notorious desperados and horse thieves of the plains. Mr. J. M. Brooks, former owner of the Oriental Hotel has left town to take possession of the Palace House in Peterborough. April 1901 John Jeffrey, of Prince Albert last week marketed 30 bushels of Red Clover Seed, the product of 12 acres for which obtained the handsome sum of $210. Mr. John McCulloch, one of our talented young townsmen, passed his final exam with flying colors and is now a fully qualified medical practitioner for treatment of the eye, ear and throat. The Sons of Temperance met to say good bye to one of their most amiable and zealous members in the person of Miss Lillian Bond, eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. Bond, a florist in Prince Albert. May 1901 Mr. J. W. Platten of Port Perry was elected as Treasurer on the board of the entire Erie Railway Company. The out buildings in connection with the Hawkens House in Blackstock are undergoing extensive improvements. Capt. Bowerman's launch, the Express will convey the Port Perry baseball nine and a few friends to Lindsay on May 24 (Victoria day) to meet the Lindsay team in the first match of the season. The Guelph Pavement Co. has a large force in town constructing new granolithic sidewalks on Queen St. The contract calls for eight inches of course gravel, three inches of concrete with a top dress of one inch. Price to be paid is 13 3/4¢ per square foot. June 1901 The Crandella arrived in Port June 12 with a large excursion party. Port Perry was not at its prettiest, owing to the extensive improvements being made in the walks. Henry Parsons writes - County Council made a second selection for the location of the proposed House of Refuge for this County - this time being Whitby. Next week they meet again and will come back to its first love and decide there is no place like Port Perry, and before another year the structure will be consummated near the head of the Scugog and all the people of the County will say, Amen. Reach Council ordered more than $270. be paid to local farmers for damage and death to sheep by dogs. One farmer, L. Burnett, Esq. ex MPP lost nine ewes and two lambs and found six ewes wounded beyond recovery. July 1901 Port Perry celebrations of Dominion Day took place with a smaller than wished crowd due to extremely hot weather. The Uxbridge Band gave an exceptional performance. Port Perry Methodist Sunday School chartered the steamer Crandella for an excursion to Sturgeon Point, one of the most beautiful and popular summer resorts on the great chain of lakes to the north. The steamer Express transported members of the Orange Lodge to the 12th Annual July Grand Picnic on Washburn Island on July 12. Prince Albert Sunday School's excursion to Washburn Island aboard on the Crandella takes place July 16. Two fine brood mares, the property of W. C. Heard of Reach, were struck and killed by lightning during a severe electric store that passed through the township. A report by Streets Committee S.J. Mellow, Wm. Bateman and H.B. Clemes, suggested council construct new granolithic walks on property fronting on Water St. Council instructed them to arrange with pavement contractors to do the work at the same cost as the work done on Queen St. Joseph Hood, eldest son of Paul and Lydia Hood, aged 20, drowned while bathing with friends in the Scugog opposite the 9th conc. of Reach. Queen St. property owners were assessed charges for the new granolithic sidewalks as follows: North Side - L. Sebert $75.24; Mrs. Wm. Hiscox 31.58; S. Graham 32.49; Bank of Commerce 37.62; James Carnegie 37.62; Mrs. T.J. Ash 14.82; R.J. Bruce 31.92; Mrs. Diesfeld 28.50; Jonathon Blong 102.60; W. H. McCaw 47.88; Thos. Bedford 44.46; W. L. Parrish 36.48; Mrs. A. Currie $31.98. South Side - R. Penhall $56.54; Fannie Hiscox $29.18; Jas. Carnegie $27.36; Mrs. E. Sinclair 96.44; C.H. Allison 54.26; E.H. Purdy 46.66; Western Bank 46.66; H.L. Ebbels 17.04; B.F. Ackerman 29.82 and Mrs. McHardy 46.86. August 1901 Henry Parson's comments - Mr. E. Mundy, formerly of Port Perry and owner of the Oshawa Reform has been appointed issuer of Marriage Licenses. The government can not possibly be ignorant of the fact that its appointment is utterly incapable of properly filling out a Marriage License form and his blunders in attempting to do so may cause future trouble which the government would not desire to father. The local Board of Health says doctors have neglected their duties in placing placards on homes in which patients with contageous diseases live. Joseph Bigelow, Esq. has just returned from California after a three month visit. The worthy and popular Reeve of Reach, Mr. John Boys is erecting a handsome new residence on his fine farm, near Manchester. September 1901 At twelve o'clock midnight Sept. 18 the baker shop of A.J. Sproule, on the south side of Queen St. in the Purdy block was discovered to be on fire. Despite the best efforts of the Fire Brigade the fire destroyed A. Ross & Sons, general merchants; E.H. Purdy, produce merchant and groceries; C.H. Allison, druggist; J. A. Murray, dentist; S. T. Cawker & Sons, butcher; The Western Bank; S.M. Newton, publisher; W.H. Harris, barrister and many other small businesses. The number of new scholars enrolled at Port Perry High School is the largest since the school was founded. October 1901 The newly restored Prince Albert Public Hall was opened with a special meeting with Hon. G. W. Ross, M.P. as chairman, and the Hon. John Dryden, M.P.P. and the Hon. G. E. Foster, guest speakers. The speakers arrived late due to the train on which they were travelling being behind time, as usual. Mr. Wm. Jamieson was engaged to water down Queen Street between Water and John St. for the season 1901 for the sum of $150. An article in the Oshawa Vindicator accused those burnt out in the fire on Sept. 18 always make big money out of fires by placing more value on their property than the building or stock is worth. The article was printed in the North Ontario Observer of Port Perry, but publisher H. Parsons condemned the writer and called the attack scandalous libel without a word of truth. December 1901 A Grand Soiree is planned for the New Year's Day in Prince Albert, for which the whole community is in preparation. Mr. James Leask of Reach, during Fall Fairs and the Guelph Winter Fair has carried off no less than 86 prizes; 62 firsts, 22 seconds and two third place finishes, plus $743 in prizes. Members of Reach Council gathered at the home of Jos. Baird where a surprise presentation of a handsome and valuable gold mounted cane was presented to Wm. Spence, Clerk of Reach.

January 1902 Elected to local councils - Port Perry, Dr. S.J. Mellow, reeve; W. Bateman, L. J. Forman and H. B. Clemes, councillors. Cartwright, Anson Taylor, reeve; Geo. L McLaughlin, Tho. Wood, Robert Jobb, Robert Thompson, councillors. Reach, R. M. Holtby, reeve; J. T. Doble, and Thos. Lambe, councillors. Horse races held on Lake Scugog during the Great Winter Meeting were under under the auspices of the Port Perry Trotting Association. They were the most successful ever held with vast crowds attending. Port Perry Curling Club forms nine rinks for this years curling season. Messrs J. Baird and P. Christie came before Reach Council to request removal of telegraph and telephone poles from the south to the north side of the road leading from Prince Albert to Manchester to facilitate travel during the winter months. February 1902 Enoch Rogers, assessor for Port Perry for more than 20 years, passed away. A Port Perry hockey team won the Grand Challenge Trophy at the Great Hockey Tournament in Markham, defeating the Markham team 1-0 in the final game. W. J. Nott, of the Jessop Furniture Co. purchased a grand Winter Hearse made to order for winter roads. Council suggested the Fire Brigade attach runners to the fire engine for the winter months. James Staley captured a runaway horse on Queen St. by running down the horse and seizing the reins. March 1902 James Waddell and Geo. A. Rose, two of Brock's most intelligent, enterprising, wealthy and prosperous farmers are retiring and have made Port Perry their home. Esteemed townsman and far-famed auctioneer Geo. Jackson has been engaged to conduct the Great Dispersion Sale, the property of John H. Douglas, Esq., M.P.P. Warkworth. Tuesday, 25th inst., was the Grand Opening Day for the Spring of the town's Millinery establishments, owned by Misses L. & J. Stouffer. April 1902 The Church of the Ascension has secured the services of Mr. Lock of Trinity College, Toronto, as their clergyman. Miss Yarnold is organist and Miss Sangster choir leader. Selwyn Sangster and Chas. Carnegie, two of our most estimable young townsmen left for Regina to enter their duties as members of the Northwest Mounted Police. Jas. Carnegie has just returned from a four month tour of all the most important centres on the continent. E.H. Purdy, in order to meet requirements of his farming customers, ordered seeds by the train-load. May 1902 Four distinguished journalists dropped by the Observer office for a short visit. S. Frank Wilson of the Wilson Publishing Co.; Murray F. Wilson of the Ladies Journal Co.; C.A. Wilson of the North-Ender Publishing Co., and Geo. H. Wilson of the Lindsay Post. Mr. James Maxwell has purchased, renovated and equipped the Port Perry Woolen Mills. The Kawartha Lake Excursion Company of Lindsay described Port Perry as being at the head of the Kawartha waters, beautifully situated, good hotel accommodation and boating. Grand place for an excursion. Major Forman had conferred on him the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration for his long service to the military. June 1902 Capt. Bowerman will run the steamer 'Cora' to Lindsay every Saturday stopping at Pettit's Landing, Hood's Landing, Washburn Island, Caesarea and Plum Point along route starting June 7. A return fare trip to Lindsay is 75¢. Dr. S. J. Mellow was appointed Coroner for the County of Ontario. The Carnegie Flouring Mills and Planning Mills were destroyed by a fire which awakened residents in the early hours of the morning of June 14, 1902. The new stable and its contents of Mr. M. L. Crandell, Scugog Street were destroyed by fire. July 1902 Mr. James Carnegie's new Mill is well underway. The engine room is nearly completed and the grinder will be in place and running soon with the planing mill in full blast in about two weeks. The Port Perry Fire Brigade is leading an excursion to Niagara Falls on the Civic Holiday at a cost of $1.80 per person. Our enterprising vehicle builders, Jas. Swan & Sons have closed negotiations to purchase the fine brick building on Mary St. known as the Ontario Carriage Works. Word was received that James McBrien, eldest son of Jas. McBrien the popular and indefatigable Public School Inspector, has passed through 15 engagements in the South African conflict unscathed. Mr. James Maxwell purchased and thoroughly renovated the Port Perry Woolen Mills and is offering 'highest prices" for quantities of wool. Output by the new owner of Port Perry Creamery (Mr. Stillman) has increased, reaching an output of 8,500 pounds. Heavy rains have raised the Scugog's high-water mark by a full nine inches. August 1902 Port Perry Electric Light Company is offering for sale by auction all its property not destroyed by the late fire. G.M. Gibbs, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Port Perry was honoured at a farewell banquet at the Sebert House. Guest speakers included Wm. Ross, M.P., Major Forman, Dr. Sangster, Jas. Carnegie, Mr. Peter Christie and Mr. W.H. McCaw. September 1902 The new steel bridge being built over the Nonquon River will cost $500 and is almost completed. Port Perry businessman Mr. Louis Sebert, owner of the Sebert House, died Sept. 29 in his 45th year. Many places of business closed for the funeral. November 1902 Council closed contract with Mr. W.M. Currie for electric light service for three years at $400 per year. Cook's Restaurant - headquarters for Oysters, Fresh Fish or a delightful luncheon. First door east of The Observer office. December 1902 Port Perry council passed a bylaw making it obligatory on the part of residents to keep sidewalks in front of their properties clear of snow. Defaulters were liable for a fine of $20. and village authorities could order the sidewalks cleared with charges against their property taxes. A meeting was held at the St. Charles Hotel in the interest of organizing a Band in Port Perry. Port Perry Curling Club elected the following officers: Hon. Pres. Wm. Ross, M.P.; President Dr. Graham, 1st Vice Pres. R.J. Bruce, 2nd Vice Pres. Geo. Rose, 3rd Vice Pres. W. H. Letcher, Sec. Treas. F. M. Brown.

January 1903 A meeting was held on Jan. 14 in an attempt to amalgamate the Agriculture Societies of Reach, Port Perry and Scugog. Elections: Port Perry Reeve E. H. Purdy, Councillors Thos. Rundle, J. Stovin, R.J. Bruce, E. Raines. Reach Twp. council elected by acclamation. Scugog Twp. Wm. Alldred, Councillors Wellington Sweetman, Wm. Jackson, J.F. Gerrow and W. D. Hope. R.G. Baird of the Western Bank was honored at a banquet at the Sebert House and presented a gold watch before his departure for Oshawa. James Carnegie's newly constructed Port Perry Roller Mills is now completed and in full operation. Arrangements are about complete to install the Electric Light Plant in a new building and it will be running in a short time. February 1903 Reeve E.H. Purdy and councillor R.J. Bruce addressed a public meeting explaining the importance, feasibility and advisability of installing a corporation Electric Light Plant and Water Works system in the town. Mr. R.T. Stillman sells his Port Perry Creamery to Mr. Jas. Stonehouse and purchases the agriculture and implement business of C.J. Laing in the Market building. March 1903 A Board of Trade was organized composed of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog. Officers elected are Joseph Bigelow, president; James Carnegie, vice-president; W.H. Dunsford, secretary/treasurer; council members are Sam Jeffrey, R.J. Bruce, W.L. Parrish, E.H. Purdy, Jas. L. Forman, Wm. Ross, M.P., W.H. McCaw and J. W Meharry. Discussions at the first meeting of the Board of Trade included: establishment of a Canning Factory, new Post Office and better mail service. April 1903 Veterinarian Orr Graham has resumed the practice of his profession at his office located on Queen St. The Port Perry Creamery is now in full blast. Proprietor, Mr. James Stonehouse is an expert in the manufacture of creamery butter. May 1903 The business of Mr. Stillman, a dealer in Agricultural Machines and Implements has been purchased by Mr. Chas. A. Rundle. Port Perry, being the butter centre of the County, was selected by the Grand Trunk Railway authorities to be one of the stations at which to collect butter for exportation to Europe. The bylaw submitted to property owners for the purpose of financing the construction of a Water Works and Electric Light Plant was carried by a substantial margin. June 1903 A large deputation of leading citizens and the Band met former Port Perry resident G.M Gibbs at the depot when he arrived for a visit from his new home in Manitoba. July 1903 The town was preparing for the home coming and Reunion Festival of Port Perry Old Boys on Aug. 3, 1903, calling it the "biggest day in the town's history." Mr. J.R. Marshall, lessee of the St. Charles Hotel for the past three years, has lately become the owner of that fine hotel. August 1903 Thousands of former residents arrived in Port Perry for the Home Comers Reunion. Seven coaches, drawn by two engines were needed to accommodate the large number of guests and more than 23 different excursions left Toronto by train. The Ontario Central Fair grounds, Port Perry was sold to the Regal Packing Company for an Evaporating and Canning Factory business. When improvements are completed it will be capable of peeling and evaporating 2,500 bushels of apples per day and will employ 120 hands. September 1903 Henry Parsons writes "At a meeting of Uxbridge council a by-law was passed appropriating Port Perry's Market Day (Thursday); they would doubtless steal Sunday if they had any use for it." The contractors for the new Power House have completed the building within the time limit and the building meets the requirements for which it was erected. Thomas C. Paxton a native of Port Perry, died at the age of 50 years. October 1903 The fine residence of Mr. G.L. Robson, V.S., and several adjoining buildings and their contents were destroyed by fire. Mr. Robson escaped through a window. Principal D. McBride of Port Perry High School delivers the opening address to the annual convention of the Teachers of North Ontario held in Uxbridge. December 1903 Students of Mr. Downey, principal of the Model School presented him with an ebony writing set in appreciation of his efforts. 1903 Port Perry reeve and council were all returned by acclamation for another term. 1903 Scugog reeve and council were also returned by acclamation.

January 1904 The election for Reeve in Reach resulted in the return of Mr. Norman Stuart by a majority of about 65 over Mr. John T. Doble. Councillors are R.M. Holtby, Jas Munroe, Thos. Lambe and R. McIntyre. James Stonehouse, proprietor of the Port Perry Creamery left for Kingston to become the Butter Instructor of the Kingston Provincial Dairy School. Dr. J. Herbert Sangster passed away at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto. Captain George Crandell, one of the oldest and most widely known men from the area, died in Lindsay on Jan. 22, 1904 while out shoveling snow. February 1904 Mr. H. H. Stone has purchased the tailoring establishment of Mr. H. Doubt. Messrs Purdy and Archer have entered into a co-partnership as importers and dealers of Coal of all grades. April 1904 Jas. Stonehouse returned from Kingston where he was teaching for the winter, to get his Creamery reopened and operating by May 1. Mr. Edward Mundy, owner of the Oshawa Reformer made a visit to the office of the Observer. He was the former owner of the Port Perry Standard newspaper. May 1904 Port Perry was selected to be one of the Stock Sale Centres being established around the province, with the first sale to be held on June 16th, 1904. June 1904 Mr. D. Perkins, one of the most expert cutters in the Dominion, has opened Merchant Tailoring business in the Blong Block. Rev. George Robinson and his family have purchased and moved into a fine home in the western portion of town. Train service for Port Perry has been improved, due to the public's demand for more convenient service. Mr. Joshua W. Curts, Esq., a former leading citizen of our town, was in Port Perry for a visit. There was a large attendance at the party given by the Loyal True Blues of Port Perry in Town Hall park. A meeting was held in the Sebert House to form a Kennel Club for the protection of dogs against poisoning. July 1904 Four valuable Clydsdale horses owned by Mr. Theodore Salter of Reach were killed during a severe electrical storm. The Baptist Church opened their new vestry at a social evening. Mr. D Wakefield and John Hope fell off a barn roof while installing metal roofing, taking the life of Mr. Wakefield and severely injuring Mr. Hope. August 1904 An electrical storm passing through the area struck and destroyed the barns and contents of John Wannamaker, Scugog, the McQuade barn in Cartwright and the Robert Scott barn in Reach. A first class granolithic sidewalk from Casimir to Mary Street has been completed by local townsmen Messrs. Waddell and Stonehouse. Mr. William Mills of Port Perry has just completed the contract to construct a new water tank for the town. It is a mammoth water vessel of perfection. September 1904 Rev. McFarlane, after a pastorate of over five years, is leaving the Port Perry Baptist Church to minister a church in Rochester, N.Y. Eight new substantial and first-class dwelling houses are now under construction in town. Mr. Peter Christie declined a nomination at the Liberal Conservative Convention intimating his retirement from public life. October 1904 A dredge is operating on Lake Scugog. Mrs. Walter Mark and her son Roy, of Seagrave were thrown from their buggy, with Roy striking his head on a post, causing his death. November 1904 On Sunday night last about eleven o'clock, the largest, most imposing, most costly and most important building in Port Perry - the Fair Building - was discovered to be on fire, and within a few minutes was reduced to ashes. The building had been used by the Regal Packing Company as a fruit evaporator until it closed before the end of last year. The authorities of the Port Perry Race Association have decided on Jan. 11, 12 and 13 for the annual winter horse races on Lake Scugog. December 1904 Port Perry Board of Trade held a Christmas Fair, which was patronized beyond the most sanguine expectations of its warmest advocates. W.J. Meharry was appointed Chief of the Port Perry Fire Brigade for 1905. Robt. McKnight is treasurer. The number of births, deaths and marriages in 1904 are as follows; Births 16 males, 14 females; deaths 18; marriages 17.

January 1905 Municipal Elections - Port Perry by acclamation Reeve E.H. Purdy; Councillors H.G. Hutcheson, Geo Jackson, C.H. Allison and Jas Waddell. Reach Twp. Reeve J. T. Doble; Councillors R. McIntyre, Jas Braham, Alex Leask and Wright Crozier. Tablets to commemorate the first four principals of the Toronto Normal School were unveiled at the school. The principals who served from1847-1898 were Thomas Jaffray Robertson, John Herbert Sangster, Henry A. Davies and Thomas Kirkland. February 1905 Messrs. Geo. Gerrow and Marshal Stonehouse have entered into a co-partnership and have an extensive showroom of furniture in the Blong Block. G.M. Jones has joined the firm of Jones and Co. and it will in future be known as Jones and Son. March 1905 The St. Charles Hotel has changed hands, and the new proprietor is Mr. Niles Searls, a prominent and respected citizen of Prince Edward Cty. The Port Perry Kennel Club offered $100 reward to anyone providing information about the vandal who poisoned two of the town's most valuable dogs. May 1905 A representative of Bell Telephone was in town arranging to secure contracts for new solid back transmitter and by-polar telephones. All present phones will be removed and the new style installed. Captain Bowerman will commence his trips in his fast-sailing and tidy little steamer, Cora starting May 13. The boat has been thoroughly overhauled and re-painted. The town continues to complain to the Post Office about the poor delivery service, sometimes taking four days to get a reply from places only four miles away. June 1905 More than one hundred residents and businesses have subscribed for new or additional telephones and will soon be ready to do business direct from their homes at a moment's notice. Our esteemed townsman Mr. Wm. Kennedy left on Tuesday last on a trip to Europe. A survey of the route of the Kincardine and Port Perry Electric Railway is near completion. It will run from Port Perry in a westerly direction past the fair ground, passing one concession north of Manchester, then to within forty rods of Utica, then along the ravine to the town of Uxbridge. July 1905 Mr. W.F. Nott and staff are putting the finishing touches on the new interior of the Methodist Church and the magnificent auditorium. Mr. Geo. Newton, formerly of Port Perry and now publisher of The Dispatch in North Bay visited town. Messrs. T.R. Stafford and Son of the Granite and Marble Works, Toronto have opened business in the same line in Port Perry. Negotiations have already been closed for about two-thirds of the right-of-way between Uxbridge and Port Perry for the Kincardine Electric Railway. Lake Scugog was re-stocked with a carload of parent black bass weighing between two to five lbs each, from Lake Erie. The Observer had a very pleasant visit from Mr. E.J. Mundy, of Denver, Colorado, formerly an esteemed resident who for many years published The Standard successfully in Port Perry. August 1905 A number of local residents were struck by lighting when a storm passed through the area. Mr. Henry Love of Greenbank and Mrs. R. J. Evans of Port Perry were both dazed when lighting struck near them. Mr. F. L. Perry of Winnipeg, great grandson of Peter Perry, Esq., the founder of the village of Port Perry visited town. September 1905 Merchants in Port Perry banded together to shorten terms of credit to customers from six months or a year to a limit of three months. October 1905 Mr. Fallis has resigned as postmaster of the Prince Albert Post Office, a position which he held for 18 years. Mr. Holman has been appointed as his successor. November 1905 Mr. John Foy, the Clerk/Treasurer of Scugog for the last 49 years and ten months has decided to retire and has handed in his resignation. Thos Graham was appointed the new Township Clerk and John Jackson the Township Treasurer. Capt. Bowerman was contracted to convey the sugar beet crop for 1906 from the shores of Scugog in the townships of Mariposa, Cartwright, Reach and Scugog to Port Perry railway depot for the Keystone Sugar Company. Popular townsman Mr. Howard Tummonds has purchased the Port Perry Skating Rink and is having it thoroughly overhauled and refitted. The seating capacity is being increased and electric lights are being doubled. Jas. Stonehouse proprietor of Port Perry Creamery has purchased the Blackstock Cheese Factory.

January 1906 Elected to the local councils for 1906 - Reach Twp. Reeve J. T. Doble, councillors Wright Crozier, Jas Graham, Thos. Lambe and Alex Leask. Scugog council all elected by acclamation - Reeve Peter Hood; councillors Wm. Jackson, Chas. Sweetman, J.F. Gerrow and Geo McHoull. Port Perry W.L. Parrish became reeve after Mr. Purdy's resignation as a candidate for the post was accepted. Many records were broke during the races on the ice at Port Perry and the community was the centre of attraction for many of the most representative and reliable of the sporting fraternity. Port Perry has had the honor of witnessing the most wonderful contest of fast horses on ice ever witnessed on earth. February 1906 Through a line which has been erected by the Bell Telephone company from Port Perry, residents can now reach the villages of Cadmus, Blackstock and Nestleton. A special meeting of Port Perry council was held to consider the proposition of Jos. Bigelow in regard to a provisional agreement regarding supplying electricity by transmission of power from the Trent Canal. A disastrous fire broke out in a house recently erected by Christopher Hodgins on Scugog Island, which resulted in the complete destruction of the property. March 1906 Dr. Mellow received costs and damages in his suit against J. Eaton who by running his automobile by the doctor's horse at a high rate of speed on the streets of Port Perry caused damage to horse and buggy. Mr. M. Shepiro purchased the brick building on the corner of Queen and John Streets, in the western part of the business centre of Port Perry and is holding a Special Bargain Day with all prices down below water mark. Mr. Johnathon Blong had the misfortune to overturn a coal oil lamp in his beautiful Beech St. home, igniting the valuable carpet and furniture. Fortunately the fire was extinguished by Messrs Wm. and Robt. McGill. April 1906 The Port Perry Electric Light and Waterworks Plant cost the town $22,000 to construct and the authority predicts a saving of over $500 in expenses this year. The Port Perry Baseball Team was organized at the St. Charles Hotel with officers elected; president W. Short; manager, N. Searls; secretary/treas. Wm McGill. Team colors will be red and black. May 1906 E.H. Purdy has been appointed agent for the Sale of Lands of the Land Department of the Union Trust Company. The township appropriated $1000 to be spent on the streets of the corporation during the year 1906. Mr. Fred Brock began construction of his new residence on a beautiful lot on the north side of Queen St. June 1906 Mr. R.J. Bruce has sold his extensive hardware business and stock to Mr. A.J. Carnegie, one of our rising young businessmen. July 1906 Mr. Wadell, Reeve W.L. Parrish and Mr. C.H. Allison were appointed to supervise the building of a suitable building to enclose the Weigh Scale property. The village paid Mr. W. F. Nott $8.50 for painting the exterior of the Town Hall and Mr. James Ross was paid $9.00 for 45 loads of gravel at 20¢ a load. August 1906 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Crandell were in town visiting relatives and looking at Seven Mile Island on the banks of the Scugog as a suitable site for a summer resort. The new barn and contents of Mr. Thomas Dewey of Reach was destroyed by fire. Mr. Watson Hodgson, 79, one of Port Perry's most estimable citizens, was killed when his buggy was struck by a train at the Perry St. railway crossing. Septemeber 1906 John Nott, cabinet maker in the town for almost 60 years, was offering for sale a well selected stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies. Coal merchants in the town agreed to fair prices for coal and published the prices in the newspaper. A large party of Chemong Indians paid Port Perry, and their brothers of the same race and band on Scugog, a very acceptable visit. The visitors were accompanied by Chief Joseph Irons and were chaperoned by Chief Johnson and Mr. George Goose while visiting here. October 1906 R.F Downey was elected president of the North Ontario Teachers' Assocation at the annual meeting held at Beaverton. The mortgages on St. John's Presbyterian Church and the manse were paid off by the congregation and consigned to flames at their Jubilee service in commemoration of their 50th Anniversary. November 1906 Port Perry was still considered one of the premier locations for light harness horse racing on the ice, being the inital meeting of the best horses during the season. Mr. John White of Cartwright was returning home from Oshawa with a load of potatoes when he was struck and killed by a train at a crossing just north of Raglan. An early freezing of Lake Scugog caught frogs off guard. For miles near the shore the ice was covered with frogs which were slipping around lively. The 37th annual Port Perry Winter races organized by the Port Perry Trotting Assoc. will take place Jan. 8 and 9, 1907. Mr. H. Collacutt is the new president of the association. December 1906 Mr. Thomas Stewart has leased the Port Perry Skating Rink for the present season.

January 1907 W.H. Cline, publisher of the Port Perry Standard, changes name of newspaper to The Port Perry Star. Port Perry Reeve W.L. Parrish, councillors H.G. Hutcheson, C.H. Allison, J.G. Wadell and Rev. Geo. Robinson. Scugog Reeve Peter Hood, councillors W.B. Jackson, J. F. Gerrow, George McHoull and James Davey. Reach Twp. Reeve W. Crozier, Deputy Reeve Thomas Lambe, councillors J. Graham, A. Leask and J. Marks. At a meeting of the Board of Trade president Joseph Bigelow occupied the chair. W.H. Cline was appointed clerk for the evening and discussion was held about the proposed Canning Factory to be established in town. Mr. J. G. Forman is in town selling stocks in the company. February 1907 Dr. Mellow was unanimously re-elected chairman of the Board of Education at the first meeting of 1907. Members of the board included J.H. Brown, W.H. Harris, H.L. Ebbles, G.M. Jones, W. Kennedy, Geo. Rose, Dr. Archer, Orr Graham, W.H. McCaw, J.W. Meharry and A. Orchard. Mr. C.H. Allison announced he had sold his drug and stationery business to Mr. E. B. Flint of Newark, N.J. He takes possession the first of March. The St. Charles Hotel changed hands once again, with Mr. Searles disposing of this business to Mr. Allward of Toronto. Mr. Searles and his family have returned to their former home in Wellington, Prince Edward County. March 1907 Port Perry council made grants of $10 each to the Agricultural Societies of Port Perry, Reach, and Scugog. A complaint was sent to the Railway Commission regarding the very poor and inadequate accommodation provided by the Grand Trunk Railway Co. for passengers travelling over the line between Whitby and Lindsay. The company replied promising to attend to the matter. Mr. W. H. Crandell, formerly of Port Perry and more recently manger of the hotel "Oakwood' in North Dakota, has purchased the Rockland House in Bobcaygeon April 1907 A grand Band Concert was given in the Town Hall by the Port Perry Citizen's Band assisted by Miss Carolyn Beacock, soprano soloist, Bert Harvey, comedian and Alma Tripp, piano soloist. A Grand Trunk train had an accident just north of Myrtle. The engine, tender and a car load of live stock stayed on the track but several coaches were derailed. No one was seriously injured. May 1907 C.W. Jones & Sons, who operates one of the most popular stores in town, have decided to give up their store business in Port Perry and devote themselves to their lumber interests. The steamer Cora delivered 185 cement tiles to Port Perry. The tiles were purchased from Mr. L. Stephenson, Scugog and shipped from Pettit's Point where they were manufactured. Mr. Arthur J. Carnegie and family left for Regina, Saskatchewan, where they will reside in future. June 1907 Mr. James Carnegie was unanimously elected to the House of Assembly at the convention of the Liberals of South Ontario held in Whitby. Mr. McKnight with a crew of men and the road grader are making much needed improvements to Perry St., north of Queen. July 1907 Mr. N. W. Stafford proprietor of Port Perry Granite and Marble Works has relocated his business from Queen St. to Perry St., north of the post office. Workmen engaged in building a kitchen in the rear of Mr. Wm. Hodgon's house on Queen St., near Borelia corners came upon the remains of a very old human skeleton. The skull appeared to have been crushed and it was lying face down in the ground. Carnegie Mill's tug, The Stranger, brought up a scow load of 25,000 bricks and a quantity of tile last Saturday from Fox's brick yards near Lindsay. Concerns were being voiced for the low level of the water in Lake Scugog, which is fully two feet below its proper level making navigation to Lindsay almost impossible. August 1907 Messrs C.W. Jones & Sons have decided to remain in their store in Port Perry after unsuccessfully trying to sell their business, stock and general merchandise. Water on Lake Scugog is receding at a rate of one inch every 24 hours and is now fully four feet below its normal level. A Port Perry High School Reunion is being planned for September 30. September 1907 Port Perry High School Principal Dugald McBride was presented a purse of gold and a very handsome cabinet of silver cutlery during the High School Reunion ceremonies. Messers David and Arthur J. Carnegie purchased the business of Mr. Jas Carnegie. It includes the flour and grist mill, planning mill, saw mill, lumber yard, residential property, and the steam tug Stranger. W.H. Cline announced he was selling the Port Perry Star and returning to the ministry, and introduced Mr. Samuel M. Farmer as the new owner effective immediately. October 1907 The Western Bank has opened a sub-agency of their Port Perry branch in Blackstock with Mr. W.J. White in charge under the direction of Mr. H.G. Hutcheson. Mr. E. Allward, proprietor of the St. Charles Hotel was fined $50 for selling liquor during prohibited hours. Town fire hydrants have been fixed and residents can rest assured that fire protection is of the best. Navigation has become so bad in Lake Scugog, only the Cora, which draws 3 feet, 9 inches of water can navigate parts of the lake. All other boats, including the Stranger which draws 5 feet, 6 inches of water are lying idle. November 1907 Mr. E.R. Dunk is the new member of the Jones, Dunk and Co. which has purchased stock and business of Jones and Sons. December 1907 Dr. E. L. Procter disposed of his business. Mr. James Leask of Greenbank was in Chicago with his short horn calf, Roan King, and took the grand championship prize. Reeve W.L. Parrish travelled to Ottawa to seek help in improving Lake Scugog, but spent most of his time waiting and was given only seven minutes for his interview. Students of the Model School presented a comfortable Morris chair to principal Mr. R. F. Downey to express their appreciation of his services as a teacher.

January 1908 The Toronto Globe reported the Port Perry Ice Races one of the greatest ever seen in Canada. Lady May and John McEwen paced a dead heat with their time equalling the world's ice record. At a convention of the Liberal Conservatives of South Ontario, held in Oshawa, Mr. Peter Christie was nominated to contest the riding for the Federal Parliament In the election for Reeve, W.L. Parrish defeated Geo. Gerrow by 219 to 84 votes. Councillors for 1908 are Waddell, Doubt, Stonehouse and Hutcheson. February 1908 Reeve W.L. Parrish was elected Warden of the County of Ontario. He is the youngest member of the 22 representatives of the County Council Bd. Dr. David Archer was appointed the Medical Health officer for the town. Pine Grove Cemetery Bd. appointed a committee to look into building a vault on the property. March 1908 A fancy character costume and skating carnival took place at the Ontario Central Rink, Port Perry. During the year 1907 in Port Perry there were: 20 births, 18 marriages and 15 deaths. One person died at age 95, one at 88, one at 80 and the remainder at 70 or over. The Port Perry Citizen's Band performed a concert at the Town Hall. There was a call for additional lighting at the Grand Trunk Railway Station as pasengers arriving on the evening train were stumbling over luggage in the dark. April 1908 A licence fee for a billiard room was $500 for the first table and $250 for each additional table. James Stonehouse, operator of the Creamery, was appointed by the Government as Sanitary Inspector and Instructor of Creameries in eastern Ontario. Mr. S.H. Graham, 52, editor of the Oshawa Vindicator, died of heart failure. He was engaged in the newspaper business all his life, having served his apprenticeship with Mr. E. Mundy of the Port Perry Standard office, Port Perry. A severe wind storm blew the roof off the home of Mr. Wesley Hadley. Messers Colville and Town will open a new bakery in the store formerly occupied by Mr. W.G. Monet. The Scugog Bridge (causeway) received some severe pounding with the ice this Spring and the railings and telephone poles are badly broken. Samuel Farmer writes: "It is very natural a healthy minded boy should wish to carry a gun, as it is a sign the he is going to be a man some day. With the priviledge comes responsibilities and it is certain they should not be allowed to shoot on the streets." Work was suspended at Carnegie's grist mill as the water is too high and is interfering with the machinery. May 1908 More than 7,640 feet of cement sidewalk was laid in 1907 in Port Perry by Mr. Waddell at a cost of $687.00. Rev. Wm. Cooper preached his last sermon as pastor of St. John's Presbyterian Church before he and his family left for Mount Forest. June 1908 Rev. Mr. McQueen, of Port Perry has been ordained as a Baptist minister and will officiate in a church at Henrietta, near Rochester, N.Y. Mr. Chas. F. Cook, formerly of Sunderland is the new barber in the village. The town was collecting money to purchase four acres at the corner of Caleb and Crandell, opposite the High School to purchase and develop a public playground. The cost was estimated at $500. The Weber Gas Engine Company conditions for building in Port Perry included: the corporation guarantee the bonds of the company to the amount of $40,000; the town provide a free mill site of approximately six acres and that the company be exempted from taxation, except so far as school taxes. Mr. Downey, principal of the public school in Port Perry for the past six years, has been appointed principal of Central School, Peterboro, a much larger school. A cyclone passed through the area last Friday and unroofed four barns and badly wrecked a house. A storm like this has not been known around here for many years. July 1908 County Council authorized the Reeve of Port Perry and Scugog to commence work on the Scugog Bridge, to repair damage caused in the Spring. Recommended was that piles be driven along the outer edge, raise part of the structure two feet, use steel stringers covered with cedar timbers with iron rods to keep them in position. Roadway to be from 16' to 18' wide. Cost estimated at $1000. Carnegie Milling Company's steamer 'Stranger' was burned to the water's edge on July 20 and the hulk sank about 30 rods off shore of Caesarea. Over heated bearings are believed to have caused the fire. A Lawn Bowling Club was established with about 20 members, headed up by George Gerrow, president; James Carnegie, vice-president and Samuel Farmer, secretary/treasurer. August 1908 A Port Perry team won the Kawartha Lakes Championship flag during the Sturgeon Point Regatta. The team of Messrs. Flint, Bowerman and D. Carnegie sailed the "Cora" to victory. A vote on a by-law to loan the Canadian Weber Gas Engine Company the sum of $30,000 to build a new plant passed with a large majority, 281 for - 21 against. A deptutation consisting of Reeve W.L. Parrish and council members, along with Wm. Ross, Samuel Farmer and F.L. Fowke met with the Hon Geo. P. Graham to discuss ways to remedy the low water in Lake Scugog. A boom of 30 white oak logs lost in Lake Scugog between 40 and 50 years ago has been found. Work has begun to raise the logs, found in five feet of water and two feet of mud. The logs are valued at almost $20,000. September 1908 Repairs began on the Scugog Bridge. Work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible, now that the harvest is over. Drs. Archer and Archer narrowly escaped injury when their recently purchased automobile took a header into the ditch. Electric lights are becoming so popular Mr. Currie says he will be busy until November installing new lights without any new orders. Most of the machinery on the burned out steamer 'Stranger' has now been recovered. The boat sunk in about 12 feet of water and a diver from Lindsay was used to recover the equipment. October 1908 Mr. Dugald McBride was named president of the Teacher's Association at convention held in Uxbridge. Mr. James MacBrien of Prince Albert is vice-president. Council passed a bylaw banning pigs in the village within 150 feet of any dwelling. They also prohibited the use of pits in connection with water closets or outhouses and urged proper cleaning and disinfecting to avoid a menace to public health. A notice was posted that cows are not allowed on the streets and roads in Port Perry after October 15th. A.W. Allison has sold his Blacksmith business of twenty years to Mr. Arthur Dowson. Mr. R.J Goundy of the Weber Gas Engine Co. visited town with his architect and plans for a new building for the Madison Williams property. The 80x200 foot building is 30 feet high and plans are to work during the winter to be ready for operation in early spring. Carnegie Milling Co. is erecting a new 26'x70' saw mill on the wharf south of the grist mill. Work is expected to begin soon to build a new boat to take the place of the Stranger burned some months ago. November 1908 Mr. Yarnold was engaged to take levels and survey the Madison Williams property for the Webber Gas Co. The railway station received a new coat of paint. D.A. Hagerman tendered his resignation as Reach Township treasurer after serving the township for 22 years. Jas Munroe apppointed to take his place. The Madison Williams factory is slated to be torn down in preparation for the erection of the Weber Gas Engine Co. The new building will require over 400,000 bricks and 1000 barrels of cement. Twenty men are working on the building and 15 teams hauling gravel and stone. Floor space is 16,000 sq. ft. December 1908 The Standard Bank of Canada and the Western Bank of Canada merged with H.G. Hutcheson manager of the Port Perry Branch. A by-law was passed declaring Monday, Jan. 4th election day in Port Perry. H.G. Hutcheson announced he would run for the office of Reeve, due to the retirement of the present Reeve, Mr. Parrish. In Scugog Wm Jackson was acclaimed Reeve. In Reach Twp. James Graham was acclaimed Reeve and Alex Leask Deputy Reeve.

January 1909 Port Perry Reeve Hibbert G. Hutcheson. Council - Hugh Carmichael, James Forman, Geo. Gerrow, Jas. Stonehouse. Work on repairs to the Scugog Bridge were completed at a cost of $1,640. The 40th annual horse races on Lake Scugog were held, with smaller than usual crowds. T.J. Widden and Jas. Lucas were appointed auditors for municipal accounts at a salary of $15 each. Manager John Roach was praised for the way he operated the skating rink. February 1909 A contract for the construction of a dam and lift lock at Lindsay, which will help improve water levels in Lake Scugog has been executed for $37,000. Council learned that the Weber Gas Engine Co. are negotiating for a position in Barrie, including $40,000 without interest with free light and free water. March 1909 Mr. S. Jeffrey has signed a contract to purchase one of the popular Ford touring cars. Some 60 men are at work at the Lindsay locks, tearing away the old structure. Messers Flavelle & Clemes received an order for 10 tonnes of ice per day from a Rochester firm. Vote to be taken in Barrie on April 12 regarding the Weber Gas Engine Co. April 1909 Mr. S.E. VanCamp, of Seven Mile Island, has purchased the Walling foundry. Greenberg Bros. open jewellery business in Blong Block. (store formerly of Miss Walker, Millinery). Urge cleaning up lake front so citizens can enjoy nature. Suggest the band be asked to play concerts at lakefront, as concerts are now given in Town Hall. May 1909 St. Charles Hotel loses tavern license. Mr. E. Allward, proprietor, is given three months to sell his business. C. Percy Rolph opened cleaning and pressing shop and W.A. Boyce purchases the butcher business of Mr. I.J. Wheeler. A by-law was passed to restrain the use of tobacco by young persons. County Council was asked to consider a new roadway to be cut to follow the south end of the Island. The large hill between Port Perry and Cartwright (Ham's Hill) is unsafe for travel, especially in the Spring and it does not promote trade between the areas. The Currie Block is being renovated. A new brick facing being made. Steamer Cora brought in tow of logs consisting of some 20,000 pieces for Carnegie's new mill. Their new boat the "Scugog" is also giving good service. June 1909 Twenty-one carloads of stock were shipped from Port Perry during month of May. Total value about $25,000. Mr. Allward's license in the St. Charles Hotel is to be renewed. Citizens Band holds moonlight cruise on Lake Scugog. July 1909 R.M. Jewell, photographic work of any description. Mr. Sam Graham caught a large perch and upon inspection found 5 inch long bass inside the fish. Mr. Jas Lucas landed a large maskinonge near the Island weighing 17 1/2 lbs. A large crowd gathered on the street to watch the Orange Parade in Port Perry. Worshipful Master Bro. Wm Kennedy, who has been a member of the Order for 51 years, called the meeting to order. August 1909 The Hon. John Dryden died at the age of 69. Mr. Arthur Wales, Toronto, has purchased the St. Charles House from Mr. E. Alward. A new cement culvert was built across Queen Street just east of the Methodist Church by Mr. Gerrow at a cost of about $340. The road was closed for some time while the cement dried and there were many complaints by residents. G. T.R. is building a new water tank at the station yard. Fire destroyed 10 buildings at Little Britain. Special train with two hose sections sent from Toronto responds. Rural mail delivery has been granted to Columbus, Raglan and Taunton. September 1909 Port Perry's water tank was repaired and new float installed. The tank was built six years ago and this is first repair. The Big Red Apple Evaporator operating on Lilla St., owned by Mr. Joseph Bigelow, employs 15 men and can process 300 bushels of apples a day. They sell all their dried apples to the T. Eaton Company. James MacBrein, former Inspector of Public Schools in Ontario County for nearly 40 years, passed away. Mr. Jackson completed work on sidewalks being laid in town for this year. October 1909 A deputation headed by Rev. John Harris, attended council with a petition bearing 183 signatures, requesting Council submit a Local Option bylaw to the people of Port Perry. Messrs. Rose & Co. open branch store in Lindsay. The Bowling Club have secured a new plot of land which will be levelled and made ready for next year. November 1909 J.W. Collins, Barber shop and tobacco business move to the Purdy Block. Mr. Currie suggested the necessity of introducing meters for the electric light system because the town loses money on flat rate light charges. A severe ice storm cut off telephone and telegraph connections, destroyed telephone poles, trees and put electric lights out of operation. December 1909 Jas Stonehouse suggested flooding the new bowling green to provide skating for the children in the afternoons. Port Perry enacts a by-law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous fermented or other manufactured liquors in the municipality. Four persons plunged through the thin ice on the lake while out skating, with nothing serious resulting from the incident. An old building at the back of the St. Charles House, known as the Railroad Hotel is dangerous and should be torn down. Now that the round house has gone the cattle pens stick out like a sore thumb and the railway should remove them. Years ago the engine used to remain in Port Perry over night and the round house was built for it then. When the railway authorities moved the engine to Lindsay the round house was used as pump house for a time, but it was recently removed. Salaries for Port Perry firemen amounted to $210. Following the final council meeting of 1909, Reeve Hutcheson entertained several ex-reeves and officials of the town at Cook's restaurant. Mr. H.G. Hutcheson was returned as reeve of Port Perry by acclamation for 1910. The high expectation of the Weber Gas Engine Co. have all but vanished, with only a huge foundation to remind residents of the company. Mr. Arthur Ebbels leaves for Picton where he takes a new position in the Standard Bank.

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