January 1890 Results of the municipal elections in Port Perry - Joseph Bigelow, Reeve, James Boxall, Deputy Reeve, councillors, Messrs. Ross, Jones and Curts. In Scugog Twp., Wm. R. Ham, elected Reeve, all other councillors re-elected by acclamation. Messrs. W. Dunn, A. Stevens, G. Dowson and J. Turner. Reach Twp., Mr. Donald McKay, Reeve, Peter Christie and Martin, Deputy Reeves, councillors T. Allin and Francis Earchman. The Mallory & Williams Orchestra entertained for the opening of the skating rink. Curlers gave an exhibition of their skills. Thomas Graham elected president of the Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Agricultural Society. Bro. W.A. Beatty, installed as president of Lodge 14, Sons of Canada Benevolent Assoc. Meeting held at the lodge rooms in the Currie Block. February 1890 The Spring Water Ice Company of Toronto commenced operations on Lake Scugog, and intend to remove fifteen car loads of ice a day for the next five weeks. The Counties Council of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham made a $500 grant to the Port Perry, Scugog and Cartwright Road Company to be expended in the construction of the roadway between Scugog and Cartwright now being pushed with so much vigor. The Sons of England was instituted at Blackstock with 28 candidates initiated and officers duly elected and installed. Donald McKay, and Peter Christie tendered their resignation as Reeve and Deputy Reeve of the Township of Reach. Two more ice companies have set up operations on Lake Scugog. Fifty four cars loaded with ice left Port Perry station for Toronto, containing about 1000 tons of ice. A fine team of horses, the property of Mr. Oliver Raimes, Scugog, were drowned in Lake Scugog while drawing ice for the Fairhead Company. March 1890 Mr. Peter Christie elected Reach Twp. Reeve, and Mr. E. Tink, Deputy Reeve. Mr. H.J. Byers purchased the photographic business of Mr. F.N. Poole in Port Perry. The Ralph Burns Co. have about 10,000 tons of ice stacked on the dock south of the old station. Mr. H. McKenzie is erecting a fine new residence on property purchased lately just south of the Central Fair Grounds. Over four hundred pounds of bass were caught in Lake Scugog during the past week. Mr. James McGaw of the St. Charles Hotel, caught 18 fish. May 1890 A special meeting of Port Perry Council was held for the purpose of considering the advisability of the corporation of Port Perry assuming the work of construction of the roadway from Scugog to Cartwright Tenders were called for painting the water tank on the corner of Perry and North streets. A rough shed was erected in rear of the woodshed on the Town Hall grounds to store the village road scraper and protect it from the weather. Former Reach Reeve Donald McKay was honored at the Revere House, Manchester. Having been appointed County Treasurer, he has lately removed to the County Town (Whitby) Port Perry bandmaster M.V. Mallory accepted a job in Brockville, managing an extensive music store. June 1890 Severe rain storms caused three washouts and considerable damage on the Whitby-Port Perry railway line. A number of bridges on the highways in Reach were also destroyed. Mr. C.C. Kellett, proprietor of the Port Perry Nurseries, the most extensive and most reliable nurseries in the district, made a tour of inspection of area orchards. The open season for fishing commences with the lake literally alive with fishermen, all of whom met with more or less success. This year the fish are plentiful. The St. Charles Hotel, Port Perry was purchased by Mr. A.G. Taylor of Toronto. Port Perry Council passed a resolution exempting Mr. W. Bowerman's Woolen Mills from taxes for ten years, and will provide water from the town tank on Paxton St. free of charge when the mill is completed. July 1890 Mr. James Boxall, a 15 year resident and businessman in Port Perry, resigned as Deputy Reeve of the village and plans to move to Toronto to open a business there. Norman Davidson, working on the farm of Joseph Watson, Greenbank, was killed when lightning struck the barn. His brother was also stuck and was paralyzed. The barn and contents, valued at $5,000 was also lost. Mr. Bowerman's Woolen Mill is in full swing, with the steam whistle blowing regularly this present week. The firm of Glass & Powell from the Port Perry Livery Stables are repairing the Ontario Central Fairgrounds racetrack. Mr. Crawford has launched the finest craft now afloat on Lake Scugog, built of cedar, with brass mountings and finished in oil. August 1890 Joshua Wright was elected by a majority of 78 votes over W.M. Willcox to become Deputy Reeve of Reach. Mr. Boxall resigned the position. The Anglo-American Hotel, Prince Albert, owned by Mr. W.H. Park, was destroyed by a late night fire. The fire also consumed the sheds, barns and the residence of Mr. Coombs, just north of the hotel. The steamer "Stranger" is engaged in towing wood from the north to stock the wood yard of Mr. Wright, and almost every freight train is bringing coal from the south to supply his coal house. September 1890 George Burch's travelling theatre company performed Uncle Tom's Cabin at the Pavilion in Port Perry. Admission was adults 25¢, children 15¢. Mrs. James Barber was arrested for stealing flowers from the grave of a recently buried person. She was taken prisoner and committed to lock-up to stand her trial. The new roadway from Scugog to Cartwright is advancing quickly towards completion. President James Graham called a meeting of the Reach, Scugog and Port Perry Plowing Assoc. at the Oriental Hotel, Port Perry, at which time Mr. Graham tendered his resignation. October 1890 A syndicate of Toronto "swells" have purchased the Scugog Marsh for the purpose of breeding fish and fowl and have put up posters forbidding trespass on the Marsh. The land was purchased for $2,000. Plans for an addition to the Prince Albert Cemetery are met with resistance from neighboring property owners. November 1890 The palatial residence of Mr. N. F. Paterson, Q.C. on North St. was burned to the ground. Fireman had the flames under control but water tanks ran out of water. North Ontario Observer publisher Henry Parson's accuses The Port Perry Standard publisher and Reeve J. Bigelow of going together, hat in hand, door to door, raising funds to circulate the newspaper in Cartwright. Quick work by the local fire brigade prevented the furniture shop of Mr. John Nott from being completely destroyed. Much of his stock was saved and damage amounted to about $150. December 1890 The residences of Mr. Austin Platten, Queen St., and Mr. Helmkay's residence on Rosa St. were both destroyed by fire, despite the efforts of the fire brigade. Directors of the Port Perry, Scugog and Cartwright roadway announce total expenditure on the roadway to date is $6,585. The Grand Trunk Railway intends to begin erecting a freight shed at Manchester Station, as soon as the weather is suitable. Six buildings on Queen St. were destroyed by a fire which broke out in Mr. Ferguson's Bakery. Destroyed were" Queen's Hotel, owned by R. Hodgson, frame store of Mr. C. Philip, Mrs. Sharp's vacant store, a double house, Western Canada L & S. building, J. Nott furniture store. Losses amounted to about $7,000. Twelve members of the Fire Brigade made notice to council of their intention to resign from the brigade. January 1891 Rev. Dr. Carry, well known and respected minister of the Catholic faith, fell on the street and was dead within ten minutes. Municipal election results: Reach - Reeve John Martin acclaimed, councillors L. Burnett, T. Allin, F. Earchman, R. Gregg and J. Munro. Port Perry elects Joshua Wright Reeve, defeating Joseph Bigelow by 27 votes. Scugog elects Thos Graham, Reeve. Mr. H.S. Osler, Toronto wrote to Reach Twp. stating that as soon as Mr. S.H. Beatty is placed on the assessment roll all taxes in arrears and otherwise against the Scugog marsh lands lately acquired by him will be paid and asked that Samuel George Beatty, publisher, 26 Front St., West, Toronto, be assessed for all that portion of lot 20, conc. 5, Reach. The winter races on Lake Scugog were a grand success with a large attendance for both days and the racing keenly contested. Mr. Curts is engaged in cutting a large supply of ice off Lake Scugog. It is over 20 inches thick and clear as a crystal. February 1891 The fencing along the Scugog-Cartwright Roadway comes under fire as being unfit and having to be done over again at a cost of about $600 to do the work. March 1891 Dr. Sangster delivers an address at the High School Literary Society meeting held at the Town Hall, Port Perry. Lake Scugog has been extraordinary for fishing this spring. Martin Luther Crandell caught 40 bass in one day, and 150 lbs. the next day, with a number tipping the scales at six pounds each. A curling match for an Oyster Supper at the St. Charles Hotel was won by the president of the Port Perry Curling Club. April 1891 The new firm of Brown, Waite and Co. open a new enterprising Dry Goods store in the Currie Block. A public meeting was held at the Town Hall to re-establish a Central Fair in Port Perry. A committee was formed to ascertain interest in forming a stock company to purchase the Central Fair property for $5,000. Council agreed to exempt James Carnegie for taxes on his Flouring Mill machinery for ten years, after he explained it would cost $5,000 to place steel rollers in his mill. Mr. Wm. Cowan's store, on the corner of Church and Scugog St., opposite the Royal Hotel, along with the residences of five families were swept by fire, leaving them homeless. May 1891 The barn and contents of Mr. Jas. Munro, 11th concession of Reach was completely destroyed by fire. Loss in the fire amounted to $600, which was covered by insurance. Mr. H.S. Osler, came before council, representing The Scugog Game Preserve Co., requesting council pass a by-law permitting the Company to fence their Marsh Lands, and also offered to lease the untraveled road allowances adjacent to the Company's property. Nonquon Island Summer Resort, owned by Albert Stevens, offers accommodation for fishing parties with meals at his residence on Nonquon Island. June 1891 Mr. Lindsay, of the Railroad Hotel has completed a thorough overhaul of his fishing smacks, in order to be ready for the fishing season. Popular townsman, Mr. G.B. McDermot, the vigilant Fishery Inspector for this district, has been appointed Fishery Inspector for the Province of Ont. County Council received a communication from Port Perry, Scugog and Cartwright Road Company, enclosing by-law of that company, abandoning the roadway and asking the county to take over the upkeep. A Toronto party, principally members of the Lake Scugog Game Preserve Co. were present opening day of fishing in Port Perry. Mr. Beatty, president of the Company made the largest catch, 32 bass and five lunge. Mr. John McKenzie, games keeper of the Lake Scugog Game Preserve Co. located the body of James Donaldson, after he fell from his boat and drowned in Lake Scugog. Mr. R. G. Shier of Sunderland purchased the Livery Stables in Port Perry. July 1891 An excursion by the Sunday Schools of the Church of England and Presbyterians to Washburn Island was a grand success. Over 700 people attended, the largest to leave the docks in 15 years. Mr. Hagerman, of Manchester, fills the positions of village Merchant, Postmaster and Township Treasurer in a most satisfactory manner. The new, commodious and magnificent steamer Crandella, owned by Capt. Geo. Crandell of Lindsay, visited the Port Perry wharf. She is the largest and best appointed steamer on this chain of lakes. August 1891 Excursion season on Lake Scugog and the new steamer Crandella has been kept busy taking groups to Washburn Island, a 90 minute trip one way. The steamer Alice-Ethel brought an excursion from Lindsay to Port Perry. September 1891 James Carnegie, the new owner of the Union Mills, has just installed a magnificent new steam engine of 100 hp., which can turn out 75 barrels of roller process flour a day. Results of a census show Port Perry with a population of 1,698. The Methodist Church, Port Perry, hosted a temperance meeting with Mr. Nott and Mr. C.S. Jones on the platform. Joseph Cook's composition, The Pirate Alcohol, was read. Mr. Wright, Reeve of the municipality is having his grain facilities fitted up as an elevator and grain storehouse. The work of construction is in the hands of expert townsman, Geo. Walling. Mr. W. Worden, of Manchester, has just completed a fine new barn for Mr. S. Jeffrey on his farm in Cartwright. October 1891 James Carnegie's Roller Mills is in full blast, with the most improved and modern machinery for roller processing flour, gristing and chopping. Quick work by the Port Perry Fire Brigade put out a fire in the basement of Mr. Power's grocery store in the Harrington Block. The Manchester Church which has undergone a complete overhaul and extensive repairs, re-opened for worship. The Laing & Meharry building was completely gutted and their stock destroyed in a fire which started in the middle of the night on the 21st inst. Also damaged were Mr. Allison's Block, the Standard Printing office, Mr. D.J. Adams office, Dr. Murray's dental office and Mr. Frank Yarnold's law office. Damage was estimated at $20,000. November 1891 The completion of Wright's fine new elevator, near the railway station, marks an important era. In future the town will possess two grain elevators. Mr. Alex Stirton, the skilful architectural gardener who has done splendid work on Mr. Blong's place, is now working on the Mr. Wm. Ross property. Work on extensive repairs to Mrs. Allison's Block, which was badly damaged by the late fire, are under way by Mr. Pearson, of Manchester. Men are hurrying off the rubbish and debris from the Laing & Meharry property, destroyed in the recent fire. Some 20 or 30 first-class workman will soon be at work on the new building. December 1891 Dr. H. Bruce, son of Stewart Bruce, Esq., was in town for a visit, while on his way to a dinner of medical students at McGill College, Montreal. January 1892 Municipal election results for Reeve: Cartwright Mr. J. McKee; Scugog Twp. J. Graham; Port Perry, Joshua Wright and Reach Twp. Leonard Burnett. February 1892 A skating carnival held at the rink, under the auspices of our popular Curling Clubs was a successful affair. In the mile race, Mr. John Cook came first and Mr. John Walker, second. The Sons of England, Blackstock, had a successful wood-bee, cutting and drawing 40 cords of stove wood. March 1892 Council learned with regret the removal from town of Mr. B.F. Acherman, the chief cause of his leaving is the unsatisfactory facilities for shipping his goods to market. Council calls the attention of the Government at Ottawa, to the gross abuse of water at the locks in Lindsay by Messrs. Dundas & Sadler, which seriously impedes navigation on Lake Scugog and in the river during the summer. Rapid progress is being made towards the erection of the Howsam Cheese Factory at Manchester. April 1892 Mr. M. White, former engineer of the Markham electric light and waterworks system, transferred to Port Perry with his family, to take charge of the Courtice & Jeffrey's Harness establishment. Mr. Issac J. Wheeler takes over the butchering business lately carried on by Mr. A.D. Wheeler. Duncan McMillan, chairman of committee to erect a brick Presbyterian Church at Sonya, called for sealed tenders. May 1892 John Calder, Seagrave, sold an exceptionably large bull, tipping the scales at 2,800 lbs., to well known cattle buyers Messrs Wheeler and Bongard. Jas. Carnegie, 20, eldest son of James Carnegie, proprietor of the Roller Flouring Mills, and Jas. H. Roberts, 21, son of Humphrey Roberts, while canoeing from Caesarea to Washburn Island to meet the steamer Stranger, tipped their canoe and drowned. Reeve Joshua Wright, while working at his grain elevator, got his foot caught in a conveyor belt, which carried and suspended him upside down for a few minutes, before being extricated. Mr. James Prince, a former councillor and member of the board of education, is removing from the village to move to Toronto. The frame of a fine new barn was raised on the property of Mr. W. Redman, Scugog. The building is to be constructed on the "Wordon model" and is expected to be one of the best barns in the county. June 1892 A barn raising was held at the farm of Mr. James Munro, Deputy Reeve of Reach, who lost his barn from a recent fire. Mr. H.A. Bruce, our talented young townsman, passed his final exams of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Mr. C.L. Vickery, our enterprising lumber and wood merchant, has erected new sheds as he prepares to go into the coal trade. Port Perry councillors Messrs. Willcox and Thos. Courtice, petitioned County Council for a grant on the Scugog and Cartwright roadway. A number of friends met Rev. T.W. Leggett at the Seagrave train station and escorted him to a reception in his honour. July 1892 A large party of excursionists from the St. John's Church left the wharf on board the steamer "Stranger" for a social outing at Washburn Island. A vast number of visitors honoured the town for the Dominion Day celebrations in Port Perry. The fairgrounds was the rallying point of most of the day's activities. Mr. Jas. Swan rescued Wallace Crandell from drowning, after upsetting his boat while fishing on the Scugog. The Sons of Temperance held the largest excursion of the season so far. They boarded Capt. Geo. Crandell's magnificent steamer Crandella and left here for Sturgeon Point. A number of little cottages have been erected at Pettet's Point, on Scugog, which can be rented by the month or season. The steamer Crandella was struck by lightning during a terrific squall on Sturgeon Lake, ripping off the greater portion of the hurricane deck and leaving passengers exposed to a pelting rainstorm. August 1892 About 10 o'clock on Aug. 2nd, the sound of the fire bell alerted the village to a fire, where incipient flames were seen issuing from Wright's Grain Elevator, near the railway station. The fire took complete mastery of the building and in a brief space of two hours the elevator and its contents were converted into smoke and ashes. Total destruction amounted to $10,500 of which $10,000 is covered by insurance. A chapter of the Loyal True Blue Assoc. was formed in Port Perry, Aug. 5th, with 32 charter members being enrolled. A former prominent and active resident of Prince Albert, Mr. H.H. McCaw, passed away at his son-in-law's home at LaGrange, Ill. One of Port Perry's most prominent and leading businessmen, Mr. George Currie, is visiting from his home in Montana, where he now lives. The stately elevator which now looks over the waters of Scugog is one evidence of Mr. Currie's enterprise while living here. September 1892 The Scugog Game Preserve Syndicate have appointed Martin Luther Crandell as their Gameskeeper. That Mr. Crandell will be faithful to his trust is admitted by all who know him. The road connecting Cartwright and Port Perry is not in a safe condition for travel, and requires $300 to be expended to put it in a proper condition. A new bridge is being built west of Prince Albert over the creek, under the direction of pathmaster Mr. Laing. October 1892 The Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Plowing Association held their annual plowing match on the Pearson Farm near Manchester. Courtice & Jeffrey, our first-class harness manufacturers, received an order by mail for 100 sets of harness, valued at $1,200. November 1892 N.F. Paterson, tendered his resignation of the offices of Solicitor and Clerk for the village of Port Perry, after serving for 12 years. Frank M. Yarnold was appointed the new clerk for the municipality. The fire engine was promptly on hand at a fire in the Curts' warehouse on Water St., but nothing could save the doomed building in which many thousands of dollars worth of butter and eggs were stored. The large and costly structure was insured for $20,000 After being petitioned by 220 ratepayers asking council to pass a by-law submitting Local Option to a vote of the electors, Reach council introduced a by-law to prohibit the sale of liquor in the municipality of Reach. December 1892 The Scugog Game Preserve Syndicate are making preparations for the erection of a suitable club house on Hemlock Island, Scugog. It is to be a substantial structure, 30x40 feet. The contract has been given to Mr. Chas. Power of this place. The St. Charles Hotel has largely extended its stable and shed accommodations, which cannot fail in largely increasing the business of that popular hotel. The popularity of the Port Perry Market is evident by the wide circle of patrons, and the vast amount of business being transacted on market days. Another mysterious fire strikes the business section of Port Perry, destroying the premises of Mr. John Nott. The wooden buildings were entirely destroyed, but had it not been for the dash and efforts of the fireman, the town would have had another big blaze. At nominations meetings in Port Perry, 34 good men secured nominations, six for the office of Reeve, and 28 for councillors. January 1893 Municipal councils for 1893: Port Perry re-elects Joshua Wright, Reeve, with councillors E.H. Purdy, F.W. Phillipo, John A. Murray and John Nott. Reach Twp.: Reeve L. Burnette, councillor Jas. Munro, W.M. Real, James McCulloch and Thos. Lamb. Scugog Twp. elects, Thos. Graham, Reeve; councillors Rodman, Dunn, Hood and Hope. Cartwright Twp. re-elected by acclamation the entire 1892 council. B.F. Ackerman, having decided to go out of business in Port Perry, offers for sale his entire stock of harness and saddlery goods. Fire made its appearance in the Currie Block, corner of Queen and Perry St., and the fire company in a very short time had it completely extinguished. Thousands of dollars worth of stock and clothing of Messrs. Brown, Waite & Co. were completely ruined by fire, smoke and water. Mr. T.J. Widden's extensive stock of groceries, boots etc. were also damaged. February 1893 Miss Pauline Johnson, the Mohawk Indian Poet-Reciter appeared at the Town Hall, Port Perry, Feb. 8th inst. The Rescue Fire Company elected William Kennedy, Chief, Arthur Allen, Captain and Thomas Cook, 1st Lieutenant. Port Perry is once again called to mourn the loss of one of her valued sons in the demise of F.B. Lindsay, proprietor of the Railroad Hotel. About 4:30 a.m. Feb. 28, the palatial residence of Dr. Sangster, situated on the northern border of the village was discovered to be on fire, and soon the whole structure was enveloped in flames so that the building and contents were in a short time destroyed by the devouring element. Only a few articles were saved. This was one of the most magnificent and best appointed residences in the province and was furnished in a manner rarely excelled anywhere. The loss is a heavy one, there being only an insurance of $3,500 on the building and $3,000 on the contents. March 1893 Burglars entered the premises of J.W. Davis, drilled a hole in the safe and with explosives blew the safe open. There was nothing in the safe at the time, and if the thieves had looked, the safe was not locked. John Swan, a novice curler and member of the Port Perry Curling Club carried off a prize silver cup, donated by Dr. Clemens to the club. Another robbery. The store of Messrs. T. C. Forman and Mr. T. J. Widden were both visited by thieves, making off with a small sum of money. April 1893 The old Presbyterian Church, Prince Albert, which for many years has frowned on the progress of the village, has been cleared away from its foundation by Mr. Mungo Weir. The fire fiend has again visited our town. This time the attack was on the dry goods store of Jones & Co. There has been a great destruction, the large and handsome brick block containing Jones & Co. Dry Goods store and Phillipo and Meharry Grocery was burned to the ground and the contents consumed. If not for the well directed efforts of our noble firemen, the destruction could have been six times greater. It is likely this costly blaze will cost the insurance companies around $30,000. May 1893 Mr. Purdy introduced and carried through a by-law appointing Mr. Frank M. Yarnold, corporation solicitor. June 1893 Messrs. Pearson and Spence have been given the contract to replace the Thos. Bedford Block, so recently destroyed by fire. Mr. Stewart Bruce is about to move his hardware business from Cannington to Port Perry. Mr. C.H. Allison, our young townsman successfully passed his examinations in pharmacy. Our young townsman, Mr. F.M. Yarnold, clerk and solicitor for the village of Port Perry, had another honor conferred on him, being appointed solicitor for the corporation of Reach. July 1893 The safe and well appointed steamer "Stranger" with her handsome scow Lindsay supplied first-class accommodation for a grand excursion by the Church of England and Presbyterian Church. The Conductors' Union and Trainmen Brotherhood, employees of the Grand Trunk Railway, held their picnic at the Central Fair Grounds, Port Perry. August 1893 Mr. James Rennie and his four children, were in Port Perry for a visit, and had their photograph taken at Mr. Leonard's popular Photo Gallery. Our enterprising townsman, Major Hodgson, has purchased a property on the west side of Crandell St., lately owned by Mr. E. Letcher and is greatly improving the premises. Mr. Robt. McKnight was appointed collector of taxes for the village of Port Perry for 1893. The Crandella has had a very successful season, with engagements nearly every day of the summer without a mishap. The barns and contents of Mr. Albert Stevens, Nonquon Island, Scugog, were destroyed by fire. While visiting the Lake Scugog are, Mr. John Graham landed a monster lunge that weighed 33.5 lbs. plump. The Jones Bros. block is progressing towards completion rapidly. This handsome block cannot fail in being a source of satisfaction to all concerned. September 1893 One of Port Perry's most esteemed gentlemen, Mr. W.S. Sexton, passed away in Brooklyn, N.Y., were he had resided for the past 12 years. His body arrived by train at Port Perry and was laid to rest in Pine Grove Cemetery. Mr. Luzerne Savage of Port Perry was accidentally shot by his hunting partner Mr. E.D. Holliday during a duck hunting excursion on the flats of the Nonquon. He died from his wounds within a few hours. J.E. Farewell, Ontario County Clerk, communicated to Cartwright council, suggesting the union of part of West Durham with Ontario County. October 1893 Jones & Co., held their first opening in their magnificent new establishment, with vastly improved facilities for transacting business. Mr. Sebert of the St. Charles Hotel has now completed all improvements on his premises, so that is now one of the most handsome, comfortable and best appointed hotels in the province. Mr. Chas. Doubt, has purchased a half interest in the Ontario Carriage Works, Port Perry and the new firm will be Graham & Doubt. Between 700 and 800 people attended the dedicatory services of the Sonya Presbyterian Church. November 1893 Dr. J.H. Sangster has moved to the house on Casimir St., opposite the residence of Aaron Ross, Esq. Port Perry council held a special meeting to discuss concerns over the railway companies handling of shipping. Grain storage buildings at Port Perry, are almost idle due to their policy. Mr. Joseph T. Letcher, a resident for half a century, passed away, and was buried at Pine Grove Cemetery. Mr. Thos. Lamb, Jr., has just purchased a splendid new Clover Thresher which will be powered by Mr. Stephenson's fine engine. December 1893 Reeve Joshua Wright, announces his retirement from municipal office at the close of the present year. The 44th annual convention of the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance was held at the commodious Town Hall, Port Perry. Delegates arrived by a special train which they boarded at Whitby Junction. January 1894 In Port Perry Joshua W. Curts, defeated E.H. Purdy in the municipal election for the position of Reeve 203-156 votes. Observer editor, Henry Parsons, calls for the disqualification of J.W. Curts as Reeve, because he was a member of the high school board when elected. Mr. Wm. R. Ham was elected by acclamation as Scugog Twp. Reeve; Reach Twp. voters elected James Munro, Reeve. Thousands crowded onto the ice of Lake Scugog to enjoy the Port Perry Winter Horse Races. February 1894 Mr. Wm. Bateman was appointed commissioner of the Scugog Bridge by County Council, instead of Wm. Reader. Mr. R. D. Robbins has invented a lawn mower, so greatly advanced, it will make the machine a universal favorite. March 1894 Port Perry council enters into an agreement with Mr. J. M. Davis for electrical service for one year. He is to furnish ten lights, including one in the Town Hall for $400, and to provide a written agreement to sell the Electric Plant any time during the contract, to the municipality for the sum of $2,500. Dr. G.W. Jones, formerly of Port Perry, retired as postmaster at Imlay City, Michigan. The handsome, costly mansion and residence of Mr. Jonathan Blong was struck by fire. The magnificent structure, furnished with first class furniture, was completely destroyed. April 1894 The Spring Show of the Scugog Agricultural Society was held in Port Perry, with a superior showing of live stock. Messrs. Swan & Sons of Port Perry Carriage Factory had a fine log of buggies on exhibition. Mr. Jas. F. Ross, an experienced and successful buttermaker, opened the Marsh Hill Creamery for the season's operations. May 1894 The fire fiend struck at the St. Charles hotel about two o'clock Sunday morning, completely gutting the western portion of the building. Had it not been for the vigilant fire company, the loss to the hotel and surrounding buildings would have been frightful. Mr. Jos. Hardill, machinist, and Mr. A.A. Bowerman, proprietor of Port Perry Woolen Mills, have invented a "Steam Power Wheel" for which a patent is being secured. On May 19th inst., Capt. Geo. Crandell provided the first pleasure trip of the season on his popular steamer Crandella. The boat was lighted up with electricity and the Captain provided a supply of choice music. Our enterprising townsman, Mr. L. Sebert, proprietor of the St. Charles Hotel, has leased the Ontario Central Fair Grounds. Mr. Sebert intends letting groups have these beautiful grounds and buildings at a nominal figure for fairs, races, celebrations, etc. Geo. Pettit, proprietor of Pettit's Point, has added two more cottages, and made extensive improvements to his now famous summer resort. June 1894 The Ancient Order of Foresters, Blackstock, held a grand excursion from Caesarea to Bobcaygeon, aboard the steamer Columbian, entertained by first class music for the trip. The Hon. John Dryden, M.P.P., was re-elected by a majority of almost 300. July 1894 Mr. Jonathan Blong has placed a staunch and handsome new steamer on our beautiful Lake Scugog. It will be an important addition of our facilities for enjoying life on the sparkling waters. The Corrin brothers of Port Perry succeeded in securing in Scugog no less than 13 fine muskilunge, one of which tipped the scale at 21 lbs. August 1894 Mr. Blong gave the large staff of Mr. Whitby, our leading merchant tailor, an outing on his fine new steamer. Dr. H. Bruce, son of our enterprising townsman, Stewart Bruce, is leaving for London, England, to continue his studies. The assessed value for the township of Reach for the year 1894 is $2,055,040. A Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival, for the benefit of the Parsonage Fund of the Church of the Ascension was held at the residence of Mrs. T. Hodgson. September 1894 Mr. Samuel Graham, late of the Ontario Carriage Works, has purchased a fine lot on Queen St., opposite the Ontario Bank, and is about to have a substantial building erected to open a Blacksmith Shop on the rear of the lot. Mr. M. L. Crandell, gameskeeper of the Scugog Game Preserve dropped off a pair of fine wild ducks to the editor of the Observer. One of the staunchest standard bearers the township of Reach has ever had, Mr. A.W. Ewers, passed away at his home at Manchester, on Sept. 23 inst. He served as both councillor and Reeve of the municipality. A deputation composed of Messrs. E.J. Wheeler, F. Epton, J. Johnston and Mr. Boynton came before Reach council desiring the repeal of the By-law granting the Scugog Preserve Company the road allowances contiguous to their property for a yearly rental of $20. October 1894 Mr. James Graham, of Springwater Farm, Scugog, will sell by auction a splendid lot of Short-Horn Cattle, horses and Pure Cotswold Sheep. "Mr. Thief" broke into the store of Mr. R.J. Bruce's Hardware store and made off with war materials, such as revolvers, then entered Purdy's Flour Mill and grocery establishment and made off with as much as he could carry. November 1894 Our townsman, Dr. John H. Sangster has been elected to the Medical County of the Counties of York, Ontario and Victoria by a large majority. Welcome to the young practitioner, W.A. Sangster, L.D.S, who has opened a dental office over Nichol's Drug Store. The Railway Hotel property opposite the station was sold by auction for $2,430. All wish the purchaser much success with his purchase. The annual Reach, Port Perry, Scugog Plowing Match was held at Ambleside Farm, Scugog, the property of John Adams, Esq. Mr. S. Graham, our popular blacksmith, is the first to introduce a fire-proof iron clad building in our town. The dwelling house on the F. Lund farm on the gravel road between Port Perry and Manchester was destroyed by fire. December 1894 That most hated of all diseases, Diphtheria, is in the midst of two Prince Albert families, public school Inspector, Mr. James McBrien and Mr. B. Foy. September 1895 Former Port Perry resident, Daniel David Palmer, performed the first chiropractic treatment on Sept. 18, 1895 in Davenport, Iowa. Using the palms of his hands he treated a bump on the spine of patient Harvey J. Lillard, restoring the hearing he had lost 20 years earlier. Daniel David Palmer, who was born on March 7, 1845, lived in Port Perry with his family until 1856, when his mother and father and four younger children moved to the United States. Daniel David and his brother Thomas were left to work in a match factory. On April 3, 1865, the two brothers left Port Perry to rejoin their family in Iowa. There is still a debate to this day, whether Daniel David was actually born in Port Perry, although descendants of his family purchased the home believed to be his birthplace, located on Old Simcoe Rd. The house has been designated with a historical plaque noting it as being his birthplace. January 1895 Mr. Robt. Hicks, who has managed the skating and curling rink for the past two or three winters has, purchased it from Mr. H. McKenzie for $500. Reach's worthy reeve, Mr. Jas. Munro, was married on Christmas day to Maggie A., daughter of Alex Ferguson, of Sonya Reach Twp. elected Jas. Munro, Reeve; Mr. Weir, deputy; and councillors Lamb, and Stevens. Port Perry electsed Joshua Curts reeve and W.M. Willcox, deputy reeve. Mr. Jonathan Blong has purchased the Sangster property north of the town and will erect a handsome residence thereon next summer Officers of the Rescue Fire Company for 1895 - Wm. Kennedy, chief; Sam Graham, captain; Robt. McKnight, treasurer; Wm. Clark, secretary. A brisk ice business for Port Perry this year due to the fact that Lake Simcoe is not frozen over yet. While John Abbot was driving across Lake Scugog the ice gave way, letting the horse and cutter into the water. Fortunately the horse got out none the worse for its cold bath. At the annual meeting of the Scugog Agricultural Society, the following officers and directors were elected - James Graham, president; E.H. Purdy, vice-president; J.C. Browne, treasure;, J.H. Brown, secretary. February 1895 Port Perry School Board is paying $3.40 per cord, for 50 cords of wood. Messrs. Wilcox, Jeffrey and Davis of council, waited on Mr. Geo. Dryden Friday afternoon, to make more suitable arrangements whereby he will continue his foundry business in Port Perry. Mr. Dryden seemed willing to remain if granted exemption from taxation. Rumors circulate that Mr. A.A. Bowerman intends to remove his woolen machinery to Day Mills, Algoma. He has yet to make a decision. William Christie, of Utica, escaped serious injury when his horse became frightened and ran off. He was returning from the funeral of the late Miss Mary Robertson at Prince Albert. March 1895 About 30 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson of the Lund farm, north of Port Perry, invaded their home to bid them adieu before leaving to take up residence at Shirley. Mr. William Willard's store was gutted by fire on Sunday (Mar. 24) and the stock considerably damaged by the fire and water. At Reach Twp. council, on motion by Mr. Real, the Reeve was authorized to purchase a Copp Road Machine at the price of $235. A barn on the property, west of the village of Prince Albert, of Mr. John Heard was destroyed by fire, along with its contents. The sliver cup, presented to the Port Perry Curling Club by Dr. G.H. Clemens, was won by Mr. M. Coates. April 1895 Workmen have been busy repairing the Willard store, which was damaged by fire, and in a week or two, Mr. Willard again expects to open out in business. The Port Perry Junior Lacrosse Club has reorganized with the following officers: Hon. Pres., Wm. Ross; Pres. F.M. Yarnold; Secretary H. White; Treas., Sam Graham. A senior team has also been organized under the name the "Port Perry Stars." Honorary Pres., Louis Sebert; Pres., Wm. McGill; vice-Pres.; J.W. Brooks; Secretary J.H. Blong; Treasurer, W. Short. The body of Cassie Burk, who was drowned while skating on the lake last fall, was found floating near Washburn Island by Inspector Watson. May 1895 Messrs. Louis Sebert, of the St. Charles Hotel, and Daniel Whitney, of the Railroad Hotel, had their hotel licenses renewed for another year, but the application of Mr. J.M. Brooks, of the Oriental Hotel, has been held over for further consideration, due to a violation of the law by selling after hours on March 23. He was awarded the license the following week. Messrs. Laing and Meharry complain to council for not accepting the lowest tender to put a new roof on the Town Hall. Council accepted the tender of T.H. Philp and Co., at a cost of about $30 higher than the Laing and Meharry bid. Conductor White was informed that rail service will now start from Lindsay each morning, and return to Lindsay each night, instead of Port Perry. The result is, the families of the conductors, engineer, fireman and two brakemen will shortly be removed to Lindsay. Port Perry assessment roll: value of real property $341,215; personal and taxable income $384,675; births 19; deaths 6; children 5-16 years 321; children 13-21 years 92. June 1895 Peter Christie, of Manchester, is appointed as a high school trustee for Port Perry, in place of T.C. Nicholls, resigned. The interior of the Western Bank has been thoroughly remodeled and renovated. The counter and glass front now extends the entire length of the larger rooms. The by-law of Scugog Reeve W.R. Ham, for the County to assume the Cartwright Roadway was lost. The Roads and Bridges committee recommended a grant of $50 for the Scugog Bridge. July 1895 Messrs L. Sebert, of the St. Charles Hotel, and Daniel Whitney of the Railroad Hotel, pleaded guilty to selling liquor after hours and were fined $20, plus costs, for the offense. Port Perry council agrees to exempt the foundry to the extent of $4,500 in taxes after the first of January, next. Mr. Underhill, principal of the Brooklin public school, has been appointed "Commercial Master" of Port Perry High School. August 1895 The County of Ontario granted $100, and the County of Durham made a grant of $200 for the purpose of repairs to the Cartwright Bridge. It is estimated it will take $800 to put the roadway in a thorough state of repair, and the $300 is merely enough to repair the worst places. At a recent meeting of the Royal Templars of Temperance, a resolution was passed requesting Indian Agent Bateman to take steps at prosecuting the Indians who have been getting drunk, from time to time, during the past three months. On Saturday morning about four o'clock, Dr. George H. Clemens was awoke by smoke, only to discover that his fine house was on fire. The flames spread with such rapidity that he had barely time to escape and soon the whole structure, together with it valuable contents, were nothing but a heap of debris. The origin of the fire is a mystery, but it is supposed have started in the cellar. Loss is expected to be $11,000. He was insured for $6,000 on the house, and $3,000 on the contents. It is likely the doctor will rebuild at once. Mrs. Clemens and her son, Louie, were away at Niagara at the time of the fire. September 1895 Former Port Perry resident, Daniel David Palmer, performed the first chiropractic treatment on Sept. 18, 1895 in Davenport, Iowa. Using the palms of his hands he treated a bump on the spine of patient Harvey J. Lillard, restoring the hearing he had lost 20 years earlier. Daniel David Palmer, who was born on March 7, 1845, lived in Port Perry with his family until 1856, when his mother and father and four younger children moved to the United States. Daniel David and his brother Thomas were left to work in a match factory. On April 3, 1865, the two brothers left Port Perry to rejoin their family in Iowa. There is still a debate to this day, whether Daniel David was actually born in Port Perry, although descendants of his family purchased the home believed to be his birthplace, located on Old Simcoe Rd. The house has been designated with a historical plaque noting it as being his birthplace. Dr. G.H. Clemens has decided not to rebuild his residence until the spring. The business block known as the Willard Block has lately been purchased by our esteemed townsman, Mr. R. Penhall. This is a fine property and the investment will doubtless prove a profitable one. Mr. H. Graham has invented a simple, yet effective and efficient car couple. It was tested at the railway depot, and the results proved a surprise to railway officials. The Port Perry Fair on Thurs., Friday and Saturday last week was a success in both attendance and in exhibits. October 1895 The Blong bankrupt stock of gents' furnishing was sold Friday to Mr. C.L. Whitby, for 36.5 cents on the dollar. Mrs. (Sheriff) Paxton, and several other ladies, had their pockets relieved of their pocket-books at the Port Perry fair. Reeve Curts has been in communication with gentlemen interested in a proposed electric railway from Kincardine to Port Perry. A bonus of $1,000 or $2,000 would likely been expected. A Chinese laundry is about to be started here. Mr. Arthur Sawyer of Port Perry, who has been charged with shooting his wife, appeared before Judge Burnham in Whitby. He was fined $200 and bound to keep the peace for two years. Mr. Jonathan Blong and others were going duck shooting Monday, and while getting ready a lamp fell over in his boat, the "Sea Gull". In a few minutes the boat was a blaze and burned to the water's edge, leaving nothing but the smoke-stack sticking through the rice-bed. November 1895 A railway meeting to discuss the Port Perry to Kincardine electric railway was held in the Market Hall, in Uxbridge. The railway is proposed to be built between the two centres, touching at Manchester, Epsom, Uxbridge, Newmarket and other points to the west. Mr. A.J. Davis was presented with a beautiful Past Master's jewel, in recognition of his services for the past three years as Master of Fidelity Lodge No. 428 A.F. Col. N.F. Paterson has moved his family back to Port Perry into his former residence, just vacated by Mr. Wm. Jones. After an absence of three years in England, representing the Independent Order of Foresters, has returned and this week opens a law office in Uxbridge, for the practice of his profession. His business quarters are located in the Jones' block opposite the market. Mr. Frank McKenzie, photographer, is busy these days taking views of the business places in town. He has now opened a gallery in the Blong block. The steamer "Stranger" finished her towing last week, and is now put up for the winter at the foot of Queen St. Messrs. Stonehouse Bros. of this place have purchased the apple evaporating works of Messrs. Mahler Bros. There is some talk of a third newspaper being started in Port Perry. December 1895 John Bowerman is building a fine yacht to ply on Lake Scugog next summer. It will be about 55 feet long. Mr. Frank McKenzie has decided to close up his photography gallery in town and go on the road, taking views. He leaves this week. Mr. A.J. Davis of this town has advertised in the Globe that he wants to sell out his furniture business here. January 1896 More than 300 ratepayers attending the nomination meeting, with the council of 1895 being re-elected by acclamation, lead by Reeve James Munro. After freezing to about 10 inches of ice on Lake Scugog, and several teams having crossed over, the ice has all but disappeared and several persons were out boating on Saturday last. This is the first time this has happened on Lake Scugog. Arthur and Charles Carnegie were sailing on the lake one day last week, with an ice boat, when it went through the ice. Arthur managed to pull Charles, who was thrown into the water, to safety. Owning to ill health, Dr. G.H. Clemens has taken in a partner, Dr. Proctor. Their office is over Miss McKenzie's store. Council for this year is Reeve Wm. Ross; Dep. Thos Rundle; councillors E.H. Purdy, Wm. Bateman and Samuel Jeffrey. School trustees are T.J. Widden, Thos. Courtice and T.C. Forman. Mr. J.W. Curts has a gang of men cutting ice out on the Lake Scugog. About 3,000 people were in attendance each day of the 26th annual meeting of the Port Perry Trotting Assoc., held on Lake Scugog. Mr. J. Blong has moved to his new house, on the former Sangster property, and Mr. C.L. Whitby is moving into Mr. Blong's former rooms in the Blong block. February 1886 Mr. Peter Christie has been reappointed by the County Council to the Port Perry Board of Education. This town is again getting its share of fires. On Thursday morning the 20th, the store of Mr. C.L. Whitby, tailor, in the Blong block was discovered to be on fire. The store and stock suffered severely. March 1896 Leonard Burnett was elected at a convention of the Liberal party in Port Perry, to lead the party into the next Dominion election. Mr. F. Earchman, of Epsom, the new assessor is making his rounds at present. Mr. Caleb Crandell, was married Wednesday to Miss Sarah Moore of Toronto. Mr. J.W. Curts shipped the last of his eggs this week. His total shipments have reached 180,000 dozen, of which 59,000 dozen were sent to the English market. The trains on the line were blocked in again last week, this being the fourth time this winter they have been snowed in, so they could not run for a day or two. On Saturday night last (March 21), Port Perry was again visited by a disastrous fire which destroyed both life and property. It appears that about a quarter past eleven fire was discovered in the millinery store of Miss Thompson, which is in the block owned by Mr. Jas. McGaw, and situated in the business portion of the town. The alarm was at once given, but before anything could be done, the block was doomed to destruction, the flames having gained entrance into Mr. Wallace's tailor shop and also The Standard office, which are in the same block. The firemen were promptly on hand, but could do nothing except put forth their efforts to save the adjoining buildings, and in less than an hour the entire block together with all the contents of the tailor shop, the millinery store and the printing office, were in ashes. The firemen deserve praise for saving the livery stable, for if it had got a fair start, the entire north-east portion of the town would have been burned to the ground. Nine or ten plate glass windows on the opposite side of the street were cracked by the heat. G.H. Wallace, tailor, lost everything, insured for $1,000; Miss Thompson, milliner, everything lost, insured for $500; Newton Bros., printers, lost everything, insured for $1,800; Jas. McGaw, owner of the block, insured for $2,000. Messrs Matt. Williams, and John Diesfield suffered small losses by the removal of their stocks. Mr. Diesfield's block also being damaged. While the fire was in progress Mr. John Mosure, a young man about 30 years of age, who resided with his parents here, was assisting in removing the goods from Mr. William's store, when one of the walls fell, crushing him to the ground. He was immediately removed from the debris across the street to Dr. Clemens and Proctor's office, but nothing could be done as one leg and one arm were broken, all the ribs on the left side and also his thigh were broken, and his skull badly fractured. He passed away about four o'clock. He was removed to his home on Perry St., and on Monday was interred in the Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, with the funeral cortege reaching nearly three quarters of a mile. April 1896 The Port Perry Standard made its appearance last week as usual, although a little late. There's nothing can stop Messrs. Geo. and Sam Newton, not even a fire. It's reported that the McGaw block will be rebuilt right away. Mr. John Diesfield has removed his stock to the store in the Leonard block, until his own premises are fixed from the fire. Mr. Robt. Brown, bartender at the St. Charles Hotel, has purchased the Ocean House, at Seagrave from Mr. Jas. Broad, and will take possession the first of May. It is reported that Mr. R.J. Bruce, hardware merchant, will build a new store on the vacant lot opposite the Western Bank in the near future. W.J. Nott, of Port Perry, charged that a Detective Greer, sent the by Provincial government to discover the origin of certain fires in the town, was hushed up with money and whisky by a shady character then in town. Mr. Nott later published a retraction. May 1896 A deputation of ministers and concerned residents waited upon Reach council, requesting that council pass a bylaw limiting the number of hotel licenses in the township to two. Council said the request would be duly considered. Mr. J.W. Davis will resume his furniture business, after the departure of his son, J.M. Davis, who is leaving for British Columbia with his family. Constable McKnight escaped a certain death when he fell off a scow, while unloading gravel, into the lake, dislocating his shoulder in the fall. Quick work by others helped him out safely. June 1896 Mr. James Carnegie has bought for $500 the lot on which the McGaw block stood. The re-erection of the block will now proceed immediately upon much the style of the building recently destroyed. The upper storey, is to become a Masonic Hall. July 1896 Work at the new church in Greenbank is progressing steadily. A large number of people assembled here to witness the laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist Church. Mr. Wm. Ross of Port Perry deftly handled the trowel. Mr. N.F. Paterson and family are coming to town for the summer months and will occupy their own residence on Rosa Street. Their many friends will be pleased to welcome them again. Commodore Arthur Carnegie and Captain Seymour Whitney had to be rescued after their sailing boat capsized in Lake Scugog. August 1896 The right of way given by Reach Township to the Huron & Ontario Railway extends from Port Perry to Prince Albert, thence west to Utica, north to the 7th conc, near Epsom, and west to Uxbridge townline, near Weir's pond. Reach council passed a by-law restricting the number of tavern licenses to two, effective on May 1st, next. September 1896 The meeting to form a Sons of Temperance Lodge took place in Manchester, but the efforts met without success. The Port Perry Standard notes, that cigarette smoking is not uncommon with the young men of town, but it's only recently that young ladies have indulged in this pernicious habit. October 1896 Messrs. Jones and Co., of Port Perry, have purchased more than one ton of cheese from the Manchester Cheese Factory this year. James Leask, of Greenbank, returned from Toronto with his fine heard of cattle, after having gained nearly every prize for which he competed. Mr. M.S. Tooley, and has taken over the Revere House, located at Manchester. The High and Public School Teacher's convention for this county was held at Port Perry. Mr. Sam Christian was sentenced to three months in jail, by Magistrate Bateman, for supplying liquor to Scugog Indian Thomas Marsden, who was found intoxicated in town. November 1896 George W. Dryden, James Carnegie and William McGill of Port Perry, Leonard Burnett of Greenbank, Hon. John Dryden and F.W. Hodson of Guelph, have taken out letters incorporating the Paxton-Tate Company, capital $99,000, to carry on saw-mill machinery, agricultural implements, now carried on at Port Perry by George W. Dryden. Levi Edmund, the 13 year old son of Martin Luther Crandell, of the Club House, Scugog, lost his eye, the result of playing with gunpowder. Reeve Munro of Reach Township has made it known he is stepping out of municipal life at the end of the year. Port Perry has been the scene of several liquor trials lately, ten of them being from Reach Twp., in connection with the unlicensed hotel in Saintfield. Judge Zacheus Burnham, of Whitby, has passed away. He was appointed judge, when the County of Ontario was formed in 1853, and continued in that capacity until his death. His son John Burnham lives in Port Perry. December 1896 The opening of the beautiful new Methodist Church, Greenbank took place on Sunday, Dec. 13th. The cost of the building was $5,800 of which the entire amount has been promised. The church has a seating capacity of 450. Building contractors were Messrs. Reid and Thirsk of Uxbridge. Fairview Cottage, the residence of Mr. J.W. Meharry, was the scene of a gathering of 75 guests at a party given as a farewell to Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Clemens. January 1897 Reach Twp. elects J.M. Real as Reeve; Dept. Reeve is Walter Weir, and councillors Messrs. MacDonald and Stephens. Scugog Districts elected representatives on County Council are: Mr. Peter Christie and Mr. Jas. Carnegie. Mr. W.R. Ham was unsuccessful. Wm. McGill of Port Perry was appointed trustee to high schools in Ontario County. W.H. McCaw was appointed to fill out the term of Peter Christie. A by-law proposed by Mr. Carnegie, to assume in connection with the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, a portion of that roadway known as the Port Perry, Scugog and Cartwright Roadway, was laid over until the June session. March 1897 Port Perry can now boast of a ladies' hockey club. They played to a score of 1-1 against Uxbridge in what the girls report was "just a lovely time." The Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Plowing Association has been amalgamated with the Whitby Township association on the basis of holding a match one year in the south and the next in the north. The barn of Mr. A.D. Wheeler, who lives about two miles south of town was destroyed by fire and the contents were consumed. The roads are in very bad state at present and most people seem to think we will have an early spring. The home of Marshal Dunn, Prince Albert was destroyed, along with its contents Sunday night. April 1897 A petition signed by about 130 ratepayers of Port Perry, was presented to council, asking them to submit a by-law to the ratepayers for their approval of the purchase of the Ontario Central Fair Grounds. Messrs. Wm. Bateman and Thos. Rundle were appointed a committee to ascertain the price for the grounds. The priced asked by Messrs Frankish and Hudson, is $4,250. The ice went out of the lake on April 12, one week earlier than last year. Over two-thirds of the people of Seagrave have signed a petition, and in all probability Mr. Robt. Brown, host of the Ocean House, will be forced to close his bar. Mr. E. Newton of Seagrave and Mr. J. DeFoe of Utica are endeavoring to get licenses, but petitions have been circulated against them. Mr. W.R. Ham of Scugog Island, was thrown from his wagon over a high embankment, and is recovering at home. The Ocean House, in Seagrave, was successful in keeping the right to sell "fire water", despite the large petition against it. Utica and Saintfield were turned down. May 1897 The Port Perry Standard estimates that over $20,000 is sent out of Port Perry yearly to Toronto stores, and says it is sapping the vitality out of the town. Jas. Camplin is the newly elected deputy reeve of Reach Twp. A license for the sale of beer and wine was granted to Mrs. J. DeFoe of Utica. June 1897 A meeting of the creditors of the estate of Paxton, Tate & Co., Port Perry, was held at the assignees office in Toronto. There are more than 30 Port Perry creditors, the principals being Wm. McGill, 17,200; James Carnegie, $698; Jones & Co. $500; T.C. Forman $325, and J.W. Meharry $229. The second largest creditor is the Hon. John Dryden, Brooklin, for $10,750. No offer has been made and the assets will be sold on July 2nd. Mr. Sutcliffe, of Prince Albert, has been relieved of the office of County Constable, and Mr. Whitfield Tennyson, of Manchester, has received the appointment. July 1897 Mr. Wm. McGill, manager of the Western Bank here for many years, is moving to California. Mr. H.G. Hutcheson is Mr. McGill's successor as manager. After being closed for several years, Church of England services resumed in St. Agnes Church, Greenbank, on Sunday, July 25th, with a full house attending. Burglars broke into the egg warehouse of Mr. J.W. Curts and removed a box in a safe containing about $500, and all the papers for the warehouse. Two young boys, playing near the platform at the Prince Albert station, found the box and the papers under the platform, which they returned to Mr. Curts. Dr. Robt. Archer requested permission from Reach council to erect a telephone line through the township, starting from Port Perry and ending at Utica or Epsom. August 1897 Hotel keeper Mr. Tooley, of Manchester, has pleaded guilty and been fined $20 and costs for selling liquor after 10 o'clock at night. Six Port Perryites were also fined for drinking after hours. One of the largest dry goods firms of Port Perry, Jones & Co., are trying to effect a settlement with their creditors, which is said to be in the neighborhood of $20,000. For the first time in the history of Uxbridge, ice had to be shipped into town. Mr. C. Jones of Port Perry brought a load over from Port Perry. September 1897 Mrs. Isaac Rodman and her sister were thrown from a wagon while going down Avery's hill. Both received a severe shaking up, and only slight injuries. Mr. Wm. Dobson and Mr. Thomas Dobson of Manchester are erecting windmills on their properties this week. October 1897 Mr. M.L. Crandell, on the Scugog Game Reserve company's ground, brought into The Standard office some full grown peanuts which he has grown on the land. The Observer comments: The highest tender received for the main building in the Ontario Central Fair grounds was $300, which has been accepted. The building is to be removed from the grounds by December. The tearing down of that magnificent building, which cost nearly $4,000 to build, would be a disgraceful act. Manchester's genial blacksmith, Mr. D.J. McLean has turned into an artist. He has drawn life size portraits of all the businessmen of the village, and the pictures are decorating the sitting room of Mr. Tooley's Revere House. November 1897 Mary Ann, wife of former reeve, Joshua Wright, passed away on Nov. 2nd. Funeral was held at the family residence and burial in Pine Grove Cemetery. R.J. Bruce has removed his stock from the Laing and Meharry block to his own premises. Mr. Laing will start again as soon as possible. Mr. Sam Farmer, a valued member of The Journal staff for the past three years, has removed to a Toronto office this past week. If honest hard work will bring success, he will attain it. December 1897 Mr. T.C. Nicholls' drug store in Port Perry was burned to the ground last Thursday (Dec. 2nd) morning. The fire was discovered about 3 o'clock in the morning, but the whole building was then a mass of flames, so the gallant work of the firemen did not avail much, except to prevent the fire from spreading to adjacent buildings. The ground floor was occupied by C.H. Allison, druggist, while Dr. J.H. Sangster's offices and Dr. W.A. Sangster's dental parlors occupied the upper storey. The stand was one of the handsomest and best equipped brick buildings in the town and will be seriously missed. Mr. Nicholls had the building insured for $2,200, but this will not nearly cover the loss he sustains. Mr. Joshua Wright purchased the site of the late Allison fire from Mr. T.C. Nicholls, of Uxbridge, and will commence rebuilding at once. Mr. C.H. Allison intends opening his drug business again in the store at present occupied by Joshua Wright. Mr. Donald Christie of Manchester has been kept busy for the past few weeks near Goodwood, rigging up some grist mills and putting in large water wheels. Members of Reach Twp. council, including Reeve J.M. Real, township clerk Wm. Spence and county councillor Peter Christie, sat down to an oyster supper following the last council meeting of the year. Peter Christie is the land baron of Reach Twp., having in the neighborhood of a thousand acres of good land. January 1898 Reach Township elects J.M. Real reeve. Reeve James Carnegie of Port Perry was elected Warden of Ontario County for 1898. Dick French, a horse owned by Mr. Jackson of Toronto, trotted the fastest mile every recorded on ice at the Port Perry races. Residents to the south of town were awaken by cries of fire and discovered the house of Mr. John Ewers was all ablaze. Mr. and Mrs. Ewers and their children barely escaped with their lives. The building and contents were burned to the ground. Port Perry has one more added to its population. Another Chinaman at the laundry. Solicitors for the Huron and Ontario Railway Co., who plan to put an electric railway from Port Perry to Kincardine, have written to Mr. Curts of Port Perry, stating that they are now ready to take the contract for construction of the road. February 1898 Uxbridge residents held a complimentary supper for Col. N.F. Paterson, who is closing his law office in that town, to practice in the city. Mr. W.M. Jones, one of our most prominent and enterprising business townsmen is leaving to take up residence in Manitoba. During his time here, he has been honoured by his townsmen, being elected for every public position he sought. March 1898 Young Maggie Lebar, a pretty 19 year old, who went from Port Perry a few months ago, was found dead, having accidentally taken a quantity of morphine, thinking it was quinine. May 1898 The Ocean House hotel in Seagrave had its liquor license cut-off and now there is only one licensed hotel in the township. June 1898 A law suit against Wm. McGill of Port Perry, by the Western Bank, for about $30,000 of debt incurred when the Paxton, Tate Foundry ceased business, was heard in Whitby. The long trial ended with the jury returning an unanimous verdict for Mr. McGill over the bank. Mr. M.L. Crandell, manager of the Club Mansion, of the Scugog Game Preserve Company, claims he is the first in the province to succeed in inducing wild geese to hatch in captivity. One of his wild geese came off with four fine goslins and he expects more in a few days. July 1898 A case against Henry Bowen of Washburn Island, in which he was charged in 1895 for shooting a large maskinonge in Scugog Lake, finished its final appeal. The fine of $22 plus costs, assessed earlier, was upheld and Bowen was called on to pay the full fine. This busy town does not have an empty store, nor is there over half a dozen empty houses fit to live in. The Canadian Bank of Commerce have put in their large safe, and are open for business. They occupy the store next to A.J. Davis drug store, which has been fitted up for them. September 1898 The annual rifle matches of the 34th Battalion were held in Port Perry, on Mr. Taylor's farm, adjoining the village. A plebiscite vote in Reach Twp., resulted in a majority of 265 for prohibition. Vote results were 436 for, and 171 against. October 1898 A splendid meeting was held in the Town Hall in the interests of Hon. John Dryden. The building was packed and a large number of ladies were in the audience. Mr. Wm. Ross, ex-Reeve of Port Perry occupied the chair. November 1898 Mr. J.W. Davis of Port Perry has died. He was one of the town's oldest citizens and had been in the furniture business for over 50 years. His son A.J. Davis is the druggist in Port Perry. The Ontario Central Fair Grounds have been purchased by the following gentlemen: Messrs. Jas. Carnegie, G.M. Gibbs, W.H. McCaw, Wm. Ross and F.M. Yarnold. The grounds, which originally cost over $23,000, are without doubt the finest in Ontario, outside of Toronto. The half mile race track, which cost about $4,000, is a paragon of perfection, being well drained, graded and perfectly level December 1898 Friends of Mr. Peter Christie, President of the County Plowing Association, surprised him with a special presentation at his home. January 1899 In Reach Township, Reeve Thos. Lamb was returned by acclamation. Councillor are Messrs. Jno. Doble, Robt. Holtby, Stephens and Camplin Port Perry elected Reeve Samuel Jeffery by acclamation. Councilors elected E.H. Purdy, J. Forman, T. Rundle and Wm. Bateman. The annual races of the Port Perry Trotting Association were held on Lake Scugog and the track was in splendid shape. Mr. Chas. Marsh, a former Reeve of Reach Township and the senior member of the firm Marsh and Trounce, general merchants, Port Perry, passed away on Jan. 8, 1899 at the homes of his son, in Omaha, Nebraska. He moved to Creighton, in Nebraska, some years ago, where his sterling qualities were recognized and rewarded with preferment in places of public trust. He was elected supervisor of Knox County, for a term of four years, and Mayor of Creighton for two years. He moved to Omaha a year prior to his death, in his 74th year of age. February 1899 Port Perry's popular dentist, J.A. Murray makes monthly visits to Zephyr, where he is kept very busy. M. L. Crandell, of the game preserve is having eight fine Irish pheasants sent to him to let loose on the Scugog Island. These birds are the best grub destroyers known. Reach council sets Tuesday, March 21st for the day of voting for a Local Option, since they were unsuccessful to get prohibition. March 1899 The McKercher Bros., have taken possession of Geo. Broaderick's Mill, and are now fully prepared to do chopping in good shape. The vote on Local Option in Reach Township resulted in a small majority of about 100 in favour of the measure. We look upon the Local Option as a worse measure than the Scott Act, and it was a sad failure. Heavy snow storms almost completely blocked some of our roads. Reach Twp. Clerk Wm. Spence reports in his auditors' report Reach spent $1,532 on roads last year, $103 bonus for wire fences. The township has a balance of $2,208 with no debt. Reach council met on Saturday afternoon and passed the Local Option by-law. The act comes into force on May 1st. April 1899 James Murray, son of our dentist, Dr. J.A. Murray, and a former employee of The Port Perry Standard office, died in Toronto at 24 years of age of lung trouble. The Western Bank has purchased the Ross block, in Port Perry. May 1899 For the past week or so the village has been besieged with peddlers and agents. These people are pests and their goods are dear at almost any price. Local Option has come into Reach with a vengeance. The second day after the expiration of Mr. Tooley's license year, the Revere House hotel at Manchester, with sheds and an adjacent blacksmith shop, was burned down. The occupants had barely time to escape, let alone saving the contents. Mr. Tooley carried about $1,800 insurance on the buildings and contents. Mr. A. Sexton, an early citizen of this town, but lately of Udora, has moved back to Port Perry. Mr. P.C. Graham, the Manchester correspondent for the Uxbridge Journal, has taken a position in The Standard office, Port Perry as editor. June 1899 The Town Hall park has been secured by the Port Perry tennis club to use for tennis courts, following Mr. Whiteman leaving town and his courts being no longer accessible to the club. July 1899 D.F. Hagerman, is the treasurer of the Twp. of Reach. Scugog fisherman return this week with a nice catch of 'lunge, otherwise known as muskallonge, maskallonge, maskinonge, and muskelungeh. Residents complain of poor mail service between Port Perry and Utica. It takes two days for a letter to travel the four miles. August 1899 A call for Port perry to establish a market building because much business is going to the market in Uxbridge. September 1899 About 90 neighbors and friends of Mr. Wm. Boles, of the 8th conc. of Reach, had a very successful barn raising on Wednesday. An investigation was held into the fire at Tooley's Hotel, Manchester in May, by London Mutual, the company holding the insurance. The investigation lasted about nine hours, with 12 witnesses examined. No decision has yet been given. Port Perry entered the field as a third bidder for the County Poor House, and got the coveted distinction on a promise of $5,000, the location being more central than Oshawa or Uxbridge. Port Perry held a fair last week, the first in many years. There was a good turnout the first two days, but a slim turnout on the third. October 1899 The annual meeting of the Ontario County Teachers' Institute was held in the Port Perry High School. A gold watch was presented to Mr. James McBrien, Public School Inspector for the past 28 years. Opening services of the Greenbank Baptist Church were held on Sunday, Oct. 20 with Rev. D. Welton preaching. November 1899 The Insurance company carrying the risk on the contents of the Manchester Hotel, has ended the contest with Mr. tooley and paid the full amount. The by-law to raise $5,000 to assist the County in erecting a Poor House in Port Perry was carried here last weekend by a majority of 185 to 40. The site will be chosen soon. Mr. P.C. Graham, editor and manager of The Port Perry Standard, leaves this week to take a position on the Whitby Chronicle. Dr. Orr Graham, while on his way to Cartwright, was held up on the Cartwright Roadway by to daring individuals, who demanded he put-up his coin, or die. Dr. Graham struck one man, knocking him out, and the other man ran away. The Scugog Game Preserve Co. presented the members of Reach council and the clerk each with a brace of wild ducks at their meeting in Manchester. The Town Hall, Port Perry was filled to overflowing Nov. 29 to listen to Premier Geo. W. Ross speak. Also on the platform for the meeting was the Hon. John Dryden, M.P.P., William Ross, Mr. Leonard Burnett, M.P. for South Ontario, Mr. Isaac J. Gould and many other dignitaries. December 1899 Utica, a small village in this county situated five miles from the town of Port Perry, marked an important, and long to be remembered epoch in its history last week, with the opening of the commodious "Memory Hall", on Friday, Dec. 1, 1899. Friends from far and near took part in the opening ceremonies, and to show the appreciation which they, in common with the people of the neighborhood, feel for an "old Utica boy", Thomas Walter Horn, who in the days of his success in the commercial centre of the province, has remembered with substantial kindness, the home of his youth. As a Reach boy of the Utica neighborhood, Thomas W. Horn went forth in early years to make for himself a name and a place. Although a lawyer by profession, his tastes were more of the financier, than of the barrister, and we soon found him devoting his talents in financial, rather than legal lines. Mr. H.J. Gould, ex-Warden of the County presided as chairman, and the keys of the hall were formally handed over by Mr. Horn to the following board of trustees: Enoch Kendall, Arthur Crosier, Wm. Brooks, D. Horn, John Horn, Wm. Ward and John McKercher. Also on stage were a number of Mr. Horn's Toronto friends, Rev. Hugh Crosier; Mr. Charles Calder; Mr. Leonard Burnett, M.P, for the riding; Mr. J.W. Siddall, architect; F.H. Herbert, architect; Mr. Peter Christie, ex-Warden; and Mr. W.H. Keller, publisher of the Uxbridge Journal. In handing over the keys, Mr. Horn said he did so with the wish and expectation that the hall be used for the benefit of the community. He attached the single condition that the churches and school should have the use of it free. In naming the hall, the Hon. John Dryden suggested that more appropriate than Horn's Hall, or Public Hall, would be the name "Memory Hall," and he offered that name for consideration. The audience express their approval by a show of hands. The hall is 38 x 65 ft., has a seating capacity of nearly four hundred, and is designed in the Spanish renaissance style of architecture, with two towers. Mr. John K. Horn was the builder of the hall. It was always Mr. Horn's ambition to succeed, but he was always proud to be remembered as a boy of Utica. He believed that association of people with each other broadened, brightened and improved the mind, and it was his hope that the hall might serve such a purpose. Following the opening, Mr. Horn entertained a few friends at a supper prepared in elaborate style at the Dafoe House, by the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dafoe. The gathering included politicians, his Toronto friends, members of the board of trustees, and old residents and neighbors from his youth. Mr. Horn and his party made an early start for Myrtle to catch a C.P.R. train for the city, leaving pleasant memories behind them.
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