Pioneers & Entrepreneurs
The biographies featured in this section, by no means cover all of the men who contributed significantly to the development of the Scugog area. Information about many of the pioneers who first settled in Reach and Scugog is almost non-existent, as there were no newspapers to report on happenings in this area until late in 1857. Even throughout much of the 1860s information is scarce, due to a great number of missing issues of the Ontario Observer, the areas first newspaper.
On the following pages are some the men who cut their way through the bush to get to Lake Scugog. They cleared the land, built crude log homes, opened saw mills and grain elevators, built thriving towns from crude settlements, brought the railway to their doorstep, and laid the groundwork for the communities we live in today.
David J. Adams began business in Prince Albert in 1860, then moved to Port Perry in the exodus of 1872, going into partnership with his brother John, as "John & David J. Adams", money lenders and fire insurance agents.
In the partnership and confined his attention to his farm, known as "Ambleside" on Scugog Island. David Adams continued the business, steadily increasing his clientele and acquiring a reputation with the companies he represented as a man of sound judgement as a valuator and an authority on land titles.
Mr. Adams was born on Nov. 9, 1843 and passed away on June 15, 1910. He owned a handsome home on the hill in Port Perry, on the north side of Queen St. After his death, the business was continued by his son, David D. Adams.

John Adams acquired a good education and early in life entered into the mercantile business for a number of years. He went into partnership with his brother Douglas D. Adams, and later became connected with some of the leading financial institutions in Toronto where he accumulated considerable wealth, being a successful speculator.
About 1872 he purchased one of the finest properties in Ontario County, "Ambleside", a 300 acre farm located on Scugog Island. The beautiful property became a destination from many excursi on parties and church picnics in the late 1800s.
Mr. Adams was one of the most extensive importers and breeders of valuable heavy horses, cattle and swine, and was identified with area agricultural institutions. As one of the leading stock breeders in the country he was often visited by breeders from all parts of Canada and the United States.
He was a faithful supporter of his beloved Zion, the Church of England.
John Adams passed away on Scugog Island on Thursday, May 1, 1902 in the 68th year of his life., leaving his widow Margaret and two children, a son and a daughter.
David D. Adams, 34 years of age, was one of Port Perry's most promising young businessmen, when he passed away on August 15, 1918, following a month's illness from appendicitis.
He was a man of far more than ordinary ability, and at a young age went on to become a respected and thorough businessman. His extensive experience, before becoming a partner in the family firm of David J. & Douglas Adams, thoroughly prepared him to fill the bill to perfection, in regard to carrying on such a long established business. He took over the business after the death of his father, David J. Adams in 1910.
Just prior to his death, he had taken much interest in both livestock and farming, and was making preparations for carrying on farming on an extensive scale.
The entire community was saddened by his death, and business was suspended in town the day of his funeral in respect for the young businessman. A service was held from his family residence on Cochrane St., with a large crowd attending as he was laid to rest in Prince Albert.
He was a loving husband and worthy citizen, and a member of the Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of which he had been Master.

With the demise of William Aldred, on Sat., December 9, 1922, Scugog Island lost its veteran architect and builder, for there are few buildings on the Island, that were not constructed by him. The workmanship pertaining to their construction has proved first-class, and they stand as monuments to his untiring enterprise and energy.
Mr. Aldred had the distinguished honour of being the first white infant to see the light of day on Scugog, for early in the1840s, he was rowed across the lake in a scow by his parents, and strange to relate, was landed on the shore of the farm later occupied by his son Jonathan.
Early in life, in addition to farming, he embarked in his life's calling, that of a building contractor, and by unceasing energy and constant application soon acquired a competency.
In faith he was an exemplary member of the Methodist Church and in politics a staunch Conservative. He was gentle and affable and his upright character secured for him the esteem and respect of all with whom he came in contact.
He was public spirited and served the municipality, to good purpose, for more than one term at the municipal council board. As a citizen he supported every public innovation and improvement likely to benefit his adopted island.
He leaves a large, prosperous and highly intelligent family of six sons: George, Nelson, Johathan, Joel, Ira and Norman, and three daughters Mrs. W.K. Ramsey, Mrs. J.E. Morrish, and Miss Maud Aldred. The funeral took place at his late residence with interment in the family plot at Pine Grove Cemetery.
A.W. Allin came to Port Perry from Utica about 1888 and quickly established himself as a successful blacksmith and carriage manufacturer. His premises were located on Perry St., about the location of the present municipal offices.
His buildings consisted of a commodious blacksmith shop with wood-working shop in the rear and a large showroom for carriages. He was a skilled workman, dealing in general trade as well as specializing in horseshoeing.
He was a member of Port Perry council for a number of years, treasurer of the S.O.E. and is M.W. of the A.O.U.W. Mr. Allin owned a very handsome residence on Perry Street.
Mr. Allin passed away on March 31, 1901 at 81 years of age. He left behind his wife Anne Louise (Claughton).
S.E. Allison was born at Adolphustown, Prince Edward County on July 29, 1843, the son of Joseph B. and Mary Allison, who were United Empire Loyalists.
Mr. Allison came to Port Perry in 1868 and for many years he was a druggist here. He married Margaret Kirkland (Sinclair) on June 8, 1870. In their house were born four children, Ward, Mary Elizabeth, Kate and Mrs. W.E. Groves.
Mr. Allison was a genial man, ever fond of his home, which he and his wife lived in for 55 years. He loved to talk of old times, and in matters of local history he was an authority.
In 1884 and again in 1891, Mr. Allison was the victim of fires which razed downtown Port Perry, losing thousands of dollars from the destruction.
In the annals of the Methodist Church, he is named as one of the prime movers in the erection of the present structure.
Mr. Allison died on Sunday, January 6, 1929 at his home in Port Perry, in his 86th year. The funeral service was attended largely by old friends and neighbours. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, and three children.
'Charlie', as his fellow citizens called him, was born and educated in Port Perry and served an apprenticeship to pharmacy in local stores. He graduated from the Ontario College of Pharmacy in 1893 and the following year purchased the drug and stationery business of T.C. Nicholls. The business had been established 40 years earlier by his uncle, the late C. Allison.
His store was located on the south side of Queen St. and in addition to his dispersing of drugs and sundries, he also was a qualified optician, and performed tests for sight. His store and the contents were all lost in a devastating fire in Sept. 1901.
Mr. Allison was public spirited man, and served on town council a number of years. He was a fine musician and a member of the local band, and held the position of secretary for many years.
In March, 1907, Mr. Allison sold his drug and stationery business to E.B. Flint of Newark, New Jersey.

For more than three decades, "Dr. Bob" as he was affectionately called, labored in Port Perry and neighbouring communities, bringing health and life to thousands who in pain and fear called for his help. He was a leading figure in the medical profession in this vicinity and earned a fine reputation. He should have taken his work in a more leisurely fashion several years ago, but he could not give up. His life was literally for the health of others.
Dr. Robert Archer was an accomplished surgeon, who after his post graduate work in New York and at the Mayo Clinic, practiced medicine in North Dakota. After setting up practice in Port Perry, his brother David joined him in 1897 at the Archer Medical Clinic, located at 238 Queen St. In 30 years the country doctor came to know and to feel for his patients as personal friends.
Dr. Archer was born in 1862 and passed away at his home on July 23, 1927, at 65 years of age. An impressive tribute ceremony was held at the Town Hall Park and a large crowd attended the open air service. Following the funeral he was interred in the family plot at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert.
Dr. Archer was survived by his wife Amelia, one daughter, Mrs. Herbert Baker, one son, Mr. Harold Archer, and his brother Dr. David Archer.

Dr. David Archer, one of the senior members of the Ontario County Medical Assoc. died at Oshawa General Hospital following an illness of some four weeks. His passing removed one of the veterans of the profession in Ontario County, whose practice dates back to the horse and buggy days.
Born in Cartwright Twp. on August 4, 1857, David Archer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archer, attended Bowmanville High School, Hamilton Model School and then started his career as a teacher of mathematics at Smith's Falls High School. He later entered the study of medicine at Victoria College and after graduation went to England, Scotland and Ireland where he took post graduate work.
Coming back to Ontario County, he opened practice in Port Perry where he continued for 37 years before moving to Oshawa in 1928. While in Port Perry he was instrumental in having a telephone system installed in the village and district.
He was a member of the medical staff of the Oshawa General Hospital and held in high regard by the medical fraternity there. At a banquet of the Ontario County Medical Assoc. in February 1938, Dr. Archer was presented with a life membership.
Dr. Archer left a lasting legacy and was admired for his self sacrificing and devotion to the relief of suffering. It was written that "the entire community is poorer because he has passed". He was always kindly and considerate to everyone.
Dr. Archer died at Oshawa on Wed., September 20, 1939. Funeral service was held at the family residence, and a large number of sorrowful followed the procession for interment at Pine Grove Cemetery.

William Bateman was one of the early settlers on Scugog Island. He was an enterprising farmer for many years, but also had a keen interest in the advancement of progress. In 1868 he was first elected to represent the people on the council and position he held for a number of years. He was elected Reeve of Scugog in 1883 and held the post for four consecutive years. In 1894 he was appointed Commissioner of the Scugog Bridge by Ontario County council.
He represented the wealthy and prosperous little island in a highly satisfactory manner to all concerned. In the County Council his reports as chairman of committees were regarded almost faultless.
Prior to moving to Port Perry, in the late 1890s, he was one of Scugog's leading and most enterprising farmers, and occupied a number of the most prominent positions in the gift of the people.
The church too, had his manly and generous protection and support, and while his moral support was of much importance, his financial aid was always forthcoming when required.
William Bateman, while in residence in Port Perry, occupied the conspicuous highly important position in the community; he identified himself with and was an active and indefatigable promoter of every movement, commercial educational and religious, having a tendency to foster and advance the best interests of the town and its surroundings. He strived to see Port Perry become one of the best, most prosperous centres in the province, socially, intellectually, educationally and commercially.
As Justice of the Peace his decisions, although strictly in accordance with the law, the penalties he imposed were invariably tempered with mercy.
Mr. Bateman died in Toronto on Monday, Feb. 3, 1908, at 72 years of age. He was interred at Pine Grove Cemetery. His wife, Nancy (Varnum) passed away June 28, 1903. Left to mourn his loss are two sons, Dr. Martin Bateman and Mr. William Bateman.
For almost 20 years, James Baird was associated with the Ontario Observer, the first newspaper to begin publishing in the area. In August 1866 he was named the editor of the newspaper and became partners with its owner, Henry Parsons.
He was an outspoken critic of actions and politics, and an advocate of anything that would benefit the progress of the community.
After 18 years as editor, in Oct. 1884, the partnership of James Baird and Henry Parsons, as proprietors and publishers of the North Ontario Observer was dissolved, with the business being taken over by Mr. Parsons.
Mr. Baird also served as President of the Reach and Scugog School Teachers' Association and superintendent during the 1860s. He was also a charter member and president of the Prince Albert Public Hall Joint Stock Co.
James Baird died on January 9, 1898 at 67 years of age, leaving his wife Mary Anne (Graham) Baird.
Mr. Beatty was born in Westminster Twp., near London, in 1841, the youngest of three children of Henry and Mary (Acheson) Beatty. After the death of his father, Mrs. Beatty moved to Prince Albert, where W.A. Beatty attended school. He also attended the old school at Borelia for a short time.
At an early age he was apprenticed to the harness trade with the late Thomas Courtice, with whom he worked for a number of years. In the early 1880s Mr. Beatty and the late James Bongard formed a partnership and carried on a harness shop in the building on the north side of Queen St., then occupied by the Observer Office. A few years later they moved to the B.F. Ackerman building, where they carried on business until 1910, when Mr. Beatty became sole owner of the harness manufacturing business. Mr. Beatty was a Port Perry businessman for more than 55 years at the time of his death.
Mr. Beatty was active in sports in his younger days, cricket being his special hobby. His memory extended to the very early days when Port Perry was nothing but a mill village. In those days the Indians used to parade the streets in their blankets.
Mr. Beatty's old home in Prince Albert was open house to the young people of the locality, with many a Sunday evening spent in hymn singing. He was keenly interested in Sunday School as a young man, being a teacher of a class of boys for many years.
He was a Mason of long standing, being a Past Master of Fidelity Lodge. In 1890 Bro. W.A. Beatty, was installed as president of Lodge 14, Sons of Canada Benevolent Assoc.
On Friday, October 19, 1934, Port Perry's oldest businessman passed away. The funeral service was held at the United Church, with interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. He was buried with Masonic Honours.

Port Perry' most ambitious and influential businessman during the developing years of the village, was Joseph Bigelow. In fact, it could be argued he was the singular, most influential man in the entire history of the community.
Bigelow was identified financially and otherwise with every important improvement in the Port Perry and Scugog district during his active years.
He became the first postmaster in the village from 1852 to 1869. In the late 1850s he took over a woolen factory and planing mill, operating it until it was expropriated for the railway in 1870. In 1862 a branch of the Royal Canadian Bank opened in Port Perry, with Mr. Bigelow as manager. He held the position for six years, until he retired to give more attention to his other business interests.
In April 1869, he opened one of the most impressive commercial blocks in the County, the Royal Arcade. Following this he turned his attention to promoting and building the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway, of which he became its chief instigator.
In 1872, Joseph Bigelow became the first Reeve of the newly incorporated village of Port Perry. He held the office for three terms, under which time the village thrived under his leadership and drive. It was during his term as Reeve, that two of the town's most important structures were built, the new Town Hall and the Union Public and High School.
In May 1877, he commenced erection of his magnificent residence on Cochrane St., high on the hill overlooking Lake Scugog. It was here he and his family resided until his death, at 89-years of age, in April 1917.
Mr. Bigelow became a Justice of the Peace in 1877 and in 1881 ran as a Reform candidate for the Ontario Legislature, but failed to be elected by three votes.
On the business front, Mr. Bigelow was a 20-year partner with Thomas Paxton in a flour-milling business located on Water St., and also a partner in the Paxton, Tate Foundry on Perry St, and operated the Big Red Apple Elevator, on Lilla St.
In 1890, one of his most important projects was completed, in the building of the causeway, or connecting bridge between Cartwright, Scugog Island and Port Perry.
Mr. Bigelow was married to Elizabeth Paxton in 1854. He passed away at his family residence on Cochrane St. on Sunday, January 28, 1917, leaving his wife and three children, Charles, Thomas and Mrs. W.H. McCaw.

Jonathon Blong passed away on Saturday, March 20, 1915, at his home in Toronto, He spent most of his life in Port Perry and after moving often expressed the wish that he was still enjoying the attractions of his hometown.
Mr. Blong was born in Toronto, the youngest son of Henry Blong. He came to Port Perry about the year 1882, and immediately took a keen interest in the town. An accident in early life deprived him of the use of one of his legs, and made it difficult for him to enter business in the ordinary way; but he invested money wisely in the purchase and selling of properties.
During his years in business, he purchased the large Royal Arcade building from Joseph Bigelow and converted half of it into one of the finest hotels in the province, the Brunswick House. Following destruction of the building by fire in 1883 and 1884, he constructed the Blong Block, described as the most pretentious and extensive business structure in Port Perry. It was a two-storey, red brick building, elaborately decorated with white brick facings and a frontage of over 100 feet on Queen St. The building still stands to this day.
After a fire had destroyed the home of the late Dr. J.H. Sangster in 1893, Mr. Blong bought the property, known as Beechenhurst, and erected the commodious house. He became very much attached to the property, but with his health failing, he reluctantly sold it and moved to Toronto about 1908, where he lived with his family until his death.
Mr. Blong was extremely fond of nature and nothing gave him greater pleasure than the hunting trips through the Kawartha Lakes.
Jonathon Blong, 60, died on Saturday evening, March 20, 1915, at his late residence, 65 Woodlawn Avenue, West, Toronto, leaving his beloved wife Sophia and son Jonathan Henry to mourn his loss.
One of the most interesting men in Port Perry was John Bowerman. He was born near Brooklin, on May 31, 1850, and spent much of his youth in the area, attending Dryden's school near Whitby.
The Bowerman family was engaged in the woolen mill business at Brooklin and it was there John Bowerman learned his trade. About 1874 he moved to Port Perry and opened a Carding Mill.
In 1876 he married Louise Kempley and two children were born of this marriage, Charles, and Carrie, who died in infancy. In 1887 Louise Bowerman died. In 1890 a second marriage was contracted, the lady being Margaret (MacGregor) and from this marriage five children were born - George, Tom, Ivan, Cora and Vera.
In 1883, because of his love for water, Capt. Bowerman, as he became known, made up his mind to build a steamboat. The result was the steamship Mary Louise. In 1884 the great fire destroyed the town and the Mary Louise did a great part in hauling brick and other building material for the rebuilding of the town. Later the boat was sold to Jos. Parkins of Lindsay, where it was used as a towboat. His next boat was the Empress, which was brought to Port Perry by Jos. Ball, of Caesarea. After awhile the boat was superseded by the Cora, which Capt. Bowerman built in 1902. He also owned a good sized gasoline boat, which was later sold and broke up in Lake Ontario. He spent most of his time on Lake Scugog, and was thoroughly familiar with all the waterways in the district.
Capt. Bowerman died at his home in Port Perry on Wed., April 26, 1933, in his 84th year. He was interred in Pine Grove Cemetery. His wife, Margaret, pre-deceased him on Tues., April 15, 1930, in her 64th year.

William Brock was among the leading business men of Port Perry during the late 1800s. He was born in April 1843, and arrived in Port Perry from Newcastle when he was still a young man. For the next 13 years he clerked in the store owned by Aaron Ross. In 1881 he started into business for himself in a store where the post office is now situated (1906), and five years later moved to his present site.
Mr. Brock was an enterprising, honorable and energetic businessman, occupying a prominent place in the ranks of our most reliable businessmen. He was most industrious and preserving in business, hence successful results invariably crowned his efforts and investments. He was acknowledged to be one of the best and closest buyers in the commercial arena. He was enterprising and public spirited and supported with energy any object that was likely to prove beneficial to the town. Due to his strict attention to business did not have time to take part in the public affairs of the community.
He was an active member of the Methodist Church, and in all walks of life he discharged his duties in a way which won for him sincere respect.
Mr. Brock built and lived in a nice home at the corner of Ella and Elgin Street.
Left to mourn him at the time of his death, on March 25, 1915, was his widow Sarah (Barber), two daughters, Mrs. F. Hugley and Miss Ella Brock, and three sons: Harry, F.W. and Harold. Funeral took place at the Methodist Church, Port Perry.
Mr. Brock was born April 26, 1843 and passed away on March 25, 1915.
One of the most useful citizens in Port Perry was a gentleman known as J.H. Brown., who has for many years occupied positions of responsibility and trust with marked ability and great satisfaction to the ratepayers.
Mr. Brown came to Canada from Plymouth, England, in the year 1848 as a young man. For years his family resided at Prince Albert and later he lived at Manchester. He came to Port Perry in 1876 and for 10 years conducted a general store at the corner of Queen and Perry St. After selling his business he went into selling organs and pianos from a nice little shop on Perry St., where he repaired instruments as well as sold them. He was also a representative of the Canada Life Insurance Company.
Mr. Brown, filled the position of Treasurer for the village of Port Perry for more than 30 years, resigning from the office in February 1917. During the same period, he also performed the duties of Secretary-Treasurer of the School Board. He was member of the I.O.O.F. and A.O.U.W. Societies and owns a handsome home on Queen Street.
Mr. Brown died at the home of his son-in-law, in Vancouver B.C., on Monday, March 25, 1918, in his 81st year.
J.C. Browne was born on Lot 5, Conc. 1, Reach Twp., the son of Alex Browne, who was one of the earliest settlers of the township. When about 16 years of age, J.C. Browne left the homestead and went to work on the farm of Mr. Howden, staying for a few years, then moving to Port Perry in 1883. About this time the Whitby/Manilla Railway was being constructed and Mr. Browne became foreman of the construction gang on a part of the line.
The following year he began business as an implement agent with his office and shop in the building beside the grain elevator, at the foot of Queen St. Mr. Browne represented the Massey-Harris Co., and repaired all other makes of farm implements used in the community. He retired as a Massey-Harris dealer in Nov. 1917, after 35 years in business.
His chief interests outside his actual business were found in the Agricultural Society. He was a very active director and served as Treasurer of the Society from the time it was organized.He was also keenly involved in the Masonic Lodge, the organization which became the centre of his social life.
J.C. Browne passed away on March 12, 1931 at 81 years of age. He was married to Elizabeth J. (Graham), of Scugog Island (a sister of Thomas Graham). His wife predeceased him many years earlier. Two children survive, Orr C. Browne and Mrs. S.R. Stephens.
Funeral services were held at St. John's Presbyterian Church. Fidelity Lodge, A.F.& A.M conducted the Masonic ceremonies beside the grave at Pine Grove Cemetery.
Stewart Bruce occupied a prominent place in the foremost ranks of our country's present and future hope. He took a leading part in every movement likely to benefit the community.
Agricultural pursuits were his choice and he identified himself with every scheme tending to benefit the agriculturist He was a strong supporter of agriculture societies and one of the originators and promoters of the Central Fair Association that gave Port Perry such prominence for its great fairs.
He stood deservedly high in the estimation of his fellow townsmen and served in the municipal council for a number of years. He moved his hardware business from Cannington to Port Perry in 1893, which was later taken over by his son R.J. Bruce.
As a husband, a father, a friends and a neighbour his loss will be felt. He leaves his wife of many years and four sons, Albert, Dr. Herbert, Mr. R.J. and Rupert.
Mr. Stewart, who was 75 years of age, passed away on March 20, 1912, at 75 years of age. His funeral took place at the family residence on Queen St., at the corner of Ella St., with a procession to Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. His wife Isabella, passed away Wednesday, May 14, 1913 in her 76th year.
Robert Bruce was a native of Cartwright Township where he learned the art of storekeeping. His first business experience took place in Cannington where he bought a store and ran it for some time.
In 1893 Mr. Bruce moved to Port Perry and operated a store in the old Hiscox Block, beside the Sebert House hotel. Two years later he erected a two storey building, 28x75' on the north side of Queen St. just east of the Bank of Commerce building.
Mr. Bruce carried on a general hardware business, including the selling of stoves, furnaces, bindertwine, wallpaper and tinware, and the business was in every way a very prosperous one. His store enjoyed a large country and town trade in eavestroughing and in metallic roofing and ceiling supplies, and he sold paint supplies.
Mr. Bruce served on the town council for two years and was on the board when the municipal water and light systems were inaugurated. He also served on the water and light commission. He is a prominent Mason, Workman, Oddfellow and Independent Forester. He resides in a comfortable home on Mary Street.
In June 1906 he sold his extensive hardware business to Mr. A. J. Carnegie.

Lieutenant Governor Of Ontario
Herbert Alexander Bruce was born in September 1868, on the family farm two miles south west of Blackstock, the son of Stewart and Isabella (Morrow) Bruce.
In 1873 when he was five years old, his parents moved to a farm which they bought east of Prince Albert, on the southern edge of Port Perry. This allowed the Bruce children to have access to the only high school in the area, Port Perry High School. Herbert Bruce graduated from PPHS in May 1884 at the age of 15, but being too young to enter medical school, he became an apprentice to S.E. Allison, a Port Perry druggist.
He graduated from the Toronto School of Medicine in 1892 and began his practice in medicine. His practice became so large, he founded a private hospital near the corner of Wellesley and Sherbourne Sts., and named it the Wellesley Hospital. He operated the hospital until his retirement in 1948, when he made a gift of it to the people of Toronto, as a public hospital.
During World War I, Dr. Bruce became the Inspector General of the Canadian Medical Forces and was appointed the Consulting Surgeon to the British Armies in France.
In 1919 he married an English girl, Angela Hall, and the couple had one son, Herbert Maxwell, who was born in Feb. 1920.
After the war, Dr. Bruce resumed his duties as head of his Wellesley Hospital and in October 1932 was appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario. In 1940, when he was 70 years old, he was elected as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Parkdale, Toronto. He made is mark on Ottawa in his first speech by calling for the resignation of then Prime Minister, Mackenzie King.
During his years as one of the top physicians and politicians in Ontario, Dr. Bruce never forgot his Port Perry roots. He made frequent visits back to his hometown, and took part in the Centenary Celebration of Cartwright in 1934, and took part in the dedication of the new Memorial Library in Port Perry in 1937.
Dr. Herbert A. Bruce passed away at his home on Douglas Drive, in Rosedale, Toronto on Sunday, June 23, 1963 at the age of 94 years.

Leonard Burnett came to Canada from Yorkshire England in 1846, and settled with his family in the vicinity of Pickering. His father died shortly after reaching Canada, so the young Burnett was forced to fend for himself with his own resources, and later that experience was used to help boys in a similar position.
Mr. Burnett was heavily involved with the marked progress of Ontario County. For many years, he and Peter Christie (always good friends) were the recognized leaders of the Grits and Tories of the township; and each man giving splendid service as school trustees, councillors, etc.
He first entered public life in 1877 when he was elected to council in Reach Twp. where he served as a councillor for many years. In 1894 he was honoured by being elected Reeve of the township. He was also elected Honourary President of Port Perry's Great Syndicate Fair when it was formed in 1900.
In 1896 under the Laurier Government, Mr. Burnett became M.P. for South Ontario, but did not seek re-election in 1900 when William Ross succeeded him. Peter Christie in turn was elected to the post in 1904.
About this time, Mr. Burnett represented the Canadian Emigration Dept. at York, England and until 1912 was very involved with the great British immigration to Canada.
After retiring, he married Miss Linda Putman, of Ottawa, and moved to his new residence in Toronto. A life-long Baptist, he was long a main-stay in the cause at Port Perry and in Toronto.
Leonard Burnett passed away on August 21, 1932, in his 88th year. His funeral was attended by a large gathering at his home at 5 Delaware Ave., Toronto, with dignitaries, friends and political contemporaries present. He was interred at Pine Grove Cemetery on Aug. 24, 1932. The memory of Leonard Burnett will always be cherished.
Harris Burnham served as a trustee for the Port Perry Grammar and Common School in the 1860s and on the building committee to construct a new Church of England in Port Perry.
In 1871, the County appointed him returning officer for the first election after Port Perry was incorporated as a village.
Harris Burnham passed away in 1890. His wife Mary, died in Port Perry on Friday, Oct. 11, 1918 at 83 years of age. The Burnhams had three children, J.B. Burnham, Zacheus Burnham and Grace Pentland.

John Burnham was born in Whitby in 1849, the eldest son of Judge Zacheus Burnham. He was educated at Upper Canada College and Trinity College, where he received his degree. At the time of the Fenian Raids, he was a member of the Upper Canada Rifles.
Mr. Burnham was Clerk of the Division Court when he moved to Port Perry at 22 years of age, and he held this office until the time of his death, a period of 58 years.
About ten years after his arrival, in January 1881, he was appointed postmaster for the village of Port Perry, following the resignation of Henry Gordon. Mr. Burnham served in his position of postmaster for a total of 45 years, and in all that time never missed a day from duty through illness, and rarely if ever, away from business for any other reason.
Mr. Burnham was one of the most highly respected citizens of Port Perry. In his two important offices he learned to know the people of the neighbourhood thoroughly, and his long tenure of office showed how much his ability and integrity were appreciated. He was a man of simple and regular habits, fond of his daily walk, and his interests centred around his home and family.
Mr. Burnham was married to Marion Hart in 1875, and the couple raised six children at their palatial John St. home.
J.W. Burnham passed away in Port Perry on Sunday, Sept. 23, 1928 in his 80th year. His wife Marion died on Sunday, March 3, 1940, at 90 years of age.
Zaccheus Burnham was born in the County of Northumberland on March 31, 1819. He received his literary education at the Cobourg Grammar School; studied law with his elder brother in Peterborough and finished legal studies in Toronto.
He began practicing law in Whitby in 1843 and by 1852 had been appointed junior judge for the counties of Peel, York and Ontario. In 1854 when Ontario County was formed he was appointed County Judge, a position he held for 42 years.
In 1848 he married Sarah Borlase (Warren) and they had one son, John Warren Burnham, who became Clerk of the Court at Port Perry. John Burnham served as Court Clerk for 58 years and was also postmaster in Port Perry for 45 years.
Judge Burnham's wife, Sarah, died in 1856. Fourteen years later, he married Sarah's sister, Helena, with whom he had two children.
Judge Burnham died at his residence on Sunday, Nov. 15, 1896., at 79 years of age. The news of his death spread through the town and county with deep and widespread regret. Flags were flown at half mast from the Courthouse and other public building.
His funeral was an event of County importance. It was conducted in the quiet manner in which the deceased judge had lived, but the pioneer public men from every part of the county were there.

James Carnegie was born in Scotland, June 2, 1843 and travelled to Canada when he was a young man 22 years of age. He was the only one of the family to follow in this father's footsteps as a miller, although he came from a milling family.
His first business enterprise was in Reach Twp., where he conducted a flour mill west of Manchester. After selling the mill, he went to Raglan where he owned and operated flour and saw mills, and a farm of 50 acres. He remained at Raglan for 11 years, during which time he gained his first experience in municipal affairs in the township council.
In 1871 he was married to Louise Fincham, at the old St. Andrews Church, Toronto.
In April 1888, Mr. Carnegie, having sold his property in Raglan, came to Port Perry and purchased the flour mills from the Ontario Bank. He carried on this business for almost 20 years. His flouring mills and planning mills were totally destroyed by a fire in June 1902, but undeterred he began to rebuild immediately and was in full operation only six months later. In 1907 he sold the entire business to his sons, David and Arthur J.
He was well known through the County, having taken an active part in public affairs. He served for a number of years on Port Perry council, and was Reeve for three terms. In 1899 he served as Warden of the County of Ontario in 1899. He was elected unanimously to the House of Assembly for the Liberals of South Ontario in 1907.
Good judgement and industry assured to Mr. Carnegie the success he achieved in his business ventures and the lumber mills in Port Perry will always be associated with his name. In 1891 he purchased the Union Flouring Mills and successfully operated it until June 1902 when it was destroyed by fire. He rebuilt and was in operation in less than a year and successfully ran it until 1907, when he sold it to his sons.
After retirement from business, Mr. Carnegie took up lawn bowling for his recreation. He was Honorary President of the Central Lawn Bowling League. In 1913 he purchased a lot just west of the lawn bowling green on Queen St., and built a handsome brick house.
He was a member of Fidelity Lodge, Port Perry and also a Shriner.
Mr. James Carnegie, was a resident of Port Perry for over 30 years died at his home on Tues., Oct. 4, 1921, in his 79th year. His wife Louise, and his ten children, six sons and four daughter, all survived him.
His funeral took place on Thursday and deceased was buried with full Masonic honors at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert.

Samuel T. Cawker was born in Devonshire, England, in 1843, the son of John and Elizabeth Cawker. He came to Canada with his parents when he was just seven years old, and the family settled in Bowmanville, establishing a butcher business.
Mr. Cawker moved to Port Perry in 1869 and opened his butcher store, becoming one of the town's first businessmen. During the 1880s he operated his meat stall from the Market Building and would close for part of the year to run a beef cart, with first-class meat, door to door in the town. After the fire of 1884, his sons John and Alymer, joined him in business, operating successfully until 1918 when S.T. Cawker retired to his home in Borelia, and the business was sold to Ralph Fitchett of Manchester.
Mr. Cawker was a keen student of markets and kept thoroughly posted upon all public matters. A man of thoroughly dependable character, he stuck by his principles, often to his own financial loss. He was of a retiring nature, and did not fill any public office; but as a kindly neighbour and good citizen, he will long be remembered by his many friends and acquaintances.
Mr. Cawker was married to Mary Hannah Thorndyke, on March 7, 1866, in Bowmanville, from which eight children were born: Lillian J., Samuel John, Bertha Frances, William Weston, Florence Nora, Alymer Bolton, George Oscar and Chas. Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. Cawker celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in 1931.
S.T. Cawker, who was a highly respected citizen, passed away at Port Perry on Thursday, Dec. 15, 1938. He had retained his faculties until the day of his death. His wife, Mary passed away on May 25, 1934 at the age of 84 years. She had lived in Port Perry for 64 years.
Duncan Christie occupied a prominent place in the foremost ranks of Ontario County's future. He took a forward and leading part in every movement likely to benefit the community.
Agricultural pursuits were his choice and he was one of the chief promoters and originators of the Agricultural Society, acting as its secretary for many years. He was regarded as a valuable member of community and held some of the most important positions in the municipality. In the church and school he proved of much importance.
After a residence of 30 years in the locality, he leaves it vastly better than he found it and his thrift and industry have secured for his family a generous portion of this world's goods. He passed away on Tuesday, April 10, 1883, at 58 years of age.

Reach Twp. lost one of its pioneers in the death of Peter Christie, who had been in failing health for some time. Lovingly spoken of as "Peter" by all who knew him, there was no more esteemed citizen in the County.
Peter Christie was the son of John and Jean (McLaren) Christie, who came to Canada in 1845 and settled on the 6th concession of Reach. He was born Oct. 30, 1846 in a log cabin on the 7th conc. Later the family moved to a farm west of Epsom, where at the local school he received his early education.
A well-to-do farmer, Mr. Christie owned several farms, but resided in his residence on Dundreenan Farm, south of the village of Manchester.
Mr. Christie's public service was varied; it covered many years and was much appreciated because of his good judgement and unfailing kindness. In 1876 he entered Reach Council and was identified with public affairs for 30 years, holding every office of the people. As a young man he entered the municipal council, where he served as reeve for eight years, from 1879-1883 and again from 1897-1899, and was honoured by election to the office of Warden of Ontario County in 1881. In 1904 he was the Conservative standard bearer in South Ontario and represented that riding for four years in the Federal Parliament.
He was a director of the Maple Leaf Insurance Co. from 1895 to 1931. Two prominent Agricultural Assoc. honoured him be electing him as their President. - The Guelph Winter Fair and the Clydesdale Breeders' Assoc. He was also a member of the Stallion Enrollment Board.
It was in the field of agriculture that Mr. Christie's most effective service was rendered. His knowledge of farming and livestock was recognized in many ways, and his farm became noted as the home of thoroughbred stock.
His loyal support was always given the Breadalbane Presbyterian Church at Utica. His father, John Christie, was largely responsible for the building of that church.
In 1879 Mr. Christie married Mary Honor (Graham), who predeceased him on Sat., Jan. 12, 1924. He is survived by three sons, Grant and Fred at home, and Prof. Graham Christie of the Agricultural Dept. of John Hopkins University, Baltimore.
Peter Christie passed away at his home on Dundrennan Farm, Manchester, on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1933, in his 88th year.
Peter Christie was one of those noble pioneers to whom everyone referred to with pride and respect. He was born and raised to manhood in Scotland, then left his native land in 1831 to come to Canada. He settled in Reach Twp., near the village of Manchester, where he resided for 51 years, until the time of his death.
Peter Christie passed away at his home on Saturday, Aug. 26, 1882, at the age of 82 years. His wife predeceased him by 25 years, and he left four sons and six daughters to mourn his loss. His funeral was attended by a very large number of friends and relatives, and he was laid to rest at the Presbyterian burial ground, Utica.

Mr. Samuel Christian, throughout the 1860s and 1870s, was a leading community figure, noted for his public spirit. He was a leader in mercantile pursuits, at Manchester, the business centre of the township of Reach at this time.
He was also extensively engaged in the purchase of grain, and his expertise was often called on to judge the commodity anywhere it was to be found. His popularity as a buyer made him famous across the county. His success as a business man and grain buyer was phenomenal up to the time of the great slump in the price of barley during the 1880s.
He is said to have been possessed with far more than ordinary ability, and he was public spirited and generous to a fault. His popularity was almost unbounded and any attempts to enter into public life were rewarded with election. He served as Reach Twp. Reeve in 1886
Mr. Christian was a loving and devoted husband, and indulgent father and a true friend. His wife predeceased him by 23 years. He passed away in Toronto on Friday, October 25, 1907 in his 64th year, leaving one son, Arthur Christian, of Whitby. His remains were interred at Pine Grove Cemetery.
Thomas Courtice, one of the community's best loved and esteemed residents, passed away in Port Perry on Friday, March 1, 1901, at the age of 71 years.
Mr. Courtice started in the leather and saddlery business in 1854 at Prince Albert, and in 1860 joined forces with John Rolph in the manufacturing of harness products. With the arrival of the railway in Port Perry, Mr. Courtice moved to his new building near the corner of Queen and Perry St. in 1874, to open his new harness shop. Unfortunately, like so many other Port Perry businesses, the Courtice Block was destroyed in the fire of 1884.
Mr. Courtice's business was a success from the start, catering to needs that were widespread in the community. In 1887, he formed a partnership with Mr. Samuel Jeffrey, and they successfully carried on with their business, Courtice and Jeffrey Harness Shop, until his death.
In 1869 he served as treasurer of the Prince Albert Public Hall Joint Stock Co., and while a resident of Port Perry served on the town council. He was also a devoted Christian, who for a time was the local preacher in Prince Albert, and also served as the Sabbath School Superintendent.
As a tribute to this pioneer resident, the businesses of Port Perry closed during the afternoon of his funeral to pay respect, as he was laid to rest in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Left to mourn him was his wife, Annie (Cory), who died on Feb. 8, 1913 in Port Perry.
Benjamin Crandell was born in 1825, the first white child in the Township of Reach, and the son of Reuben and Catherine Crandell.
His beloved wife, Annie (Cook) Crandell, was born 1829 and died on Nov. 11, 1912 at 82 years of age. They had one son, Wallace Reuben.
It was Benjamin who sold to the village of Port Perry, a beautiful lot at the corner of Queen and Simcoe St., on which the municipality built the new Town Hall, in 1873.
Benjamin Crandell passed away in 1886.
Mr. Crandell was the fourth son of the late Reuben and Catherine Crandell, the first white settlers in the Township of Reach, in the year 1821.
One of Port Perry's oldest residents at the time of his death, he was the most extensive property holder in the town. He had been retired for about 40 years when he passed away, and had lived in one of the most commodious homes in the town.
Caleb Crandell was for many years a member of the village council, and was always an enterprising and respected citizen. He was one of the Charter Members of Warriner Lodge, No. 74, Independent Order of Oddfellows.
Caleb Crandell was born July 14, 1830, passed away on Jan. 8, 1907 and was interred at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert with all the honors of the Oddfellows Lodge. He left behind his widow.

George Crandell was born in Reach Twp. in 1828. He wasthe second son of Reuben and Catherine Crandell, the first white settlers in the township.
By the time he was 18 years old, he began showing interest in boats, and in 1845 helped his father build the Firefly, a crude packet which was propelled by oars and sails. This experience whet his appetite for shipping and when he heard of plans to build a large steamship, the Woodman, at Port Perry, he was hired to help in its construction, and later became a member of its crew when it was launched in 1850. He built and launched his first boat, the Lady Ida in 1861.
George Crandell was married to Henrietta (Hopper) while still living in Port Perry, and they raised five children, Gertrude, Arthur, G.A., Marjorie and Hilda. In 1866 he moved his family to Lindsay, which had become a more strategic centre for shipping than Port Perry, and here they lived for the remainder of his life.
By 1869 the ambitious young Crandell had built four steamships, and was owner and operator of the largest and busiest fleet of ship in the Central Lakes. His crowning achievement came in 1891 with the launching of the Crandella, the largest passenger carrying steamship in the Kawarthas.
Capt. Crandell was described as one of the most rugged and active persons the area had every known. His passion was steamboating, and he indulged in it with so much enthusiasm, he was credited for much of the development of navigation in the area.
He was considered one of the most forceful, persistent and picturesque figures in Lindsay's municipal history, serving over 30 years on the local council. He loved his adopted town and each winter, when not busy with his steamships, he constructed homes. During his lifetime in the town, he built close to 100 houses.
Towards the close of the 1901 Capt. George Crandell retired, almost 50 years after the his maiden voyage on the Woodman. Including his early days aboard sail and oar powered vessels, he had spent 57 years of service on Lake Scugog and the Kawarthas.
George Crandell died on Friday, January 21, 1904, while out shoveling snow in front of his home. He was 76 years of age. The entire town mourned his passing as he was laid to rest at Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay.
Reuben Crandell was born in Saratoga County, York State, in 1797, and when he was only four-years old his father died. At nine years of age, he moved with his mother and stepfather to Canada, settling near the Bay of Quinte.
Mr. Crandell married Catherine Moore in 1820, while living in Haldimand County, and their first child, Elmore, was born a year later. That same year, he set out with his young family and a team of oxen to blaze his way to the recently established Township of Reach.
He made his way Lake Scugog and settled on 200 acres of land he chose to farm near Manchester. Only seven months after their arrival, Catherine gave birth to Lucy Ann, the first white child to be born in the township. One year later, Benjamin became the first white male child born in the Crandell's crude log cabin.
Over the next 15 years, the ringing of Crandell's axe was a constant sound, as he cleared some 105 acres of his original purchase, before selling it to Alexander and Frederick Graham, of Scotland. In 1832, he purchased another 200 acres, at $1 per acre, north east of his original homestead.
Once again Crandell set to work clearing the land at his new location and built a home for his growing family. The original home, which was also used as a hotel, was destroyed by fire in 1843. He built another home, on the north side of Queen St., near the 6th concession, and there he lived with his family until his death.
The village which arose around the immediate settlement of Mr. Crandell's land, near the corner of Queen St. and Old Simcoe Road, for many years bore the name of Crandell's Corners, but around 1870 it was changed to Borelia.
Reuben Crandell, aged 77 years, died on October 8, 1874. He had 12 children in total, seven sons and five daughters, all of whom, with the exception of one daughter, survived him. His wife, Catherine, 71, pre-deceased him in August 1870.
A funeral was held for Reach Township's first white settler on Sunday, Oct. 11 with a large and highly respectable procession marching from the late residence of the deceased to the Church of Ascension, Port Perry.
Reuben Crandell Jr. died in Port Perry on Saturday, Oct. 7, 1922, at 90 years of age. He was the last of seven sons of Reach Township's first white settler, Reuben Crandell, who had settled in the township in 1821.
The junior Crandell was clever at writing his experiences in verse and entertained his friends with his poems on many occasion. He was never involved in holding office.
At the time of his Reuben Jr.'s death, only two of his sisters were still living, Mrs. Stewart of Port Perry and Mrs. Buck of San Francisco.
As a mark of respect for the Reuben Crandell Jr., the town bell was tolled at the time of his funeral.
The Township of Scugog sustained a severe loss on April 21, 1937 when one of its foremost citizen, Wesley Crozier passed away in his 76th year.
Mr. Crozier was born Sept. 25, 1861, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Crozier, and his early years were spent in the Township of Cartwright. In 1891 he moved with his family to Scugog where remained until his death.
Mr. Crozier entered into municipal affairs, filling most capably, the positions of councillor and Reeve. Subsequently he became the township's tax collector, an office he held for 30 years. He had always shown concern for the moral and social condition of the municipality he served, and many lives were enriched by his unselfish friendship.
In 1903 he married Emma Milner, who survives to mourn her late husband.
A large gathering assembled for his funeral at the family residence, to pay their last tribute of esteem to one who played a most important part in the welfare of the community in which he lived. Floral tributes from the Fidelity Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Port Perry of which the deceased was a member. He was laid to rest at Pine Grove Cemetery.
George Currie was born in Scarborough Township on Aug. 21, 1821, the sixth child of John and Hannah (Lockey) Currie, of Scotland. In 1844, as a young man of 23-years old, he moved to Prince Albert from Oshawa to open a grain buying business. At the same time, he and his brother Mark opened a general merchandising business consisting of dry goods, liquors, wines and children's wear in the same village.
Mr. Currie was married to Sarah Ann (Cronk) on Dec. 3, 1845, and they raised a family of six children: John, Catherine, Luther, Sarah, Hannah and George Jr. All children were born at Prince Albert, Ont. between 1846 and 1862.
Throughout the 1850s, the Curries became one of the principal grain purchasing businesses in the area, and it was during this time that George tried out his hand a politics. In 1857 he was elected Reeve of Reach Township. He later held the position of treasurer of the Township for a number of years, before moving to Port Perry.
The Currie brothers dissolved their partnership as general merchants in September 1861 with George continuing the business. During the 1860s, he formed another partnership with Aaron Ross becoming one of the largest grain companies in the county, as well as respected clothing, hardware and grocery merchants.
During the early 1870s, business began to trickle out of Prince Albert and George Currie, realizing that the tide of business was on the move, purchased a property on the north-east corner of Queen & Perry St. In 1872, he constructed an attractive two-storey brick building into which he moved his new business.
During the summer of 1873 he began construction of his most notable building, the large grain elevator located near the railway station at Port Perry's lakefront.
Mr. Currie tried his hand at provincial politics in July 1876, running as a candidate for North Ontario County, but losing his bid to W.H. Gibbs of Whitby.
George Currie sold his interests in Currie's Elevator to Aaron Ross towards the end of the 1870s, and retired from business. Sometime later, George and Sarah Currie moved to Montana with their youngest son George Jr., where they purchased and lived on a ranch until the death of Mrs. Currie on May 9, 1891. Mr. Currie returned to Toronto as some point to spend the remainder of his life at the home of his daughter and son-in-law.
The Currie's daughter, Sarah, was married to noted lawyer Norman F. Paterson, who had practiced in Port Perry for about 18 years, as well as held the position of village Clerk.
George Currie was 81 years of age when he passed away in Toronto, on Saturday, October 4, 1902, at the residence of Sarah and N.F. Paterson.
Mark Currie was born in the Township of Scarborough on Sept. 30, 1823, the son of John and Hannah Currie. The family left Scotland in 1818, settling in New York for about one year before moving northward to Canada. They settled in Toronto, then known as Little York, but after the death of his father in 1830, the family moved to Whitby.
Mark Currie entered into carriage building in Oshawa and operated a successful and respected enterprise for about ten years. He retired and moved to Prince Albert, where he entered into the mercantile business with his brother George. In September 1861, the brothers dissolved their partnership, with Mark taking the business into his own hands, and later becoming a partner with his son-in-law Mr. J.H. Brown.
When he was about 50 years old, Mr. Currie retired from business and moved to Port Perry, where he built a fine new residence in 1873. In Port Perry he became a active member of town council for a number of years, served on the Board of Education and became chief engineer of the Fire Brigade.
Mark Currie passed away in Port Perry on Feb. 23, 1882, at 58 years of age. He was a loving husband, affectionate father and a useful member of society. He left behind his wife Agnes (Dickie), son William and one daughter. He was interred at Pine Grove Cemetery.
William M. Currie was born in November 1850, the son of one of Prince Albert's' early pioneers, Mark Currie.
W.M. Currie worked for the Dominion Bank as a young man, and in 1877 entered into business with the late J.H. Brown in the dry goods business, operating until 1883 when the partnership was dissolved.
His next venture was in connection with the local electric light plant which he owned and provided electric lights for the town. When he retired from business in 1910, he sold the powerhouse to the municipality.
One of the town's early settlers, he was actively identified with Port Perry for a great many years. Politically he was a staunch Liberal, and a Presbyterian by faith. He also served on town council
William Mark Currie passed away at the Port Perry Hospital on April 18, 1924 in his 74th year. His wife, Christina Victoria (McGill) predeceased him July 7, 1900. He was survived by his only son William Currie, of Hamilton. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery.

J.W. Curts was born in West York in 1847, and spent his early years on the family farm. At 17 years of age he married Frances Lewis and afterward left home to run a grocery store in Toronto. He later moved on to Whitby.
Mr. Curts came to Port Perry in 1875 as an employee of the Port Perry & Port Whitby Railway, first as baggage handler and freight checker, and later he became the railway's agent. About 1889 he went into the produce business with C.R. Henderson. He erected two refrigerated warehouses capable of holding up to 25,000 dozen eggs. The largest of these burned with its contents in November 1892.
The business prospered for a number of years, as Mr. Curts sent two teams out on the road gathering eggs and butter. In later years he busied himself with his farm located at the west end of the Scugog Bridge.
In addition to the two warehouses he erected, he built two fine brick houses, one at the west side of the Scugog Bridge, and the other on the corner of Water and Mary St.
Mr. Curts was actively interest in public affairs, holding positions on council and was elected Reeve in 1895. He also served as a member of the Board of Education. He was a veteran of the Fenian Raid and while in Toronto was a member of the Queen's Own Rifles.
Mr. Curts died at 74 years of age, on Thursday, Feb. 17, 1921. His wife, Melinda May Abbot, two sisters and a half brother survived him. Melinda Curts passed away in Port Perry on Friday, March 31, 1933, at 67 years of age.